Learning as a Service Business Plan Template 1/13/2018 1:16 AM Learning as a Service Business Plan Template <Insert Partner Name Here> <Insert Date> © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Opportunity Learning has been an integral part of the Technology industry and ecosystem. Having the right skills in the work force have influenced the growth of the IT services industry for the past few decades, fueling industry growth and the economy. Microsoft Learning programs offering world-class curriculum and certification have been a key factor to availability of trained and skilled manpower driving technology deployment and adoption. Learning styles have undergone a significant transformation. This is primarily driven due to ubiquitous connectivity and availability of devices with rich content and media capabilities. Over time, demands on traditional Learning Platforms such as LMSs have increased: Students have demanded more engaging video-based content on these platforms, consumable from their personal mobile devices. Organizations and Educators have requested learning analytics to help better visualize their students’ progress and engagement. Administrators have been pressured to educate more students with fewer resources by leveraging new learning platforms such as Massively Open Online Classes (MooCs). At Microsoft, we are enabling our partners to help transform their businesses through a blend of Platform, Technology, and Curriculum to offer their customers whether individual or Enterprise / Institution a complete end-to-end connected Hybrid Cloud Learning Platform solution. We have standardized on Open edx, an open-source learning platform with multiple capabilities and purposed the deployment framework on the Microsoft Cloud Platform Azure ™. We have built modern learning content, which can be offered in Self-Paced, or MOOC based / Blended modalities. This rich portfolio of courses addresses various learner needs from conceptual, domain / job role specific content to deep technical skills with assessments to help develop the right skills applicable for new and emerging job-roles. Microsoft would provide learners with credentials acknowledging their completion and skills acquisition through Certificates Partners with a Cloud competency and the Learning option would now be able to offer “Learning As A Service” (LaaS) through the Open edX Platform on Azure™. You would be able to provide Self-Paced / Blended Learning Solutions to individual / corporate learners You would be able to provide Learning Services such as Labs, Mentoring, Learner Support etc. You would be able to provide the solution to your customers purely as a SaaS solution or Deploy it as a Cloud Solution for their customers as a System Integrator.
Instructions Partners who wish to participate in Learning as a Service through Open edX on Azure, must work with their Microsoft Area Sales Manager on an annual business plan. This Plan will be reviewed by the Area Sales Manager and approval to participate is contingent on the following: Evaluation Criteria Microsoft Partner with Learning Competency/Learning Option Technical Capability around Open edX on Azure Anticipated Training Reach Go to Market Strategy Course Completion Certificate Sales Targets Completing & Submitting the business plan: Complete each slide based on the information requested on each slide Graphics, data and appendices can be included Review and submit to your Area Sales Manager by email (Subject: LaaS Business Plan_<Partner Name>) If approved, the partner will be instructed to sign the Terms & Conditions The Partner will then reference Open edX on Azure setup and deployment guide Business Plan Must Include: Partner Profile Executive Summary Go to Market Strategy Technical capability Training reach target Certificate target 3
1. Partner Profile Company Name: Partner Org ID: Location IDs: (include all locations that will purchase via CWMP) Company URL: Open edX on Azure public URL<if available>: Primary Contact Name/Title: List Current MPN Competencies at Gold/Silver level: Primary Contact Phone Number: Are you currently enrolled in the Learning Option/Competency? Y/N List the competency aligned to the Learning Option: Company Mailing Address: Primary Contact E-Mail Address: Company Profile: (150 words or less) Include the Mission statement of the company Include your tenure in the program and or any relevant information on training capabilities Include unique capabilities that differentiate you in the Market Summary of your training strategy
2. LaaS Executive Summary Please provide a high level summary of how you plan to leverage Learning as a Service through Open edX to grow you are training business. Include relevant data on your current training business (current & planned) Include a high level summary of your future business plans related to LaaS Add additional slides if needed KPI Dashboard (paste snapshot) Quantity (#units) MOC/ dMOC MOC on Demand MCP Exams Past 12 months actuals Next 12 month plans
3. Training Reach & Certificate Targets How many students do you expect to train in the next 12 months through your LaaS Business Initiative ? For purposes of this plan, Q1 is the quarter of application plan is submitted Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total (Annual) Course Enrollment Goals Example: 1000 Course Completion Goals Example: 200 Microsoft Course Completion Certificate issued Example: 150 Please provide any customer or market research that supports your projected reach:
4. Go-to-Market Strategy Please provide an overview of your Go-to-Market Strategy Specify the audience you will be targeting for the LaaS offering & how will market your new offerings. Specify the value added services you will offer (e.g. discussion group support, etc ) and your unique value differentiator Include relevant data or graphics Add additional slides if needed
5. Technical Capability Do you already have an active Azure subscription? Y/N How do you plan to set up your Open edX instance? Leverage existing dev-ops resources Contract with a 3rd party <insert third party company> Once established, how will you maintain and support your site? Which Business Models would you be pursuing? Running your own Learning Site for Individual and Corporate Learners Providing the Learning Platform and Content as a SaaS (Software As A Service) offering on azure Providing SI (System Integration) services to customers to implement a Learning Solution on Azure What unique technical capabilities does your company have? Or what other information should Microsoft consider?