Travel and Traffic Signal Operation Update Peter Koonce Division Manager Signals, Street Lighting, & ITS
Project Objectives Outcomes Increase safe and comfortable access at key bottleneck in and out of the Lloyd District and reduce stops and delay for non-motorized traffic. Improve pedestrian access. Improve safety at the NE 12th/Irving intersection. Maintain acceptable operations for all vehicles, including freight and triple trailers. Outcomes Implement equipment and signal timing to enhance accessibility and maintain mobility
Background: Identified Issues Signal delay at NE 12th/Lloyd results in queuing throughout system Bicycle traffic required to share travel lanes Deficiencies Conservative Signal Timing Design Originally No Coordination or Communication Between Intersections
Completed Changes: Controller Installed Updated Traffic Signal Controllers Communication Installed Communication Between Intersections Installed Cameras for monitoring
Video Data: Screen Capture: Video of the WB Lloyd Traffic
Video Data: Screen Capture: Video of the NB/SB 12th Traffic
Signal Timing Changes: Allowed more green time for WB Left Turn, when Ped Crossing is Active When WB Left Turn is on at 12th/Lloyd – Extended Through and Left Turn SB Movement at 12th/Irving with Internal Logic 10
More Signal Timing Changes: Allowed pedestrian to go with less delay Allowed pedestrian on east leg to go with EB right turn and NB left turn Cleared bridge traffic from signal at Irving using signal coordination
Notes on most recent signal changes Far West Ped overlap Ped 3+7 *Was Ped 7 Only Far East Ped Changed from Ped 7 to Ped 1 Overlap D offset with 12th left turn onto Irving 1 2 1 2 3 3
How did we Measure Changes: Video Data Collection at 12th/Lloyd to monitor effects of modifications Check vehicle traffic queuing GPS Travel Time Drives Existing travel time with no operational changes After initial signal and striping changes After elongated striping changes Final signal and striping changes Bluetooth Data Travel Time Collectors 13
12th and Lloyd Updated Traffic Counts PK - Use whichever Photos you want – the raw photos are located at S:\INTERNS\Travis H\WORK PROJECTS\12th Ave overcrossing\Volumes PM Peak AM Peak Updated Traffic Counts Off-Peak 12th and Lloyd AM Peak PM Peak Off-Peak 14
GPS Data Northbound 15
GPS Data Northbound
GPS Data Southbound: 1
GPS Data Southbound: 2 18
GPS Data Southbound: 3 19
GPS Data Southbound: 1 1 2 3
GPS Data Southbound: 2
GPS Data Southbound: 3
Travel Time AM Peak vs. PM Peak
Travel Time Off-Peak vs. PM Peak
Bluetooth Data Collection The Bluetooth units are located at 13th and Lloyd, 12th and Irving, and 12th and Couch The units collect and match the Bluetooth signature from your wireless device at each location We collected over 1000 data points after each change was made (approximately 3 data points per 15 minute period)
13th and Lloyd 12th and Couch 12th and Irving
Bluetooth Travel Time Summary: Collected to verify Bluetooth reader accuracy South on the bridge. Blue Tooth does not give waiting time from the Freeway Exit.
Additional Bluetooth Data Slides (may be hidden) PK – Adjust how you want – listed by direction comparing before, first change, second change – will include final change data when available