Date of download: 10/1/2017 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: Modified Elliptical Machine Motor-Drive Design for Assistive Gait Rehabilitation J. Med. Devices. 2011;5(2):021001-021001-7. doi:10.1115/1.4003693 Figure Legend: Motor current output as a function of time when a participant without known disability trains at 25 rpm. Numbered phases in the movement cycle: (1) left midstance (pedal most inferior) and right midswing (pedal most superior), (2) right initial contact/loading response (pedal most anterior) and left preswing (pedal most posterior), (3) right midstance (pedal most inferior) and left midswing (pedal most superior), and (4) left initial contact/loading response (pedal most anterior) and right preswing (pedal most posterior).