Berprestasi di lingkungan yang terus berubah: sulitkah? Kalarensi Naibaho Pustakawan Madya Universitas Indonesia; 18 September 2013 Disampaikan dalam MUSDA ke V, Workshop dan Seminar Nasional
Provide access to documents WHAT ARE LIBRARIES FOR? Provide access to documents Cataloguing & classification Circulation Reference Acquisitions Collection development Subscriptions Technology & systems Print collection E-resources AV materials Delivery of document to users
More content available outside of libraries CHANGES IN ROLES OF LIBRARIES Library control access Library build collection – User use collection on site Library becomes invisible agent Electronic documents delivered to the user desktop Loss of continuous access when library funds are inadequate Electronic resources – lease rather than ownership Reduce access provided by library to users Scholarly communication crisis Open access journal and institutional repositories More content available outside of libraries More open access mandates Mega book digitization projects New forms of publications live solely on the web
The Changing Academic Library The university is corcerned with: Conservation of knowledge and ideas Teaching Research Publication Extension dan services Interpretatin (Wilson and Tauber) Learning Methods: Collaborative learning Problem based learning Computer mediated learning Active learning Distance learning The academic library is corcerned with: The preservation and transfer of knowledge in all recorded forms across time and space for the benefit of humankind The principle and practice of selecting, acquiring, organizing, disseminating and providing access to information in accordance with the specific needs of groups of people or an individual Service to teaching, service to scholarship, and service to our cultural heritage
The Academic Library in the 21st Century (Diljit Singh) Yesterday Today Types of materials Print publications e-books, e-journals, online databases Information in multimedia format Location of materials Resources in the library Resources in and outside the library Resources anywhere in the world Acquisition Resources purchased Resources purchased, donated, exchanged Commercial, personal, and open access Organization Resources cataloged and indexed Metadata, controlled vocabulary Social classification, folksonomy Instruction Library orientation User instruction, information literacy Personalized knowledge management program Librarian ‘Stand alone’ Team member Equal partner in learning
The Academic Library in the 21st Century (Diljit Singh) An academic library is part of a college or university, and supports the teaching-learning and research needs of its staff and students What changed is how it plays the role from print to electronic from collection to access from routine tasks to innovation from stand-alone to collaboration from “you come to the library” to “the library comes to you”
IS The preservation and transfer of knowledge in all recorded forms across time and space for the benefit of humankind The principle and practice of selecting, acquiring, organizing, disseminating and providing access to information in accordance with the specific needs of groups of people or an individual
Services trend today……. from “you come to the library” to “the library comes to you”
Mary Lynn Rice-Lively: Academic Librarian…? Mary Lynn Rice-Lively: = interactors = book keeper --- network navigator = komunikator dan interpreter = penilai yang baik = mediator Pasal 1 ayat (8) UU No.43 Tahun 2007
Pustakawan akademik….? Communications skills are key for a librarian Librarians will need to be better collaborators ……………? ……………..? ……………….?
Mengerti proses penelitian Academic Librarian: Continuous improvement Paham sistem akademik Asertif Mengerti proses penelitian Information literate Percaya diri
Challenge….. Information technology User behavior Service concept Global challenges
……..? (kompetensi profesi) …….? (kompetensi pribadi) Berprestasi
Kompetensi Pribadi Etos Kerja ………? Moral dan Etika: Profesionalisme: ………..? Dedikasi, Komitmen ………….? Etos Kerja ………? Moral dan Etika:
Pengetahuan pustakawan akan ilmunya: ……………..? Pemahaman pustakawan tentang penerapan ilmunya di masyarakat: ………………? Aplikasi pemahaman tersebut di masyarakat: ………………..? Kompetensi Profesi
Bagaimana sampai kesana? Jenjang karir pustakawan… Bagaimana sampai kesana?
Inovasi dan kretivitas: Coba tuliskan apa yang akan Anda lakukan untuk mencapai puncak karir sebagai pustakawan… Disiplin ……………….? Komitmen: ……………..? Inovasi dan kretivitas: ………………..? ………………? …………….? …………………..? 2 tahun ke depan……? 5 tahun ke depan……….? 10 tahun ke depan……..?
Bagikan rencana karir Anda ke teman-teman yang pasti akan mendukung Anda….
Jangan lupa ini…. Sukses itu pilihan, maka…pilihlah sukses…. : -)