The power of the first minutes On your index card:


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Presentation transcript:

Learning that will Stick Why activity is part of the learning equation.

The power of the first minutes On your index card: Write one question you have related to the topic of this session. Write one fact you know about the topic Form a pair: Introduce yourself. Share your question and fact.

Session Objectives Plan effective learning during lectures Participants will be better able to: Plan effective learning during lectures Use the “pause procedure” to improve learning Use several methods to engage learners and make them more active

How can you engage learners to enhance their learning? Some facts you should know first…

Attention How well do listeners retain information? of first 10 minutes

Attention How well do listeners retain information? of last 10 minutes Rickard et al, 1988 Teaching of Psychology 15,151-152

Attention Lecturer Level of performance Students 5 min. 50 min. Time effectiveness 5 min. 50 min. Time Adapted from DH Lloyd Visual Education,1968

Students’ Heart Rates in Class Break 90 Beats/minute 80 Student question Lecture Discussion 70 25 50 60 90 Minutes Adapted from DH Lloyd Visual Education,1968

Your brain asks questions about incoming information. Have I heard or seen this before? Where does this information fit? What can I do with it? Is this the same idea I had?

Why your brain needs to be “on” Link what being taught-----------> What already know Save the information----->test, recap, explain, use in activity

The ‘Pause’ Procedure Instructor paused for 2 minutes x 3 during lectures. Intervals of 12-15 minutes between pauses. Students discussed and reworked their notes Students in the ‘pause’ class did significantly better on free recall and comprehension testing. Ruhl, Hughes, Schloss Using the pause procedure to enhance lecture recall Teacher education and special education 10: 14-18, 1987

Quickies…ways to improve a lecture Build interest Involve students during lecture Maximize understanding and retention Reinforce the lecture

Application, & Practice Effective Lectures Connect New Information interspersed with “pause procedure” Examples, Application, & Practice Close Activity connected to content Mini-lectures of 10-15 minutes each. After each mini-lecture, Pause or “Quick Think” 1-3 minutes Activities that encourage application and transfer of learning Check for understanding (ARS) Ask learners to summarize session 2-3 min. 3-7 min

Learning is enhanced when learners “do” something with information…. State the information in their own words Give examples Apply the learning to a new problem Use the learning in a different situation State the opposite or converse State the consequences Teach it

QT ‘Quick Thinks’ Susan Johnston

“Complete/Support a statement” #1 QT “Complete/Support a statement” People can apply their learning better when presenters…. or All persons who qualify should receive a flu shot because……. Activity: Complete or support a statement, Work in pairs for 1 minute

Select the best response QT Select the best response #2 What is the best reason to use evidence-based practice guidelines A. Practice is standardized B. There are data to support decisions C. You can measure outcomes validly D. The research is the best way to practice Students choose a response and explain and defend it to a partner

Compare or contrast (in pairs-trios) QT #3 Compare or contrast (in pairs-trios) Identify 3 parallel elements Focus on similarities Pollock Miro

Compare or contrast (in pairs-trios) QT Compare or contrast (in pairs-trios) Identify 3 differentiating elements Focus on differences

QT Reorder the steps #4 Choose a procedure. Mix up the steps; students can reorder them. Why is this a useful exercise? When might you want to use it? Procedures Developmental stages of children

QT Reorder the steps

QT Reach a conclusion #5 In a review of published papers related to the outcomes of trials of an antidepressant, 37 with positive results were published, and 3 with negative or questionable results were published. Why might this happen? Turner, Matthews, Linardatos, et al Selective Publication of Antidepressant Trials and its influence on apparent efficacy. NEJM 2008;358:252-60.

Effective vs. Ineffective Lectures Characteristics of the “Effective Lecture”: • Lecturer-participant interaction • Active learning • Problem-solving activities • Frequent discussion • Limited note-taking Characteristics of the “Ineffective Lecture”: • Lecturer “tells” participants • Passive listening • Few if any questions • Few if any pauses • Copious note-taking

Summarize the Session We hope you have learned during this session, and that you can state the essence of what you learned. Can you distill the session into <12 words? Try it. Can you distill the session down into <6 words? Try it.

Overview Opening exercise to engage Mini-lectures to provide content with interactive examples and applications. Check for understanding

Learner engagement: References Small Group Instruction in Higher Education Cooper, Robinson, Ball 2003 Chapter 14: Active thinking tasks in lecture Active Learning: Creating Excitement in the Classroom Bonwell & Eison 1991 The Ten-Minute Trainer—150 Ways to Teach it Quick & Make it Stick Sharon Bowman Pfeiffer, 2005