Technical & Conference Activities Board Report John Walz VP for T & C Activities Board 9-June-2010 IEEE-CS BOG Meetings in Denver, CO This presentation summarizes my written Board report to the BoG
Outline Who is T & C Achievements to date Projects Financial Report Activities Upcoming Activities Show achievements and plans 2
Technical and Conference activities (T & C) Board governance 40 plus technical communities contain over 30K people, mostly CS members, who provide the bulk of IEEE-CS Intellectual Property in our TM papers (24K in 2009), publication articles, standards sponsor our 200 plus conferences / Technical Meetings (TM) where TM and there steering committees provide surplus, channel for proceedings sales, and portion of IEL / CSDL surplus distribution leading to a $14M CS business line Who is T & C
Technical Committee members roles Subscribers to IEEE IP, most subscribers belong to a couple hundred large academic and industry institutions having IEL subscriptions. TM attendees (30K), IEEE IP authors, or TM / Steering Committee organizers for about 200 conferences Who is T & C 4
Achievements Recruited T & C Board members Conference Publications Committee is still open Key Board liaisons to SAB & MGA are still open Submitted and received approval for nine CS Projects / Operations related to T & C. New Chair Welcome letter for TC Chairs TC Chair resource and expectations web page CS Chapter BOG Briefing presentation IEEE initiative on Smart Grid Completed startup CS Smart Grid web portal Completed CS Smart Grid Project Initiation Form Supported CS position on Executive Team TCs technical co-sponsor of two conferences in 2010 5
Achievements - TM New Conference Connection newsletter New Conference Sponsorship Approval Process TCS, TMRF, and MOU forms revised Conference Attributes defined and assign values to existing portfolio Define three conference measurement definitions for BOG Balanced Scorecard for baseline measurements in 2010 which support goal setting in 2011 CS Student Author Travel Grants process proposed TM is our abbreviation for Technical Meetings, commonly called Conferences 6
Projects with budget for 2010 Technical Committee best practices for Growth and Excellence [CS#30] Industry participants attracted to our conferences [CS#28] Technical Committee Leadership [CS#31] Conference Business Process & Systems [CS#25] Conference Competition Strategy [CS#24] Conference Lifecycle Management & Improvement: [CS#30] Conference Margin Improvement [CS#23] NSC Review [CS#26] New NSC Model [CS#27] Nine T & C Projects approved by CS Planning, ExCom, & FinCom with associated staff & budget One slide for each Project
Technical Committee best practices for Growth and Excellence [CS#30] Collected, categorized, and deployed to all TCs to make better use of IEEE CS funding for TC growth and Technical Meeting (TM) excellence Identify those TCs that yield the better results from their annual plans Identify the types of activities that lead to greater involvement by TC membership and may not be supported by the current practices followed by other TCs Increase TC membership and recruit more to CS membership Move TC and their key TMs organizations from external static web sites to Liferay web portals to promote both transparency and volunteer collaboration Increase TC membership and sponsored conference attendance through the use of TC Taxonomy / Thesaurus continued
[CS#30] Help improve overall TC activities beyond those related to conferences and publications Establish the infrastructure necessary to support active and continuous exchanges (communications and activities) between TCs and their membership Evaluate how to best support expansion in the following areas: Networking Input into CS and Engineering curricula Contributing to a "public service" list of the next frontier in computing research and applications Standards Publications Tracking & promoting emerging technologies Newsletters with technical summaries Publicizing technical developments Articulating their domain, Thesaurus, BoK/KA Determine any necessary requirements for the development and implementation of tools and systems needed to support this effort
Industry participants attracted to our conferences [CS#28] Identify needs (value-add) of potential Industry participants that can be integrated into current CS conference infrastructure Utilize domain expertise within TCs to author and distribute Webinars to Chapters on their subject matter of interest. Provide more venues and opportunities for Industry authors and participants create Intellectual Property in CSDL / Xplore Provide more relevant IP of immediate use by commercial organizations Share existing best practices of Industry workshops and tracks with both TC and their sponsor Conference Steering Committees (CSC); practices such as peer-review and CSDL publications Experiment with Industry leadership roles in each TC to jump-start Industry workshops and tracks; add new Industry leadership position on the Conference Organizing Committee Technical Co-sponsor existing successful Industry conferences such as SSTC or ASQ Software Division or IPQC conferences Attract more Industry members into CS & Technical Committees (TC) Continue to work with TC Chairs and T & C Board members to create value to practitioners and industry
Technical Committee Leadership [CS#31] To obtain T & C Technical Committee Chairs current opinions regarding their perception of the Computer Society (CS) and the CS BoG Work with BoG to determine root causes and action plans Communicate CS BoG action plans to TC Chairs Institutionalize annual health reviews of CS organization 11
Conference Business Process & Systems [CS#25] Help conference organizers plan and execute successful conferences by improving sponsorship review and approval interface tools, especially for budget review and closing processes Help conference organizers and TCs start their publicity efforts earlier in order to attract the best authors by securing IEEE-CS conference sponsorship approval in two phases: first technical and second financial Support the implementation of tiered conference support levels, whose Goals include: Help experienced conference organizers to expedite established conferences with new tiered conference support levels Help inexperienced conference organizers to complete new conferences with new tiered conference support levels Help faltering conference organizers turn the corner with new tiered conference support levels continued
[CS#25] Support conference organizers with 21st century tools and systems capable of adjusting to changing IEEE & CS conference business rules while supporting the migration to IEEE Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) systems from CIMA system Design and deploy controls to minimize risk of fraudulent papers accepted and published Improve communications from conference organizers and CS staff to present and past conference attendees, authors, and sponsoring TC membership Insure successful integration or elimination of current CS conference databases (CIMA and TECA) with the recently funded IEEE Conference Exchange (ICX) during the next three years of ICX New Initiative development.
Conference Competition Strategy [CS#24] Learn from our competing conferences on their best practices to improve our conferences Request TC Chairs and their Conference Chairs identify their competing conferences Conference attributes, e.g. quality of authors, program committee, ease of doing business, etc Registration fees Compete against ACM Full-Service Conference Business Model Confirm deliverables associated with the ACM full-service conference business model and determine if this model would work for our TCs and Conferences, either within the USA or internationally Confirm feasibility of CS adopting as similar full-service conference business model Articulate, pilot, learn, offer, & plan for a CS full-service conference business model, if appropriate Conference margins Query General Chairs from 2008 & 2009 conferences with small margins or deficits to request them to identify competing non-IEEE conferences as a possible root cause; compare and analyze registration fee structure During initial review of conference technical proposal, volunteer organizers should provide examples of a range of registration fees from competing conferences. 14
Conference Lifecycle Management & Improvement: [CS#30] Improve transparency of conference deliverables to sponsoring TCs and conference volunteers. Better communications between TCs and conference volunteers. Establish policies and guidelines through which TCs can improve decisions made in respect to overall conference business: closing surplus, publication net, and Xplore net. Help conference organizers plan and execute successful conferences as measured by authors, attendees, quality papers, relevant papers and financial surplus. Develop a transition plan to eliminate conferences’ dependency on IEEE acquisition payments by providing alternative incentives Increase usage by CS sponsored conferences of Conference Publishing Services (CPS) Mentor inexperienced conference volunteers in organizing new conferences, including delivering quality publications Establish metrics, policies and guidelines for peer review quality Improve IEEE brand through better plagiarism controls managed by required participation of the sponsoring TCs
Conference Projects Conference Margin Improvement [CS#23] Implement tier conference services NSC Review [CS#26] Moving best CPS NSC into TCS New NSC Model [CS#27] Balance IEEE branding concerns with the ongoing financial health of CPS The main work is done by staff with advice from volunteer leaders
Financial Report 2009 Board finished 4% over budget of $329.9K and fell short in planned surplus with 2006-2009 conference closing in 2009 23% Conferences ended in deficit Overall conference business line had a major impact on CS ending in the black CPS published 360 conferences in 2009 which exceeded the 293 conferences published in 2008 Technical Activities Committee (TAC) has received from the TC Chairs, where the Annual Report & Operating Plan are posted on the TC web page for their members. 10 TCs with Annual Report and 2010 Operating Plan and Budget Request (TCCC, TCCGM, TCEC, TCFT, TCMVL, TCOS, TCRTS, TCSIM) 1 TCs with Operating Plan and Budget Request (TCBI) 20 TCs with Budget Requests and without Annual Report nor Operating Plan update 10 TC reports received
Requested or received sponsorship Conference trends Type of Conference 2010 YTD 2009 2008 100% sponsored 76 95 100% sponsored between two TC 8 Cosponsored 68 54 > under review for financial approval ? Technically cosponsor (TCS) 31 55 < under review for Technically cosponsor 23 Requested or received sponsorship 206 204 184
Activities T & C Plans and Initiatives at CS Planning, CS ExCom, & CS FinCom IEEE Conference Publications Committee Acquisition Payments for Sponsored Conferences IEL distributions IEEE PSC reorganization NCS branding ESPC: Instant Communities (IC), Topic Areas (TA), and Special Interest Group (SIG) MGA: Conferences support of Keynote speakers for Chapters and CS membership booth Moving best CPS NSC into TCS IEEE Smart Grid Strategy IEEE Cloud Computing Initiative PPM updates 19
Upcoming Activities Quarterly T & C Vice Chair LiveMeeting Quarterly T & C ExCom LiveMeeting Jun CS BOG ExCom & BOG 7-Jun, T & C sponsored CS Projects 8-Jun, T & C TAC, CAC, & TMRC Committees meetings 9-Jun, T & C ExCom meeting 10-Jun, T & C report to CS ExCom 11-Jun, T & C report to CS BOG Jun IEEE BOG: Conferences, PSC, FinCom, & TAB Nov CS BOG ExCom & BOG
Whats New in Computer Society Board of Governors (BoG) focus on strategy, CS projects, and Balance Scorecard measures Investment in areas of most membership value and margins Special Interest Groups (SIGs) Investment in IT infrastructure: Liferay, Instant Communities, IEEE servers Instant Communities rollout Efforts to move off Financial Watch New Revenue Generation Controls for risks to IEEE brand Engagement with IEEE Boards: Conferences, Publications, Publishing SAB - Smart Grid, Game Technology, Cloud Computing MGA - member recruitment at conferences and conference speakers attending local chapter meetings EPSC - Instant Communities Awards - TC sponsored Awards
Whats New in IEEE Increased focus on standards Support for emerging technology with New Initiatives funding Focus on overhead cost reduction Investment in IT infrastructure Increased marketing to public Controls for risks to IEEE brand 22