Freshman Academy Freshman students will be housed on the first floor : They will have 4 core classes: English 1: Regular, Accelerated, Honors Math: FOMD, Algebra 1, Geometry Accelerated Science: Integrated Science or Accelerated Social Studies: Integrated SS or AP US Gov. They will have 2 elective classes outside of the Freshman Academy They have several supports: your teachers, Mrs. Burris, Mrs. Back, and 5 Principals
Our School Day 7:40-2:30 Schedule: Bus entrance and exit through gym doors. All others enter and exit through main front doors. Schedule: 1st period 7:40-8:33 2nd period 8:38-9:31 3rd period 9:36-10:29 SKORE 10:34-10:59 (RTI, tutoring, rewards) 4th period 11:04-12:34 5th period 12:39-1:32 6th period 1:37-2:30 There are 5 minutes between bells. Go to their locker 4 times a day: before school, before 4th block after 4th block, and after school. Our School Day
Why is freshman year important? Students make a commitment to graduate. GPA - Freshman year grades count as ¼ of overall GPA – Need 2.0 GPA to apply to college and 3.5 for scholarships ACT – Need a composite score of 20 to apply to college Credits – Need 23/24 credits to graduate. Must pass a class to earn credit KEES money: GPA Amount 2.50 $125 2.60 150 2.70 175 2.75 187 2.80 200 2.90 225 3.00 250 3.10 275 3.20 300 3.25 312 3.30 325 3.40 350 3.50 375 3.60 400 3.70 425 3.75 437 3.80 450 3.90 475 4.00 500
Tips for Parents Communicate with your child’s teacher via email or phone. Be sure to give your e-mail address to teachers: E-mail distribution list with weekly updates. Expect books to be taken home most nights. Students will have homework nearly every night. Make sure you child has the supplies needed: agenda, folder for each class, pencils/pens, Ti calculator 30X scientific calculator, graph paper, binder with dividers. Check Infinite Campus parent portal for grades regularly. Have students plug cell phones in a general area and use an alarm clock.
Assessments CERT Assessment – September, December & March in the areas of English, Math, Reading, and Science MAP Assessment – We use students’ MAP scores from the middle school to place in appropriate classes your freshman year
Accelerated Freshman Courses Geometry – Students must earn a 60% or better in their 8th grade high school Algebra class and it is SK’s recommendation if you have received below a 78% to retake Algebra I as a freshman. English 1 Accelerated – Students must have a 90% or better in 8th grade Language Arts and have teacher recommendation. English 1 Honors – Students who qualify for Prep and Prep Plus will be put in this class unless parent does not give consent. Integrated Science Accelerated – Students must have a 90% in 8th grade science and teacher recommendation. AP US Government & Politics – Students must have a 90% or higher in 8th grade Social Studies, MAP Reading score of 230 or higher, and/or teacher recommendation. Foreign Language Accelerated – Students must have 90% or better in 8th grade Language Arts.
KY Pre-College Curriculum English 4 Credits Math 4 Credits Science 3 Credits Social Studies 3 Credits Health ½ Credit Physical Education ½ Credit Humanities 1 Credit Foreign Language 1 Credit Electives 5 Credits TOTAL CREDITS = 23/24
Credits, Grade Promotion & Sports Eligibility One Credit Is Earned For Each Class That Is Passed Students Must Earn 5 Credits AND Pass Their Core Content Classes To Be Promoted Credits Necessary For Grade Promotion Or Participation In Sports: Ninth To Tenth – 5 credits Tenth To Eleventh – 11 credits Eleventh To Twelfth – 17 credits For Graduation – 23 credits Throughout The Year Students Must Be Passing 4of 6 Classes To Remain Eligible For Sports
DIPLOMAS Diploma Opportunities: Standard Diploma: General Simon Kenton Diploma Honors Diploma: Recognizes a more advanced set of requirements has been met to better prepare students for the work world. Requires the completion of accelerated and/or advanced placement classes to better prepare students for college. * Students who are planning on attending college are required to have at least two years of a foreign language.
Kenton County Academies Biomedical Sciences Academy Sustainable Energy Technology Engineering Academy High Performance Production Technology Academy Engineering Academy Media Arts Academy Informatics Academy
Accepted into the Academies? Ms. Back and Ms. Burris will go to the middle schools to schedule these students. Twenhofel on March 24th Summit View Academy on March 29th
Ways High School Students Can Earn College Credit Option 1: Dual Credit through Early Admission (NKU and Thomas More) Eligible high school students are admitted to a post-secondary institution and take college classes for college credit. This course may also count for high school credit. There is an additional application process for students to enter as college freshman. (See page 7 for details) Option 2: Dual Credit (Area Technical College (ATC) Schools only, through Gateway) ATC students are taught by an ATC instructor at an ATC in a course approved by the Gateway Provost. Students can earn Gateway credit if grade requirements are met for the equivalent Gateway course. (See page 7 for details) Option 3: Articulated Credit Articulated Credit is by definition a pre-determined agreement between a high school and a post-secondary institution. College credit is generally awarded after high school graduation when the student meets admission criteria and/or other standards outlined within the specific agreement. Option 4: Advanced Placement Students can enroll in AP courses, designed by College Board. Post-secondary institutions MAY award college credit if students receive a 3 or higher (out of a possible 5) on AP exams. Option 5: College Level Examination Program (CLEP) A national program of credit-by-examination is sponsored by the College Entrance Examination Board. This option is for students to test out of college courses based on extensive acquired knowledge. Check with our post-secondary institution for further information and availability.
The complete Simon Kenton Course Guide can be found Scheduling Classes Blue Course Request Sheet with Instructions The complete Simon Kenton Course Guide can be found on our website at:
Infinite Campus Portal Opens PORTAL OPENS: Monday, March 13th Infinite Campus Portal Opens
PORTAL CLOSES: Friday, March 24th Portal Closes
Students can request an AP course or ACC course. Requested Courses: The Guidance Office will enter in all students English, Science, Social Studies, Math, PE, and Health Courses. Students can request an AP course or ACC course. Students will need to request 1 credit worth of electives.
Click on REQUEST THIS COURSE to add to Requested Courses
Alternate Courses: Students need to choose 2 credits worth of alternative classes, in case first choices are unavailable.
Freshman Orientation Day! August ??, 2017 A Day Filled With Fun Pioneer Mentors will lead freshmen in: -Discussing the expectations in high school Visiting their classes during a tour of the school. Dress code fashion show Activity Fair of clubs and sports In addition, students will: Have the opportunity to meet their teachers Have any questions they may have answered
Still have questions??? Email: and