Welcome Algebra & Geometry Stacia Frye J Michael Lunsford
A little bit about me…. I love math. I love kids. I love teaching A little bit about me…. I love math!! I love kids!! I love teaching!! I love Loudoun!! VA native WAHOO grad GMU M.Ed
Phoenix Access Ability to view: Assessment grades Both formative & summative Attendance Class Website Comments
A typical day… Complete our warm up (review of important material)– have hw & stamp card out Check our homework Lesson of the day: Learn New Material (notes are their reference for hw) Practice Problems (worksheets, groupwork, bookwork,constructions, etc.) Start Homework Incorporate time for challenge and extra practice BYOT: The graphing calculator is the primary technology tool used in class TI-84 Plus calculators are provided in class Websites and apps are available
Expect homework everyday! Use notes and practice problems as a reference Use textbook as a reference – Activation to be announced www.classzone.com choose hs/math/va Alg 1 or Geometry Book 2007 edition Act. Code 2628985-10 (Alg) or 20 (Geo) Check homework calendar on my webpage A good strategy: attempt homework 1st night or before resource so questions can be asked before class and you can get the needed practice sometimes optional/suggested extra practice including: IXL- strands on website at 9 week plan IXL is being replaced with Aleks later in the fall tutorials: google key words from section titles Khan Academy https://www.khanacademy.org/
This Year’s Scope & Sequence Geometry LCPS Q 1: Basic terms & definitions, Logic, Parallel Lines, Triangles and Inequalities Q 2: Triangles & Inequalities con’t, Congruence and Similarity, Special Right Triangles Q 3: Right Triangle Trig, Quads, Polygons, Circles Q 4: Area, Perimeter & 3D figures, Transformations, End of the year projects, SOL prep, Alg 2 prep Investigations, PBL, PL, OttW & Constructions incorporated
This Year’s Scope & Sequence LCPS Algebra Q 1: Expressions & properties, square & cube roots, solving equations, statistics, OttW project, linear functions Q 2: Functions con’t, graphing/writing linear equations & their application,direct and inverse variation Q 3: Systems of linear equations, polynomial operations, quadratic functions and applications Q 4: Quadratics functions & applications con’t, SOL prep, compound inequalities, abs. value inequalities, geometry prep, final exams & projects
**We want to be pro-active and learn to prepare for the first take** Retake Policy Students receiving below a 70% on a summative assessment must retake the assessment Each student will be eligible for an optional retake between 70 and 86 provided they have completed all required assignments on time 2 week deadline from the day the original summative was passed back Schedule reteach (corrections and extra practice) and retake with Ms. Frye Must complete additional requirements assigned and check them for accuracy **We want to be pro-active and learn to prepare for the first take**
Parental Support 1. Check Math Binder 2. Check Homework Calendar 3 Parental Support 1. Check Math Binder 2. Check Homework Calendar 3. Check Phoenix 4. ???? – email stacia.frye@lcps.org Most of this info is on the syllabus on my webpage PM until 4:30 except Tuesdays AM at 8 except Wednesdays If your child has been absent. . . Check the website for the lessons & homework on the calendar Encourage your child to schedule some time outside of class during resource or before or after school to catch up Feel free to email me with any questions or concerns Thank you for coming tonight, I’m looking forward to a great year learning math and getting to know your child!!!