Welcome to the Palomino Family Curriculum Night Mrs. Holly King – Math Ms. Stephanie Ritter – Language Arts Mrs. Beth Kamradt – Social Studies & Science
Why do successful people succeed? Research shows that there are behavioral patterns that successful people share. They are life-long, self-directed learners. This kind of learning is a process. They have mastered cognitive skills that transverse content areas. They support themselves through this process with successful habits. Life-long Self-Directed Learners 70% 30%
Cognitive Skill Set: Domains Dimensions Textual Analysis – (Close, Active Reading Abilities) Using Resources Inquiry Skills Analysis and Synthesis Composing and Writing Speaking and Listening Products and Presentations Detailed Developmental Rubrics
Habits for Success Challenge Seeking: Self-directed learners are always looking for challenges. They know that they will not grow unless they are pushing themselves to try something they don’t feel completely comfortable with. Persistence: Self-directed learners are persistent even when a task is not completely engaging or interesting. They understand that deliberate practice leads to quicker processing and frees up mental space to solve more difficult problems and think through more interesting ideas. Strategy Shifting: Not all strategies will work for every problem. Self-directed learners are not just persistent but also realize when they are heading towards a dead end or getting frustrated and when it is time to shift strategies even if it means starting the problem from scratch. Appropriate Help Seeking: Self-directed learners don’t just feel comfortable asking for help from peers and teachers, they also do it in a way that will help sustain their learning. Self-directed learners are not satisfied with the answer or the next step in the process but want to know why their current strategy isn’t working and why other strategies might work better. Response to Setbacks: Self-directed learners fail as often, and usually more often, than anyone else. They don’t get discouraged by these failures but realize that these failures are opportunities to learn and shift strategies if necessary.
HOW can we help our students become self-directed, life-long learners prepared to succeed in the 21st Century? Provide rich, relevant and real-world development in the cognitive skill set … While encouraging the adoption of habits for success … And providing personalized opportunities to learn the supporting content.
Summit Platform & Approach HOW can we help our students become self-directed, life-long learners prepared to succeed in the 21st Century? Provide rich, relevant and real-world development in the cognitive skill set … While encouraging the adoption of habits for success … And Providing personalized opportunities to learn the supporting content. Summit Platform & Approach
Learning Styles PHEA Survey More Detailed Survey http://www.educationplanner.org/students/self-assessments/learning-styles- quiz.shtml?event=results&A=6&V=12&T=2 More Detailed Survey http://www.learning-styles-online.com/inventory/questions.php
Summit Approach Personal Learning Time Project Time Content Learning in ALL Subjects Personalized & Self-directed Students PLAN w/ Daily Objectives Students decide when and HOW they want to learn Mastery Based Students decide when they are ready to SHOW they have mastered content requirements. Don’t Pass? Reflect & Use Additional Learning Resources Pass? Move On! Project Done in ALL Subject Areas Using Buck Institute Gold Standard PBL Real World, Compelling Driving Questions/ Problems Student Choice & Voice Opportunity for development of Cognitive Skills 3-6 Dimensions w/ Detailed, Developmental Rubrics
Summit Platform - Ask your student to Log-in and show you around!
Mentoring Every student has a mentor Mentoring sessions occur every 2-3 weeks One-on-one time with mentor Discussions about: Progress with both Content and Skills How things are going generally Self reflection Support & Suggestions regarding Habits Future plans and Opportunities: This Year & in High School Requests for personalized opportunities ENCOURAGEMENT!!
Mrs. Kamradt Science & Social Studies Geological Processes & Time Change Through Time Biological Systems Animal Behavior Climate & Weather High School Preparation Chemistry Physics Social Studies: American History Native Americans Colonial Era Revolutionary War A New Nation The Constitution Going West The Civil War Reconstruction
Math & Algebra Mrs. Holly King 14 power focus areas that include: Real numbers Radicals and Exponents Proportions Linear Equations 16 power focus areas that include: Real numbers Radicals and Exponents Equations and Inequalities Functions Quadratics
Language Arts Ms. Stephanie Ritter This year is basically divided into two distinct but mutually informing sections: Fall 2016 Mystery- Investigative Journalism Poetry- Poetry Slam Project Comedy- Controversial Comedy Spring 2017 Analyzing Evidence- Critical Lenses Project Shaping our Values- This I Believe Project Fantasy- Dream on Project
Next Steps for Learning about the new Summit/PBL Approach and Platform Student Pamphlet Discussion PBL Project Your student will be using the pamphlet and on-line sources to tell you more about how they will be learning this year. Your questions on the back of their Pamphlet Rubric will help guide … The Next Parent Summit Platform Training Program About 4 Weeks from now Information will be sent out in a couple of weeks It will be a hands-on session YOU will receive log-ins to the platform, too!