Funding Opportunities at the NIH-funded Centers for AIDS Research Lauren Sterling Managing Director, UCSF-Gladstone Center for AIDS Research (NIH P30 AI027763) (No Conflicts of Interest to disclose)
CFAR Mission To support a multidisciplinary, collaborative environment that promotes basic, clinical, behavioral, and translational research in the prevention, detection, and treatment of HIV infection and AIDS CFARs provide administrative and shared research support to synergistically enhance and coordinate high quality AIDS research projects. (Added Value) The CFAR program also encourages training and mentoring of young investigators as well as an inclusion of women and minorities. CFARs are expected to provide added value to the applicant institution's HIV/AIDS research efforts through support of activities that cannot easily be provided through standard research grant awards.
CFAR Sites
CFARs are a Trans-NIH Program Co-funded by eleven NIH Institutes: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) National Cancer Institute (NCI) National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) National Institute on Aging (NIA) National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) National Institute on Mental Health (NIMH) National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD) Co-managed by the NIH Institutes above, and by: Office of AIDS Research (OAR) Fogarty International Center (FIC) Point out that the most recent co-funding IC is NIMHD and thanks to OAR for helping to bring them on board.
CFAR Structure CFARs provide core facilities with expertise, resources, and services not readily obtained through traditional funding: Administrative Core Developmental Core Basic Science Core(s) Clinical Science Core(s) Other Core(s) – including International Scientific Working Group(s) CFARs have significant internal control for priority setting but are required to align with NIH HIV/AIDS research priorities as described earlier. CFARs are expected to provide added value to the applicant institution's HIV/AIDS research efforts through support of activities that cannot easily be provided through standard research grant awards.
CFARs with International Cores or Significant International Programs Program/Core Case Western Reserve Uganda Laboratory Core Duke Sociobehavioral Science Core (Global Mental Health) Harvard Program in International HIV Research Johns Hopkins Inter-CFAR Sub-Saharan Africa Working Group, integrations in other WGs and cores UCSD International Core UCSF Translational Laboratory, Implementation Science WG UNC-CH UPenn UW/Fred Hutch International Core, Implementation Science WG + Other programs at other CFARs
CFAR Pilot Awards All CFARs have Developmental Core awards for early career investigators and investigators new to the HIV field Funding amounts and award durations vary International projects allowed No Clinical Trials Guidelines set by each site
CFAR Supplement Awards Occasional funding opportunities from NIH to address timely research priorities Often related to scientific areas from CFAR scientific working groups or inter-CFAR collaborations e.g. CNICS, SBSRN, iCHARM, HIV in Women, Sub-Saharan Africa WG, others
CFARs with International Funding Opportunities International Pilot Awards International Sites Harvard Yes, collaborator Programs in Botswana, Uganda, South Africa, others Providence/ Boston Yes, as PI Specific institutions in Kenya, Ghana, Phillippines, Namibia, Uganda, Zambia UCLA Yes, Collaborator LMIC UCSD Yes, PI Mexico, Mozambique, Brazil, India, Kenya, South Africa, Zimbabwe UCSF International, UCSF collaborator/mentor req’d UW/Fred Hutch Yes, PI (plus infrastructure) Various institutions in Kenya, Peru, China, Senegal, Uganda, Mozambique
Getting Connected with a CFAR U.S.-based/international investigators: see if your institution is affiliated with a CFAR and join the mailing list to keep up with funding opps Find CFAR investigators with similar research interests CFAR Administrators/Managing Directors are often good resources for identifying collaborators Reach out to the Developmental Core of the relevant CFAR for guidance Join meetings/trainings hosted by CFARs locally
Key Considerations for Success in a CFAR application Well-developed collaboration with CFAR investigator Reach out early Don’t wait until the last minute so that you can get good guidance Careful and accurate read of RFA/RFP Ask questions and ensure accurate submission (including budget) Responsive to the CFAR Priorities (including the NIH priorities) Feel free to ask for feedback to help improve future applications
Deadline Extended: Applications due Sept 8 CFAR Adelante The goals of the program are to decrease HIV-related health disparities in the U.S. Hispanic/ Latino community and to promote the mentored development of new investigators to focus on HIV/AIDS in Hispanic/Latino populations. 2-year, $75k/year direct costs projects 4 mos Preparation then 20 mos Implementation Eligibility: U.S.-based Early Stage Investigator with CFAR-affiliated Mentor Deadline Extended: Applications due Sept 8
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