Font choice for poster text: For consistency with other School of Medicine communications, we recommend using the Source Sans or Open Sans font family, which can be downloaded for free at and Logo guidance: Primary logo: Generally, the only logo needed is the School of Medicine logo, which is shown above in the poster header. Partnerships with other Washington University entities or units: If your research is conducted collaboratively with or funded by another unit or entity at the university, mention that unit and its contribution in text underneath the title of your poster or in the footer. (See Example 1 on next slide.) Funding or support from, or collaboration with, outside agencies, partners or organizations: If support or funding has been provided by an entity outside of the university for the work represented in your poster, or if you have collaborated with one or more other institutions or non-commercial entities on the work, it is generally preferable to include a text acknowledgement of that funding source in the header or footer. You may include logo marks for other non-commercial entities who have sponsored or contributed to the work in the footer of your poster. A very brief description of the entity’s contribution or role may also accompany this. (See Example 2 on next slide.) Sizing of additional logo marks: The size of any additional logo added to your poster should be smaller than the mark for Washington University School of Medicine, your primary brand. (See Example 3 on next slide.) There are four templates to choose from on the following pages Use these swatches to incorporate the School of Medicine color palette
This space may instead be used for a Subtitle or listing authors, too. Poster title here set in Open Sans Semibold 48 pt but can adjust size to fit the length of the title, use shorter titles if possible Department of Name Here (or Division, etc.) Example 1 : Funding provided in part by Washington University’s Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences This space may instead be used for a Subtitle or listing authors, too. Example 2: This work was conducted in partnership with the University of Southern California and the University of Minnesota/Minnesota Health. OR Funding was provided in part by the Barnes-Jewish Hospital Foundation. Example 3: Funding provided by the American Physical Therapy Association’s xxxxxxxx Program. *Size of this logo is notably smaller than the primary Washington University logo in header. Outside entity logo, if needed*
This space may instead be used for a Subtitle or listing authors, too. Poster title here set in Open Sans Semibold 48 pt but can adjust size to fit the length of the title, use shorter titles if possible Department of Name Here (or Division, etc.) Example 1 : Funding provided in part by Washington University’s Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences This space may instead be used for a Subtitle or listing authors, too. Example 2: This work was conducted in partnership with the University of Southern California and the University of Minnesota/Minnesota Health. OR Funding was provided in part by the Barnes-Jewish Hospital Foundation. Example 3: Funding provided by the American Physical Therapy Association’s xxxxxxxx Program. *Size of this logo is notably smaller than the primary Washington University logo in header. Outside entity logo, if needed*
This space may instead be used for a Subtitle or listing authors, too. Poster title here set in Open Sans Semibold 48 pt but can adjust size to fit the length of the title, use shorter titles if possible Department of Name Here (or Division, etc.) Example 1 : Funding provided in part by Washington University’s Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences This space may instead be used for a Subtitle or listing authors, too. If less space is needed to refer to funding sources, a smaller area may be used for either Example 2 or 3. If no other funding source is needed to refer to, this area can be deleted too.
This space may instead be used for a Subtitle or listing authors, too. Poster title here set in Open Sans Semibold 48 pt but can adjust size to fit the length of the title, use shorter titles if possible Department of Name Here (or Division, etc.) Example 1 : Funding provided in part by Washington University’s Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences This space may instead be used for a Subtitle or listing authors, too. If less space is needed to refer to funding sources, a smaller area may be used for either Example 2 or 3. If no other funding source is needed to refer to, this area can be deleted too.