D-Day June 6, 1944
Preview Assignment General Eisenhower’s Message sent just prior to the Invasion Eisenhower video
Answer these Questions… Who is Eisenhower Addressing? What is the goal of the “Allied Expeditionary Force”? What does Eisenhower mean when he says “the tide of war has turned?” How does Eisenhower inspire the soldiers/ what does he say? Is Eisenhower confident in the soldiers’ ability to win this battle?
Who? American, Canadian, and British troops vs. German forces Allied Commanders = Eisenhower (US), Bradley (US), Montgomery (British)
When June 6, 1944 Night before paratroopers landed
Where? Beaches of Normandy in Northern France (code named: Utah, Omaha, Gold, Sword and Juno)
German Defense Hitler ordered for completion of Atlantic wall Concrete bunkers, barbed wire, tank ditches, landmines, fixed gun emplacements, and beach and underwater traps
What? Operation Overlord Largest land and sea attack in history 5,000 ships carrying 100,000 soldiers 175,000 men in total 50,000 vehicles 11,000 airplanes Paratroopers went behind the lines first Set up dummy army along the coast across from Calais to trick Hitler into thinking that was where attack was going to be Ships offshore fired on German defenses before landing Aircraft provided cover for wave of troops
What? Amphibious land craft helped deliver equipment and soldiers Germans slow to respond because expected invasion elsewhere (Calais) Omaha Beach experienced the most causalities 10,000 Allied casualties
SIGNIFICANCE/OUTCOME Allied victory 2nd Front created in the West End of August Paris freed By September France, Luxembourg, and Belgium liberated Long Term: Offensive to set up second front in the West was later than what Stalin wanted causing him to distrust the Allies Since offensive was late, Russia would reach Berlin first
Mapping the D-Day Invasion
You write the Headlines! Directions: Observe photograph Quickly write a heading/description for each photograph Think of who is in the photo, what is being shown, what is happening while the photo is being taken, date, etc. 30 sec for each photo D-Day Images
D-Day Video D-Day video Who? When? Where? What? Why significant?