Monique Corral, Jonathan Vasquez & Julie Grair


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Presentation transcript:

Monique Corral, Jonathan Vasquez & Julie Grair Inspiring Growth and Development: New Courses and the Expansion of Counseling Services at Burbank Adult School Monique Corral, Jonathan Vasquez & Julie Grair

Presentation Outline Burbank Adult School: Overview “Accuplacer Preparation: ” New Course Background & Context Lessons Learned Resources Counseling: New Services Collaboration & New Partnerships Services Under Development Activity: Let’s Share! Q&A

Burbank Adult School: Overview Burbank Unified School District Burbank Adult School: Los Angeles Regional Adult Education Consortium (LARAEC) Facts (2015-2016): Adult School sites: 5 Total enrollment: 4,064 Program enrollment Student demographics

New Course… “Accuplacer Preparation:” Background & Context What is Accuplacer? College Board Facilitates evaluation & placement of college students in basic skills areas (Levin & Calcagno, 2008) Untimed, multiple choice, computer-adaptive & immediate results Why is providing preparation for Accuplacer important? Video: “LAVC Assessment” Underperformance & limited supports & preparation (Complete College America, 2011) Address student needs & gap in education pipeline for Adult Education students transitioning to postsecondary education

“Accuplacer Preparation:” Course Overview Course description (ASE): Prepare students for Accuplacer testing experience Course offerings: Summer 2016: Tuesdays, 6pm-9pm (6 weeks) Fall 2016 & Spring 2017: Saturdays, 9am-12pm (9 weeks) Course goals: What, how & why of tests: Computer-adaptive, multiple-choice & untimed Not pass or fail… results reflect skill levels Re-test policy Hands-on practice: Sample questions & tests! Pedagogy: Student-centered & instruction-based Placement

“Accuplacer Preparation:” Lessons Learned Student feedback: I learned… “how the Accuplacer works & how it’s different from the GED.” The class… “helped take away a lot of the unknown & anxiety of taking the tests & that’s half the battle.” Preparation material: Online GED books, Khan Academy & Aztec Collaboration & partnerships: Community College Outreach & Recruitment, Assessment Center On-site: Application workshop Test administration Student attendance Marketing: High schools

“Accuplacer Preparation:” Resources College Board (online): Resources from Community College Assessment Centers (online): Los Angeles Valley College: Los Angeles Mission College: Glendale Community College: Review sessions (community college) Khan Academy:

New Counseling Services Expansion of Services: Counseling office: Open 6 days/week (Monday-Saturday) Hired additional counselor: Wednesday-Saturday Meet with ALL students! “Individual Action Plan (IAP)” “Student Information & Planning Sheet” Pros: Meeting needs of more students Providing different types of resources to students Cons: Difficulties contacting & meeting all students Not all CTE & ESL students may want counseling

New Counseling Services Classroom Presentations: Post-secondary options (“Success in the New Economy” by Kevin Fleming) Transitioning from ESL Level 6 to Adult Basic Education Encouraging ESL 1-3 students to move forward Campus Visits: LA Trade Tech LA Valley College Glendale Community College LA Mission College Cal State University, Northridge (student feedback)

New Counseling Outreach Services Remind app to connect with students Graduation Checklist Participate in community career fair events Annual “College & Career Fair”

Collaboration & New Partnerships On-site services: Department of Rehabilitation Verdugo Jobs Center Glendale Youth Alliance Los Angeles Valley College Glendale Community College ABC Electrical Apprenticeship program Los Angeles Mission College Career Planning class…

New Partnership Class Career Planning class with LA Mission College… Pros: Students can earn: 1 college unit & 5 credits for High School Diploma Retention: Enrolled: 27 Dropped: 5 Positive feedbacks from students Cons: Time-sensitive process: Need more than 1 enrollment session Proper enrollment (paper application, etc.)

Counseling Services Under Development Student Support Electronic Individual Student Plan Computerized Easy access for students & counselors Resources will be listed on BAS website Mentorship/retention program

Activity: Let’s Share! “Accuplacer Preparation” course: Could your students benefit from an “Accuplacer Preparation” course? Why or why not? What might be some challenges associated with getting an “Accuplacer Preparation” course up & running at your site? How might you address these challenges? If your site offers an “Accuplacer Preparation” course, discuss what is working and what isn’t. Counseling services: How have your counseling services evolved? What services are new & may set you apart from services provided at other sites? What are some challenges associated with your site’s counseling services? What counseling services would you like to see at your site that aren’t there?

Contact Information: Monique Corral, Academic Teacher: Jonathan Vasquez, Academic & College/Career Counselor: Julie Grair, Academic & College/Career Counselor: