HANDWASHING A basic task required in any health occupation. The most important method used to practice aseptic technique. The most effective way to prevent the spread of infection. The hands are a perfect medium for the spread of pathogens. Thorough washing the hands helps prevent and control the spread of pathogens from one person to another. It also helps protect the health worker from disease and illness.
Hand washing for hand hygiene the act of cleaning the hands with or without the use of water or another liquid, or with the use of soap, for the purpose of removing soil, dirt, and/or microorganisms.
Wash your hands with plain soap & water; or with antimicrobial soap and water if: Hands are visibly contaminated with blood or body fluids. Before eating After using the restroom Wash all surfaces thoroughly-fingers, between fingers, palms,wrists, back of hands Your hands are visibly soiled.
WHEN TO WASH Before you eat or touch food After you use the bathroom After you change a diaper When you come in from working or playing outdoors After you touch or play with an animal After you cough, sneeze, or blow your nose Before applying and immediately after removing gloves After picking up any item off the floor Before moving from a contaminated body site to a clean body site during patient care
When to Wash-cont’d -Any time gloves are torn or punctured When to Wash-cont’d -Any time gloves are torn or punctured. -Before and after any contact with your mouth or mucous membrane, such as eating, drinking, smoking, applying lip balm, or inserting or removing contact lenses.
HOW TO WASH Wet your hands with warm running water. Warm water is less damaging to the skin than hot water. It also creates a better lather with soap than does cold water. Apply a small amount of liquid or bar soap. Soap aids in the removal of germs through its sudsy action and alkali content. Pathogens are trapped in the soapsuds and rinsed away. Liquid soap from a dispenser should be used whenever possible because bar soap an contain microorganisms.
HOW TO WASH-CONT’D Rub your hands together about 10 times (for roughly 20 seconds), the time it takes you and your toddler to sing the “alphabet song”. Rub all the way back to your wrists and out to the tips of your fingers. This friction action helps rub off pathogens from the surface of the skin. Rinse your hands under the running water. Dry your hands thoroughly with a clean paper towel, and throw the towel in the trash. Use a dry paper towel to turn the faucet on and off. This action prevents contamination of the hands from pathogens on the faucet. A dry towel must be used because pathogens can travel more readily through a wet towel.
Nails harbor dirt and pathogens, and must be cleaned during the handwashing process. A cuticle stick or brush can be used to clean the nails. Or rub against the palm of opposite hand if these aren’t available. Most health care facilities prohibit the use of artificial nails & require that nails be kept short, usually less than 1/4-in long. Artificial or long nails can harbor organisms & increase the risk for infection for both the patient & health care worker. In addition, long nails can puncture or tear gloves.
Use a waterless hand-rub for routinely cleaning your hands: Before having direct contact with patients After having direct contact with a patient’s skin After having contact with body fluids,wounds or broken skin After touching equipment or furniture near the patient After removing gloves Do not use a waterless hand-rub when hands are visibly soiled
HOW TO USE HAND SANITIZERS Waterless hand cleaning with an alcohol-based gel, lotion, or foam has been proved safe for use during routine patient care. Most waterless hand cleaning products contain alcohol to provide antisepsis & a moisturizer to prevent drying of the skin. Apply the product to the palm of one hand. Rub your hands together. Rub the product over all surfaces of your hands and fingers until your hands are dry. Most manufacturers recommend that the hands be washed with soap & water after 6-10 cleanings with the alcohol-based product.
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