After 9/11- The War on Terror
George W. Bush- War on Terror *George W. Bush declares a War on Terror after the September 11th attacks *Any governments that harbor terrorists or allow them to operate are our enemies
What are our objectives in this war? *Defeat terrorists like Osama Bin Laden and demolish their organizations *Identify, locate, and demolish terrorists and their organizations *Deny sponsorship, support, and sanctuary to terrorists *Diminish the underlying conditions which terrorist try to exploit *Defend US interests at home and abroad How are we doing? Are we winning?
Operation Enduring Freedom- Afghanistan (2001-Present) *September 20, 2001, George W. Bush demand that the Taliban turn over Bin Laden *October 2001, US and coalition forces enter Afghanistan to oust Taliban regime and fight Al Qaeuda *Since then, US forces have been in Afghanistan to fight and kill Al Qaeda, train Afghan troops, promote democracy, and prevent terrorism from spreading in the country *Trump just announced that we will be adding more troops to Afghanistan
USA PATRIOT ACT *A Rush job- you were considered Un-American if you didn’t support it *Gave FBI and CIA more free reign- made it easier to spy *Provided for victims of 9/11 and their families, more forensic labs, restricted immigration *allowed for wiretapping, checking records, deportation, phone taps, easier search warrants, surveillance, imprisonment without charges (Guantanamo Bay) *Opened the door for torture
War in Iraq- WMD’s? *Iraq was listed as state sponsor or terrorism since 1990 (when Hussein invaded Kuwait) *Operation Iraqi Freedom began in 2003 with air and land campaign *Reasoning: Iraq had WMDs (weapons of mass destruction) *Bush stated that this was part of the War on Terror *Saddam Hussein is captured and executed *US stays to help build democracy- war on terror?
War on Terror- other locations *Pakistan *Syria *Iran
Good Guys/Bad Guys?
Osama Bin Laden is Killed *Bin Laden was most wanted terrorist since 9/11 *Intelligence about a courier led US to compound in Pakistan *SEAL Team Six raided the compound and killed Osama Bin Laden on May 2, 2011-
Where are we today? *AL Qaeda is still around but weakened *ISIS is the most powerful terror group today- Islamic State in Iraq and Syria- they are being weakened as well *The internet and social media are used to recruit loyalists around the world *Lone Wolf attacks are on the rise