KS2 SATS Tests.


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Presentation transcript:

KS2 SATS Tests

Background September 2014 – New Primary Curriculum Introduced New Form of Reporting Attainment New Primary Curriculum – on a par with the best education systems in the world Aspiration that children reach at a higher level than before Aim – that every child at 11 to have mastered the basic skills in reading, writing and Maths so that they can reach their potential As the new standard is higher than the old standard fewer children met the new standard than the previous standard In 2016 nationally 53% of children reached the expected standard in Reading, Writing and Maths

Reporting the results of the Key Stage 2 SATs Raw Score Scaled Score 80 is the lowest scaled score 120 is the highest scaled score 100 will always represent the expected standard of the test. Pupils scoring 100 or more will have met the expected standard on the test. NS – if a child has not scored enough marks to demonstrate that they have sufficient understanding of the Key Stage 2 Curriculum they will not be given a scaled score and will be marked NS – “Expected standard not met” 110 – represents the high standard

Teacher Assessment Teachers will also have made a judgement in what your child has achieved across the school year. Reporting results

Date Activity Monday 8 May 2017 English reading Tuesday 9 May 2017 English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 1: questions English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 2: spelling Wednesday 10 May 2017 Mathematics Paper 1: arithmetic Mathematics Paper 2: reasoning Thursday 11 May 2017 Mathematics Paper 3: reasoning

English Test Papers May 2017 Reading ( 1 hour) – 50 marks Punctuation and Grammar (45 minutes) – 50 marks Spelling – 20 marks


Writing Assessment May 2017 Across a range of genres: Punctuation and Grammar Text Organisation Composition Handwriting and Spelling

Writing Assessment May 2017 Working towards age expected standard Working at age expected standard Working at greater depth within the expected standard

How to help Read their writing with them and encourage them to find their mistakes Encourage them to read their writing aloud Encourage your child to go back later and look again at their writing Quiet Place Table Final Copy at home - independent

Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Contains 2 parts – A grammar and punctuation paper, requiring short answers, lasting 45 minutes and an aural spelling test of 20 words, lasting 15 minutes The grammar and punctuation test will include 2 types of questions:- Selected response e.g. “Identify the adjectives in the sentence below” Constructed response e.g. Correct the sentence below Complete the sentence below Rewrite the sentence below The sentence below has an apostrophe missing. Explain why it needs an apostrophe

Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling The questions cover areas such as Using conjunctions ( because, however, despite) Using pronouns ( I/me) correctly Capitalising the correct words in a sentence and explaining why Putting the correct punctuation into a given sentence Writing sentences that illustrate two different meanings of the same word (such as “present”) Identify the verb / noun / adjective/ clauses in a sentence Using plurals correctly

Example Question: – Which ending would make lazy an adverb? Answer: laziness/ lazily/lazier/laziest


How to help... Regular revision of the basics... Which word in that sentence is a noun? First one to spot a verb! Give me an adverb that describes how I’m driving... Think of an adjective beginning with ....Y Write some sentences to punctuate correctly

How to help... Call out a word and ask your child to tell you a synonym ( a word that means the same) or an antonym ( a word that means the opposite When writing letters or emails encourage your child to add an adjective to a sentence (e.g. Thank you for my wonderful birthday present

How to help with spellings... Investigate the rules... -cious, -tious -cian -tion -sion -ible -able -cial - tial Silent letters: knife subtle Homophones: there their they’re

How to help with spellings... Investigate the rules... Make spelling part of everyday life Encourage your child to read a variety of texts – fiction, information books, comics, newspapers, magazines etc. – to broaden their vocabulary


Reading The reading test is a single paper with questions based on 3 passages of text. Your child will have one hour, including reading time, to complete the test. There will be a selection of question types, including:- Ranking / ordering, e.g. Number the events below to show the order in which they happen in the story Labelling, e.g. Label the text to show the title of the story Find and Copy, e.g. Find and copy one word that suggests what the weather is like in the story Short constructed response, e.g. What does the bear eat Open-ended response, e.g. Look at the sentence that begins Once upon a time. How does the writer increase the tension throughout the paragraph? Explain fully, referring to the text in your answer

How to help... Keep reading to your child Keep asking questions about the book: What’s going to happen? How do you know? Why did he say that? How do you think she’s feeling? Which words make you think that? Encourage your child to read a variety of texts – fiction, information books, comics, newspapers, magazines etc. – to broaden their vocabulary

Key Stage Two Maths Tests

Maths Test Papers May 2017 Paper 1 (30 mins) Arithmetic (40 marks) Paper 2 (40 mins) Reasoning (35 marks) Paper 3 (40 mins) Reasoning(35 marks) (Total 110 marks)

Written Papers 1 and 2 The papers get harder as the pupil works through to test their understanding of each level of Maths. Pupils are allowed a protractor (angle measurer), ruler (30cm and mm), mirror and pencil. They are encouraged to cross out mistakes, not rub them out as the tests are scanned and marked on screen now.

Easier Example Questions Paper 2 Complete this diagram so that the three numbers in each line add up to 150

Easier Example Question Paper 2 Here are some shaded shapes on a square grid. Write the letters of the two shapes which are hexagons. Write the letters of the two shapes which have right angles.

Easier Example Question Paper 3 Each missing digit in this sum is a 9 or a 1 Write in the missing digits. + + = 201

Expected level Example Question Paper 3 Match each decimal number to its equivalent fraction. One has been done for you.

Expected Level Example Question Paper 3 The diagram is made of squares. What fraction of the diagram is shaded?

Expected Level Example Question Paper 3 A shop sells three types of sunglasses. What is the difference in price between the most expensive and least expensive sunglasses?

Write these fractions in order of size starting with the smallest. Working With Deeper Understanding at Expected Expected Example Question Paper 2 Write these fractions in order of size starting with the smallest.

A packet contains 1.5 kilograms of guinea pig food. Working With Deeper Understanding at Expected Expected Example Question Paper 2 A packet contains 1.5 kilograms of guinea pig food. Remi feeds her guinea pig 30 grams of food each day How many days does the packet of food last?

Arithmetic Paper There are approximately 35 questions in the paper and the pupils have 30 minutes to answer the questions. The questions test understanding and application of written methods and calculations include addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of whole numbers, decimal numbers and fractions.

What does a pupil need to be able to do to be successful? Remember the mathematics they have been taught and apply it to answer the questions Use accurate paper and pencil methods of calculating + - x ÷ Have quick and accurate recall of times tables facts Have quick recall of mathematical vocabulary and facts Apply sensible strategies in the test

Helpful Strategies To Use In A Maths Test Read the question twice before starting. Underline key words in the question. Write on the charts and graphs to make the question easier. Write anywhere on the paper to help – don’t try to work out everything in their head. Read the question again once they have an answer and check that the answer makes sense

How To Help Your Child Help them to learn the key facts/vocabulary on the 2 revision pages at the front of their home link book (pages 26 & 27) Help them to learn their times tables and division facts Help them to adopt good strategies when trying test questions

Maths Revision Facts Pages From Pupil Home Link Book

English Revision Facts Pages From Pupil Home Link Book

Useful Websites www.bbc.co.uk/schools/ks2bitesize/maths/ - explains the key points of each topic/skill - provides practice exercises and quizzes

Useful Websites To Practise Times Tables and Mental Maths www.sumdog.com/ www.mad4maths.com/multiplication_table _math_games/ www.mymaths.co.uk

http://www.spellzone.com http://www.chompchomp.com/ http://www.spellzone.com http://www.chompchomp.com/

These will be available on Parent Mail. Revision Resources There are so many different revision resources available. We, as a school, recommend the ones available at the back. These will be available on Parent Mail.

And finally ... The tests are only a snapshot. The end of year report will, as usual, comment on each child’s attitude to learning and progress throughout the year.