Adrian Fabich HiRadMat Technical Board CERN, 15th Sep 2016 HiRadMat - Status Adrian Fabich HiRadMat Technical Board CERN, 15th Sep 2016
Outline Recap of 2016 HRM User Day Examples of experiments HRM User Day Installations/changes during to YETS16/17 Situation 2017 15/9/2016 A. Fabich
Status of all experiments Submissions since 2014 Another 9 experiments from 1st run in 2012 15/9/2016 A. Fabich
Limited pulse intensity since April 2016 Vacuum leak in SPS internal dump Leak rate related to beam deposition In view of LHC priority Keep minimum risk from other SPS beams (FT, HRM) HRM beam limited to a few ten bunches/pulse E.g. no experiments with 50% of maximum intensity or higher Excludes TCDI, RotColl, TDIcoat … Still feasible in 2016: BTV2, ESScoat, dBM … Spare is refurbished and ready for urgent intervention (not planned) Shutdown 2016/17: new dump will be installed Intensity limitations for 2017 are currently evaluated 15/9/2016 A. Fabich
HiRadMat tests in 2016 HRMT28-TCDI collimator test (Graphite and C-C) Approved waiting for beam HRMT20-MicOpt Optical microphone as BLM Approved, follow-up from 2015 Parallel mode with TDCI Ready for beam HRMT19-BLM2 Testing new BLM developments Beam time with TDCI HRMT21-RotColl Rotating collimator developed at SLAC Previously tested in SPS ring In preparation HRMTxx-BTV Testing BTV materials To be approved Follow-up from 2015 completed HRMTxx-SextSC Original proposal of testing cold coils approved In 2016 a pre-test of at ambient temperature is envisaged – to be approved Preparing … HRMT17-dBM Diamond detectors Approved First HiRadMat tests with ions operational beams only HRMTxx-ESScoat Latest proposal by ESS/Oslo Preliminary discussions in the recent days TCDI, BLM2 MicOpt RotColl beam TDIcoat dBM beam SextSC beam BTV2 beam ESS-COAT backup Detailed experiment descriptions available on 15/9/2016 A. Fabich
15/9/2016 A. Fabich TCDI CRY2 FlexMat TDIcoat RotColl SextSC MultiMat Backup+ 15/9/2016 A. Fabich
USER DAY In the framework of the HiRadMat Scientific Board Follow-up the scientific achievements from former experiments Increase feed-back on facility implementation Discussing the needs/improvements for the future use Work shop at CERN, 28th June 2016 15/9/2016 A. Fabich
Agenda More than 50 participants Report summary EDMS 1709921 15/9/2016 A. Fabich
Technical wish list Hot cell for HRM users Potentially in collaboration with PSI Surface lab: full mock-up scenario of TNC/TT61+feed-throughs Also reduces working hours in tunnel Infrastructure for cryogenic experiments Beam monitoring 3 units of BPKG/BTV available to experiments Beam sigma measurement in the full range Performance to be established/documented Decouple HRM beam operation from LHC filling Upgrading the power converters of the extraction line Patch cabling TNC/TT61 (and fibre to HiRadMat control room) Develop/identify common instrumentation Decoupling the access to HRM from LHC filling does not justify the large costs needed. … 15/9/2016 A. Fabich
Support improvements The support from all CERN groups to the HiRadMat users is highly appreciated. Technical support for high-speed camera Trained person available or dedicated training Make sure that all beam monitoring is available and operational/logged. Simpler access/provision of beam logging data Improve registration for external users with full access to CERN (IT) infrastructure 15/9/2016 A. Fabich
Main activities until EYETS16/17 Evaluating possibilities for beam sigma measurement Preparing to test cryogenic elements Primarily using He dewars and a recuperation line Studying technical layout Investigating hazard/safety impact 15/9/2016 A. Fabich
Summary Limited HiRadMat performance in 2016 Still five experiments completed (mainly beam instrumentation) Full recovery expected from 2017 Facility improvements, as discussed during HiRadMat User Days, under detailed study/preparation 2017 will be crowded. No serious spare slot available. All information published/linked at 15/9/2016 A. Fabich
Agenda HiRadMat overview 4 new proposals (each 20+15 minutes): CRY2 TDIcoat FlexMat MultiMat HRM-TB reviewing in particular operational, safety and RP aspects of your experiment. Short overview of experimental layout (and latest updates). N.B.: The Board will have viewed your initial proposal submission. Operational aspects including a beam pulse list Safety: major safety aspects, a complete bill of materials, indication for use of special materials (toxic, flammable), handling procedures (before, during, after beam time), risk assessment Radiation protection: expected activation, efforts for minimizing the activation, minimizing personnel dose, handling procedures, final disposal (if applicable) Discussion/wrap-up 15/9/2016 A. Fabich
HRM facility layout and access surface lab Target area (TNC) TT61 HRM CR TI2 Access to HiRadMat Only without extraction to TCC6 (=TI2 and HRM) SPS can continue cycling. Since 2014: TT61 is used for placing DAQ equipment only 10 m from the impact centre Access coordinated with BE/OP, particularly in view of LHC operation Often stand-by for access during several days Great flexibility by RP and TRANSPORT (HE) is highly appreciated. 15/9/2016 A. Fabich
Access to V0-V7 V6 V0 BA7 HiRadMat ISR Muon pits of former WANF Exposed to muon beam in forward direction of HiRadMat target area Access to be restricted upon RP request Access to VO needed about twice a year for intervention by CV Skipping installation of full-fletched access control system (SPS) Padlocks with manual veto system like in the North Area Agreed by EN, BE and RP (EDMS 1578411) Installed by BE/ICS Manual veto held by EN/EA Installation completed, operational from 2016 ISR HiRadMat V0 V6 BA7 15/9/2016 A. Fabich
HiRadMat coordination HiRadMat structure Beam time application Experiments are recommended by the HiRadMat Scientific Board Scientific interest of the experiment, feasibility and post-irradiation analysis Expected results and publications to the interest of the scientific community Approval validated by the HiRadMat Technical Board Integration, operational and safety aspects, radiation protection and waste management So far we could assign beam time to all approved experiments If a scheduling difficulty arises, HRM coordination discusses with the experiments on scheduling flexibility consults with Scientific Board comparing the technical/scientific urgency of the experiments If no solution is found: Prepare recommendation/report to IEFC and/or ATSMB ATSMB HiRadMat coordination EATM, IEFC Operation Experiments feed-back? Beams BE/OP Scientific Board User proposals Facility EN/EA HSE/RP EN/HE Techn. Board Regular meetings for daily operation: Experimental Area management wiht CERN groups Users meeting (with video conferencing) 15/9/2016 A. Fabich
Adrian FABICH (scientific secretary) Beam physicist – EN/MEF group Stefano SGOBBA Materials Engineer – EN/MEF group Sebastien EVRARD Mechanical Engineer – EN/MEF group Stefano Redaelli Accelerator physicist - BE/ABP group Alfredo Ferrari Senior physicist - EN/STI group 15/9/2016 A. Fabich
BA6 safety chains 15/9/2016 A. Fabich