How to hunt down the meaning of a word by using the clues around it Vocabulary in Context How to hunt down the meaning of a word by using the clues around it {Click mouse to continue}
How to Navigate Through a PowerPoint Workshop This PowerPoint Presentation is designed to be experienced as a workshop. To ensure that you do not miss important information, only use your mouse at this prompt: {Click mouse to continue} {Click mouse to continue}
What is Vocabulary in Context? Our Final Calculation: Better Vocabulary Skills Which = Better Comprehension Which = Better Grades! Lets break it into two parts “Vocabulary” (words in your text books) + “In Context” (how those words relate to the words around them) {Click mouse to continue}
How Does Vocabulary in Context work? Most writers leave context clues as they write. It is our job as the reader to hunt them down! You Follow The Clues {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues There are 4 main types of Context Clues The 4 Types Rewording the word. Giving its Synonym. Giving its Antonym. Giving us Details about the word. {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Rewording Rewording is when the author says the word in another way, that is typically easier to understand. {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Rewording Let’s Look at an Example: , a feeling of bitterness and anger, is often felt by people who are passed over for promotions. Resentment What does the word resentment mean in this sentence? {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Rewording Lets look at this sentence a little more closely for CLUES! {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Rewording If you wanted to find the meaning of the word RESENTMENT the clue is right here. Resentment, , is often felt by people who are passed over for promotions. a feeling of bitterness and anger Resentment is: {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Rewording Now You Give It A Try! The Cruise family moved from their house, that was old and run-down, into a brand new home. dilapidated What does the word dilapidated mean here? HINT: In REWORDING, the context clues are often hidden between commas! {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Rewording The Cruise family moved from their dilapidated house, that was , into a brand new home. Dilapidated means old and run-down Did you find the Context Clue? {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Synonyms A writer sometimes uses synonym context clues to help with hard words. A synonym context clue is one or two words that mean almost the same as the one that the author does not expect us to know. {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Synonyms Let’s Look at an Example: The young girl was very . She always seemed unsociable, unapproachable, and uninterested. aloof What does the word aloof mean in this sentence? {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Synonyms Did You Notice Any Clues? {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Synonyms The young girl was very aloof. She always seemed unsociable, unapproachable, and uninterested. Our context clue is HERE! {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Synonyms All three of these words are synonyms to help us with the original word aloof The young girl was very aloof. She always seemed unsociable, unapproachable, and uninterested. The word aloof means: {Click mouse to continue}
Now You Give It A Try! Context Clues: Synonyms The three brothers began to over the game. This was not the first time that they had a dispute over it. altercate What does the word altercate mean here? HINT: SYNONYM context clues are often hidden in surrounding sentences! {Click mouse to continue}
Altercate means the same as Context Clues: Synonyms The three brothers began to altercate over the game. This was not the first time that they had a over it. Altercate means the same as dispute Did you find any Context Clues???? {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Antonyms A writer is using antonym context clues when they use a word with opposite meaning to give us hints about the word that they don’t think we will know. {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Antonyms Let’s Look at an Example: Dianna appeared to be a very moral and upstanding young lady, but those who knew her knew that she was iniquitous. What does the word iniquitous mean in this sentence? {Click mouse to continue}
Lets Go Find Those Clues! Context Clues: Antonyms Antonym Context Clues often take a little more detective work to understand. Lets Go Find Those Clues! {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Antonyms The word BUT tells us that the two parts of the sentence represent opposite points of view about Dianna There is a special word in this sentence that hints at the presence of an antonym. Dianna appeared to be a very moral and upstanding young lady, those who knew her knew that she was iniquitous. but {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Antonyms The two opposite points of view are: That Dianna is moral and upstanding. That she is iniquitous Dianna appeared to be a very young lady, but those who knew her knew that she was therefore means the opposite of moral and upstanding Iniquitous must mean evil and immoral iniquitous {Click mouse to continue}
Now You Give It A Try! Context Clues: Antonyms David was very outgoing as opposed to his older sister. coy What does the word coy mean here? HINT: ANTONYM context clues always have hint words to tell us that there are opposites present! {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Antonyms Did you find the hint words? David was very outgoing his coy older sister. as opposed to Coy must mean the opposite of outgoing! {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Details A writer is using details as context clues when they give us explanations or examples as hints about the word that they don’t think we will know. {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Details There are several different kinds of Context Clues that are Details. Details that are examples of the unknown word. Details that tell why the unknown word has taken place. Details that explain how the word relates to other things the author has stated. {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Details Let’s Look at an Example: Father was because Joshua decided to go to the college that he wanted him to. ecstatic What does the word ecstatic mean in this sentence? {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Details Lets find those context clues! {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Details There is a special word in this sentence that hints at the presence of a detail. Ecstatic must mean the same as happy! The word BECAUSE tells us that the writer is about to say why Father was ecstatic. Father was ecstatic “Ecstatic” was how Father felt because Joshua decided to go to the college that he wanted him to. {Click mouse to continue}
Now You Give It A Try! Context Clues: Details Brian was when he left the school building. He ran through the halls, jumped in his car, and sped off. expeditious What does the word expeditious mean here? {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Details Did you figure out what types of details the writer is giving us about how Brian left school? Brian was expeditious when he left the school building. How did Brian leave? He ran through the halls, jumped in his car, and sped off. Expeditious Must Mean FAST! {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Review Lets Review What We Have Learned There are 4 main types of Context Clues Rewording the word. Giving its Synonym. Giving its Antonym. Giving Details about it. {Click mouse to continue}
But what do I do if I still don’t know the word?
What strategy did you use to make sense of the words? Substitution What strategy did you use to make sense of the words? Experiential context/ Tone Guess Sound it out Look for familiar word parts Check the part of speech
What if the word has more than one meaning?
POLICE BEGIN CAMPAIGN TO RUN DOWN JAYWALKERS A. ) To find B POLICE BEGIN CAMPAIGN TO RUN DOWN JAYWALKERS A.) To find B.) To hit with a car C.) To move very quickly D.) In a neglected condition
SAFETY EXPERTS SAY SCHOOL BUS PASSENGERS SHOULD BE BELTED A SAFETY EXPERTS SAY SCHOOL BUS PASSENGERS SHOULD BE BELTED A.)To secure with a fastener B.) To be hit with a belt C.) To sing out loudly D.) An elongated region having distinctive properties or characteristics
DRUNK GETS NINE MONTHS IN VIOLIN CASE A DRUNK GETS NINE MONTHS IN VIOLIN CASE A.) A person or thing whose plight or situation calls for attention B.) A suit or action at law C.) A peculiar or unusual person D.) A container
FARMER BILL DIES IN HOUSE A FARMER BILL DIES IN HOUSE A.) Money owed for goods or services supplied B.) Any beaklike mouthpart in other animals C.) A piece of legislation D.) An individual named William
Now it is your turn to follow the clues! Context Clues: Practice Now it is your turn to follow the clues! The next few slides are sentences with context clues that you can hunt out on your own. Write down your answers as you go along. {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Practice #1 Mallery’s mom thought that the new outfit that she had bought for her was . Mallery did not want to break it to her, but it was totally out of style. modish Questions: Which type of context clue is being used here? What does the word modish mean in this sentence? {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Practice #2 Insomnia , not being able to sleep at night, can be linked to an excessive intake of caffeine throughout the day. Questions: Which type of context clue is being used here? What does the word insomnia mean in this sentence? {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Practice #3 The woman enjoyed the of the soup. It had a hint of spices balanced with the perfect amount of sweetness. savor Questions: Which type of context clue is being used here? What does the word savor mean in this sentence? {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Practice #4 The day had proven to be very . Before the sun had even risen, it was already hot outside. torrid Questions: Which type of context clue is being used here? What does the word torrid mean in this sentence? {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Practice #5 It is our custom that the bride and groom only wear the finest on their wedding day. raiment Questions: Which type of context clue is being used here? What does the word raiment mean in this sentence? {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Practice #6 Though many types of birds fly in groups, Eagles are birds of solitude. Questions: Which type of context clue is being used here? What does the word solitude mean in this sentence? {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Practice Now, lets see how you did! {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Practice Answer #1 This context clue was an Antonym. Here, modish means the same as stylish. Mallery’s mom thought that the new outfit that she had bought for her was modish. Mallery did not want to break it to her, but it was totally out of style. {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Practice Answer #2 The context clue here was Rewording. Here, insomnia means not able to sleep at night. Context Clues: Practice Answer #2 Insomnia, not being able to sleep at night, can be linked to an excessive intake of caffeine throughout the day. {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Practice Answer #3 This context clue was a Detail. Here, savor means the same as flavor. The woman enjoyed the savor of the soup. It had a hint of spices balanced with the perfect amount of sweetness. {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Practice Answer #4 This context clue was a synonym. Here, torrid means the same as hot. The day had proven to be very torrid. Before the sun had even risen, it was already hot outside. {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Practice Answer #5 This context clue was a Detail. Here, raiment means clothes. It is our custom that the bride and groom only wear the finest raiment on their wedding day. {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Practice Answer #5 Though many types of birds fly in groups, Eagles are birds of solitude. This context clue was an antonym. Here, solitude means to be alone. {Click mouse to continue}
Entrance fees are charged to enter the park (open year round) and can be paid at the Maverick and Persimmon Gap entrance stations. In which sentence below does charged have the same meaning as in the sentence above? A. The athletes charged the field with great enthusiasm. B. The bull charged the red cape that was held in front of it. C. The committee was charged with the task of raising funds. D. The group was charged a fair price for their concert tickets.
I showed him how to keep his fly from dragging, how to fish the deeper pools. He was absorbed by the whys and the hows and the execution. In which sentence does execution have the same meaning as used in the excerpt above? A. After an execution of this computer program, the entire system might shut down. B. Their plan was sound, but its faulty execution caused a delay in starting the project. C. After agreeing on the terms of the sale, the execution of the deed to the house will be finalized. D. The execution of the terms of his final will and testament should occur as soon as the judge approves it.
To obtain Week View mode when in Month View mode, simply highlight any day in the desired week and choose Week at the bottom left of the display. In which sentence does mode have the same meaning as in the sentence above? A. She reacted to the change in the mode of the teacher’s voice. B. The instructor asked the students to find the mode of a set of numbers. C. She switched the computer’s application from keyboard to voice mode. D. The subway is her favorite mode of transportation when she visits the city.
“Maybe you and I should play a match sometime,” she said “Maybe you and I should play a match sometime,” she said. Which sentence below uses match in the same way as in the sentence above? A. I could not find the match to my red sock. B. She is no match for him in the spelling bee. C. He lost the match to someone more experienced. D. My grandfather used a match to light the candle.
Board the bus for your chosen activity, and ride with the organization’s representatives and other volunteers to your activity site. In which of the following sentences does board have the same meaning as in the sentence above? A. She received room and board in exchange for her work at the dormitory. B. The event was overseen by committee members and a board of directors. C. The city decided to board up the abandoned house so no one could enter. D. He was not able to make a phone call before it was time to board the plane.