Electric Vehicles are Coming Bob Jenks NASUCA November 15, 2016
Why Are We Talking About This? Electricity Transportation
Electric Vehicles Cost Effective: Under a Total Resource Cost Perspective, EVs are cost effective Increase Load: Utilities like the idea because they increase load
Treating EVs Like EE If EVs pass the TRC, why not offer incentives on them? Who benefits? Do they leave the utility system? Will the Customer Retain Ownership?
Treating EVs as New Load Charging Stations Under Line Extensions Policies Costs and benefits of new load Can expand distribution system to the extent system benefits.
System Benefits of EVs Throughput benefit – more efficient grid Dispatchable charging day-time and night-time Avoiding peak (TOU, Interruptible)
Wind Integration
Public Charging Plan for Future, not Past Intercity Charging 200 mile range Home/business charging least cost for EV owner Intercity Charging DC Fast Charge
Key Issues Rate design: demand charge, TOU Incentivizing Demand Response/Dispatchable Charging Avoid Stranded Investment Other funding sources: California Cap and Trade Revenues Oregon/California Low Carbon Fuel Standard credits Tax Credits
Role of Consumer Advocate Utilities Don’t Know How to Transform Competitive Consumer Marketplace. Demand Response Benefits May Offset Utility Peaker Investments Climate Activists Want Money to Promote EVs
www.oregoncub.org bob@oregoncub.org