Caution - Warning Light Quiz On the following slide, illustrating the “CAUTION and WARNING LIGHTS” your Mouse Pointer will turn into a hand symbol as you position it over the various lights. A Mouse Click will enlarge and illuminate the selected light. Quiz yourself on the meaning of that light, the system related to it, limitations, and review the QRH actions. By Clicking on the Mouse a brief explanation of that light will be displayed. To further your review, of that associated system, click on the link which will take you to the applicable Schematic or you can return directly to the “CAUTION/WARNING” Panel Menu.
#1 ENG OIL PRESS Link to Engine Oil system Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU #1 ENG OIL PRESS Link to Engine Oil system The #1 Engine Oil Pressure has fallen below 40 psi (plus or minus 2 psi) Carry out applicable emergency check list. Check the Engine Oil Pressure Gauge. The Lights and the Oil Pressure Gauge have separate pressure sensors in the oil system. If the pressure is in the 40 - 55 range reduce power to flight idle. (75% NH) Below 40 psi shut down the engine. (QRH) With either the Warning Light illuminating, or a pressure gauge reading of 40 psi or below, the Engine should be shut down. Engine Oil Pressure is also used as one of the conditions that enables the #1 Engine Intake Electrical Heater. Engine Inlet Splitters are also anti-iced with hot Engine Oil providing that the temp is a minimum of 45 degrees.
#2 ENG OIL PRESS Link to Engine Oil system Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU #2 ENG OIL PRESS Link to Engine Oil system The #2 Engine Oil Pressure has fallen below 40 psi (plus or minus 2 psi) Carry out applicable emergency check list. Check the Engine Oil Pressure Gauge. The Lights and the Oil Pressure Gauge have separate pressure sensors in the oil system. If the pressure is in the 40 - 55 range reduce power to flight idle. (75% NH) Below 40 psi shut down the engine. (QRH) With either the Warning Light illuminating, or a pressure gauge reading of 40 psi or below, the Engine should be shut down. Engine Oil Pressure is also used as one of the conditions that enables the #2 Engine Intake Electrical Heater. Engine Inlet Splitters are also anti-iced with hot Engine Oil providing that the temp is a minimum of 45 degrees. Loss of the #2 Engine Oil Pressure is also one of the conditions that enables the automatic operation of the Hydraulic PTU with a Gear up selection.
Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU SMOKE One, or both, Smoke Particle detectors, located in the baggage compartment, has detected smoke particles in the Cargo Bay. Carry out applicable emergency check list. The Baggage Compartment Light Switch is located at the FA panel. The Warning Light will remain on for as long as there is smoke present in the Baggage Compartment. Although this system is prone to false warnings all indications should be treated as an actual and investigated. On the DH8 102, 106, 200 and Standard DH8-300 series there is no automatic Cargo Compartment Fire Extinguishing. The FA must investigate and if necessary fight the fire. The Air Inuit DH8-314, moded for 45 passengers, has an enclosed Cargo compartment. There is no access from the inside the Cabin. Cargo Fire Detection and extinguishing is provided.
CHECK FIRE DET Link to Link to Detection Wiring Engine Oil system Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU CHECK FIRE DET Link to Detection Wiring Schematic Link to Engine Oil system There is a Fire, or an excessive heat source, in the Engine Nacelle or Wheel Well area. Or : There is a fault in the one of the 4 (2 loops per engine) Fire Detection Loops. Carry out applicable emergency check list.
CABIN PRESS Link to Pressurization Schematic Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU CABIN PRESS Link to Pressurization Schematic The Cabin Altitude has exceeded 10,000 ft. Check the pressurization indicator panel. Carry out applicable emergency check list. Max normal differential pressure is 5.5 psi. Maximum over pressure relief, a feature of both outflow valves, is 5.8 to 5.95 Detent selection of the cabin pressurization rate knob is 500 ft. per minute up and 300 ft. per minute down. In “Auto” the Cabin Pressurization Controller will depressurize the Cabin at 600 ft. per minute for one minute then dump the cabin pressure when the system senses weight on wheels with the Power Levers at flight idle or in BETA. If taking off, with the Engine Bleeds on, the pressurization Controller with pressurize to .5 (140 ft. below field) when the Power Levers are advanced.
Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU PASS DOOR The Passenger Door (air stair) is not properly secured. One or both PSEU door switches, sensing that the door is not properly closed, will activate this light. Carry out emergency check list. Warn the FA to keep away from the door with this light on as directed in the QRH. Cabin (Air Stair Door) is sealed with an inflatable seal which utilizes 18 psi Engine Bleed Air extracted from the Boot Inflation system.
Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU BAG DOOR The Baggage Compartment Door is not properly secured. One or both PSEU door switches, sensing that the door is not properly closed, will activate this light. These switches will also automatically activate the lights in the Baggage Compartment. Carry out the emergency check list.
MAIN BAT HOT AUX BAT HOT Link to Electrical Schematic Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Link to Electrical Schematic MAIN BAT HOT AUX BAT HOT The Main Battery, or Aux Battery, has overheated (65 degrees or greater) with a high risk of a Battery Thermal runway if the battery Temperature cannot be controlled. Refer to applicable QRH check list. Confirm this light indication using the Battery Temperature Monitor. If you have either indication carry out the Emergency Procedure. The Battery must be manually selected off. Eliminating the charging source, Main Bat “OFF” or Aux Bat “OFF” may prevent a thermal runaway.
L 26 AC Link to Electrical Schematic Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Link to Electrical Schematic L 26 AC Loss of power on the Left 26-volt AC Fixed Frequency Bus with a possible power loss on the 115 Volt Fixed AC Frequency Bus. Perform the Emergency check list actions. Check the Left 26-volt CB (P1) on the Avionics CB panel. The QRH will direct you to select the Auxiliary Inverter to the operating side.
R 26 AC Link to Electrical Schematic Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Link to Electrical Schematic R 26 AC Loss of power on the Right 26-volt AC Fixed Frequency Bus with a possible power loss on the 115 Volt Fixed AC Frequency Bus. Perform the Emergency check list actions. Check the Right 26-volt CB (P1) on the Avionics CB Panel. The QRH will direct you to select the Auxiliary Inverter to the operating side.
DC BUS Link to Electrical Schematic Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU DC BUS Link to Electrical Schematic DC Bus Fault has been detected. The BBPU caused this light to illuminate. The shorted Main DC Bus (Left or Right Main DC Bus located in the nose section) is initially isolated through the BBPU then de-powered 7-10 seconds latter if the fault (short circuit) persist. Carry out the applicable Emergency check list. Wait 7-10 seconds. If no further Caution Lights have illuminated the QRH will direct you to attempt a DC Bus Fault Reset. If a Battery (Main or Aux) Caution Light and a Gen Caution Light (#1 or #2 DC Gen) came on, 7 – 10 seconds latter, with this DC BUS Caution Light the QRH will direct you to turn OFF the applicable Battery and Generator then to attempt a reset using the Bus Fault Reset Control Switch. If the Fault cannot be eliminated, through the QRH process, all services on either the Left Main DC Bus, or the Right Main DC Bus, will be lost. This will generate other Caution Lights that will have to be dealt with. As a reference to lost services, use the CB’s on the Shorted Bus to identify what services are no longer available and plan (CRM) accordingly.
L TRU Link to Electrical Schematic The Left TRU is inoperative. Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Link to Electrical Schematic L TRU The Left TRU is inoperative. Carry out the applicable emergency check list. Look for the L TR CB on the Left Variable AC Bus. Pull the CB to isolate the TRU as directed by the QRH. The R TRU will automatically power the Left Secondary Bus when the Left TRU fails.
R TRU Link to Electrical Schematic The Right TRU is inoperative. Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU R TRU Link to Electrical Schematic The Right TRU is inoperative. Carry out the applicable emergency check list. Look for the Right TR CB on the Right Variable 115 AC Bus. Pull the CB to isolate the TRU as directed by the QRH. The Left TRU will automatically power the Right Secondary Bus when the Right TRU fails.
Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU R ELEV HORN HEAT The Right Elevator Horn Heat has failed. Perform the Emergency Check List actions. Check the Elevator Horn Heat control CB (N7) on the Right DC Bus and the Power Source CB (ELEV HORN HT) on the Right Variable 115 Volt AC CB panel. Check the MEL for dispatching options . Limited to a minimum of 173 KTS in icing conditions For the Elevator Horns to function the Control Switch, located on the Icing Panel must be selected on, the Aircraft must be in the air (WOW) and the OAT must be 15 degrees C or less. When you test it, (can be tested on the ground) the Caution Lights will illuminate then extinguish between 2 – 20 seconds if the test was successful.
L WSHLD HOT R WSHLD HOT Link to Windshield Heat Schematic Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU L WSHLD HOT R WSHLD HOT Link to Windshield Heat Schematic The Left Windshield, or Right Windshield, has overheated. The heating element will automatically be disconnected from it’s power source and will not automatically re-connect once the affected Windscreen cools. Carry out applicable Emergency check list procedures. The Windshield Heat Selector Switch has to be selected to “OFF” then back on or to “Warm Up” from NORM to re-initialize the windshield heat. If you are operating in WARM UP, with a L AC BUS Caution Light illuminated (shorted), select NORM to re-instate windshield heat on the First Officer’s windshield. Avoid icing conditions if possible. Review the MEL implications.
L AC BUS Link to Electrical Schematic Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Link to Electrical Schematic L AC BUS A Left Variable AC Bus Fault detected. (SHORTED BUS) has been detected. The fault on the Left Variable AC Bus (short) has resulted in the Bus being automatically isolated. All services on this Bus will be lost. Consider all those consequences (CRM) for the services lost. Perform the applicable emergency check list items. Refer to abnormal check list for a list of services lost. This Caution Light will always have other associated system Caution Lights illuminated with it.
EMER LTS DISARMED Link to Emergency Lights Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Link to Emergency Lights EMER LTS DISARMED Emergency lights are not armed. The Switch could be “OFF” or there is a malfunction in the system. The QRH will direct you to Select the Pilot’s Emergency Light switch to the “ARM” position. When the EMER LTS have been selected to “ARM” a loss of electrical power on the Right Secondary Bus will cause all the Emergency Lights to illuminate automatically.
PITOT HEAT 1 Link to PITOT HEATERS Schematic Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU PITOT HEAT 1 Link to PITOT HEATERS Schematic A fault in the electrical circuit (broken heating element) or the Pitot Heat has been selected off. Carry out applicable emergency checklist. Check to see that the PITOT STATIC 1 switch is on. Check the applicable CB on the Left ESS DC Bus If the Caution Light does not illuminate, when you test the Caution Lights, the MEL will direct you how to test the system to determine that the Pitot Tube is being heated when you turn on the switch. You cannot dispatch into known or forecasted icing conditions with the unserviceability of this Caution Light. The PITOT HEAT Control Switches power both the associated Pitot Tube and the Static Plate Heating elements however there is no indication if there is a heating element failure in the static plate. The Caption’s, Pitot Heat 1,system would still operate on Battery Power only since it is electrically powered from the Left Essential Bus.
R WSHLD HOT Link to WINDSHIELD HOT Schematic Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU R WSHLD HOT Link to WINDSHIELD HOT Schematic The Right windshield has over heated. The Heating Element will automatically be disconnect from it’s power source. Carry out applicable emergency check list procedures. The Windshield Heat Selector Switch has to be selected to “OFF” or “Warm Up” to re-initialize the windshield heat. If you are operating in “WARM UP” select “NORM” to re-instate heat on the other windscreen. Avoid icing conditions if possible. Review MEL implications.
SIDE WDO HOT Pilot’s Side Window heat has over heated. Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU SIDE WDO HOT Pilot’s Side Window heat has over heated. Carry out applicable emergency check list. No action necessary since heat source will automatically be disconnect and will reconnect (cycle on and off) when it has cooled. If light does not cycle select the PLT WDO/HT switch to OFF.
L TRU HOT Link to Electrical Schematic Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Link to Electrical Schematic L TRU HOT The Left Transformer Rectum Fire Unit has overheated. Refer to applicable emergency check list. The Left TRU must be shut down by pulling the L TRU CB on the Left Variable AC Bus. The Left and Right Secondary Buses automatically cross tie when the Left TRU is shut down enabling the R TRU to power the Left Secondary Bus.
#1 HYD FLUID HOT Link to Hydraulic Schematics Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Link to Hydraulic Schematics #1 HYD FLUID HOT The # 1 Hydraulic System fluid, in the reservoir, is hot. Refer to applicable emergency check list. Caution light goes out once the fluid has cooled. Monitor the quantity and pressures for the associated system. This could be an initial indication of a hydraulic fluid leak. You can expect this light to illuminate when the ISO Valve has closed and there is only 1.0 - .5 Hydraulic quantity in the system.
# 2 HYD FLUID HOT Link to Hydraulic Schematics Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Link to Hydraulic Schematics # 2 HYD FLUID HOT The # 2 Hydraulic System fluid, in the reservoir, is hot. Refer to applicable emergency check list. Caution light goes out once fluid has cooled. Monitor the quantity and pressures for the associated system. This could be an initial indication of a fluid leak in the hydraulic system. This Light could illuminate when operating with the ISO Valve closed which automatically occurs at 1.0 - .5 quantity in the reservoir.
FLT COMP DUCT HOT Link to Air Conditioning Schematics Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU FLT COMP DUCT HOT Link to Air Conditioning Schematics The Flight compartment supply duct air is excessively hot. Carry out the applicable emergency check list. Normal operation is automatically interrupted and full cool air is routed through the ducts (if the auto control unit works) until the temp decreases below 82 degrees C. The QRH directs you to operate the effected system in Manual and to toggle the Trim Valves to cool for 10 seconds. Caution light goes out and normal operations resume once the duct cools. If you can’t control it the QRH directs you to turn off the Bleeds and commence a decent to below 14,000 ft.
CABIN DUCT HOT Link to Air Conditioning Schematics Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU CABIN DUCT HOT Link to Air Conditioning Schematics The Cabin Compartment supply duct air is excessively hot. Carry out the applicable Emergency Check List. Normal operation is automatically interrupted and full cool air is routed through the ducts (if the auto control unit works) until the temp decreases below 82 degrees C. The QRH directs you to select the effected system to Manual and to toggle the Pack Valves to cool for 10 seconds. Caution light goes out and normal operations resume once the duct cools. If you can’t control it the QRH directs you to turn off the Bleeds and commence a decent to below 14,000 ft.
AIR COND PACK HOT Link to Air Conditioning Schematics Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU AIR COND PACK HOT Link to Air Conditioning Schematics The Air Cycle Machine (ACM) compressor discharge pressure is hot. (207 degrees C) Carry out the emergency procedure check list. Normal operation is automatically interrupted. Both Bleed Air sub systems (PRSOV) close and both HP Bleeds close. QRH directs you to manually close both Bleeder Air Switches. The Aircraft will start to depressurize and the QRH will direct you to commence a decent to below 14,000 ft.
R TRU HOT Link to Electrical Schematic Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU R TRU HOT Link to Electrical Schematic The Right Transformer Rectifier Unit has overheated. Refer to applicable emergency check list. The Right TRU must be shut down by pulling the R TRU CB on the Right Variable AC bus. Left and Right Secondary Buses automatically cross tie when the Right TRU is off line.
#1 STBY HYD PUMP HOT Link to Hydraulic Schematics Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU #1 STBY HYD PUMP HOT Link to Hydraulic Schematics The Electric Hydraulic STBY pump (SPU) motor windings have overheated. Carry out applicable emergency check list procedures. When motor windings cool the pump will resume normal operations and light will go out. A Flap selection will activate both SPU’s automatically. Selecting an individual SPU switch selection to “ON” will also activate the selected SPU. Confirmation that an SPU is operating is by observing that its associated Pressure Gauge is indicating 2900 psi.
#2 STBY HYD PUMP HOT Link to Hydraulic Schematic Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU #2 STBY HYD PUMP HOT Link to Hydraulic Schematic The #2 Electric Hydraulic STBY pump (SPU) motor windings have overheated. Carry out applicable emergency check list procedures. When motor windings cool the pump will resume normal operations and light will go out. A Flap selection will activate both SPU’s automatically. Selecting an individual SPU switch to “ON” will also activate an SPU.
PITOT HEAT 2 Link to Static Heaters Schematic Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Link to Static Heaters Schematic PITOT HEAT 2 A fault in the electrical circuit (broken heating element) or the Pitot Heat has been selected off. Carry out applicable emergency checklist. Check to see that the PITOT STATIC 1 switch is on. Check the applicable CB on the Left Main DC Bus If the Caution Light does not illuminate, when you test the Caution Lights, the MEL will direct you how to test the system to determine that the PITOT Tube is actually heating. You cannot dispatch into known or forecasted icing conditions without the serviceability of this Caution Light. The PITOT HEAT Control Switches power both the associated Pitot Tube and the Static Plate Heating Elements however there is no indication if there was a heating element failure in the static plate.
MAIN BATTERY Link to Electrical Schematic Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Link to Electrical Schematic MAIN BATTERY The Main Battery is disconnected from the Right Main DC Bus. Refer to applicable emergency check list. Check that the Main Battery Switch has been selected on. The QRH will direct you to attempt a reset by selecting the switch “OFF” and back on. If the caution light remains on select the switch to “OFF”. A BBPU trip (DC BUS) light, will also disconnect the Main Battery automatically if the BBPU fault was on the Right Main DC Bus and lasted for more than 7 to 10 seconds.
AUX BATTERY Link to Electrical Schematic Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU AUX BATTERY Link to Electrical Schematic The AUX Battery is disconnected from the Left Main DC Bus. The AUX bat switch only permits the Aux Battery to receive a charge. (diode) Refer to applicable emergency check list. Check that the AUX Battery Switch has been selected on. Select it off and back on for a reset attempt as directed by the QRH. If the caution light remains on select the switch off. A BBPU trip (DC BUS) light, will also disconnect the Aux Battery if BBPU fault was on the Left Main DC Bus and lasted for more than 7 to 10 seconds.
DE ICE PRESS Link to Inflation Boots Schematic Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Link to Inflation Boots Schematic DE ICE PRESS The Airframe De-ice Pressure(5.5psi.) is to low for De-ice Boot inflation. Apply applicable Emergency check list (QRH). Refer to the Pressure Gauge to verify the warning. The QRH will have you select the Airframe Auto Selector to “OFF” then Isolate the system, by closing the Boot Air ISO Valve, to determine which side is leaking. Operate the system in the Manual Mode starting with the selection (either position 3 or 4) that will inflate the nacelle intake on the good side followed by positions 5 and 6. Get out of icing or don’t get into it if you can avoid it.
# 1 BLEED HOT Link to Engine Bleed Air Schematic Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Link to Engine Bleed Air Schematic # 1 BLEED HOT The # 1 Bleed Supply duct temperature is hot. Carry out applicable emergency check list. The PRSOV (Pressure Regulating Shut Off Valve) and Engine HP Bleed Valve will automatically close on the effected engine. The system will automatically resume operation once the over heat condition is gone. If the Caution Light cycles ON and OFF the QRH will direct you to close the applicable Bleed Air Switch.
# 1 DC GEN HOT Link to Electrical Schematic Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Link to Electrical Schematic # 1 DC GEN HOT The #1 Generator is over heating. Refer to applicable emergency check list. Select the #1 DC Gen to OFF as directed by the QRH. Confirm that the #1 Gen Light comes on. The Overheat light should go out once the Generator has been selected off and cools off. Depending on the cause of the over heat the light may remain illuminated for the duration of the flight. Since the Generator is also is starter you may be unable to start the engine at the next stop. Check for MEL implications. A Technician (M#) is required for dispatching authority.
# 1 AC GEN HOT Link to Electrical Schematic Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Link to Electrical Schematic # 1 AC GEN HOT # 1 AC Variable Gen is overheating (oil cooled). Check the engine oil temp. Carry out applicable check list. Select the generator “OFF”. Check that the appropriate light, #1 AC GEN, illuminates. Check for MEL implications.
# 1 ENG MANUAL Link to ECU-HMU Schematics Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU # 1 ENG MANUAL Link to ECU-HMU Schematics The # 1 ECU has taken itself off line. Unless you have “TOP” selected, with the Power Levers in the Take Off Power Range, you will experience approximately 10% Torque loss. With “TOP” selected, and the P. L's in the Take Off Power Range, the Fail Fix feature of the ECU will hold the Torque Motor Valve in it’s last position and there will be no power loss. In this case the annunciator light would be the only indication of an ECU problem. With selecting the ECU to the MANUAL mode (by pushing on the ECU/HMU Selector switch), or when the ECU takes itself off line and reverts the Fuel control Unit to the HMU mode, the Power Levers will have to be advanced (split Power Levers) to achieve symmetrical torque settings. Rate of engine response will be reduced above 15,000 and also at torque settings of less then 50 % Auto Feather “UPTRIM” feature is disabled in the HMU mode. On the DH8-314 series the loss of an ECU, referred to as an EECU, will revert to a rich fuel scheduling, more fuel, resulting in an increase of approximately 10% more Torque. On the DH8-314 series the EECU Selector always remains at “TOP” and there is no enrichment test required on the first flight of each day.
Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Link to Fuel Schematics # 1 FUEL FLTR BYPASS The # 1 High Pressure Fuel Filter is about to, or has gone into bypass. Carry out the applicable emergency check list actions. Anticipate possible engine failure and monitor engine instrumentation.
#1 ENG FUEL PRESS Link to Fuel Schematics Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Link to Fuel Schematics #1 ENG FUEL PRESS Pressure at the inlet to the #1 EDP (between the Engine Driven Fuel Pump and the fuel tank) is less then 5.5 psi. Carry out applicable emergency checklist items. A clogged Boost Ejector Pump, in the Collector Bay would cause this or a leak (pressure loss) sensed in the fuel line somewhere in the Engine Compartment. Turn on the Aux Fuel Pump. If light goes out things are fine, if not investigate for possible leak and carry out engine shut down if you suspect a leak in the system.
#1 ENG HYD PUMP Link to Hydraulic Schematics Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Link to Hydraulic Schematics #1 ENG HYD PUMP The Hydraulic pressure at the outlet of the #1 EDP is less then 2000 psi. Carry out the applicable emergency check list. Check the quantity and pressure. Turn on the #1 SPU and check the system pressure. The light will remain on since it’s pressure sensor is between the EDP outlet and a one way check valve.
#1 DC GEN Link to Electrical Schematic Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Link to Electrical Schematic #1 DC GEN The # 1 DC Gen has been selected to OFF or has failed. Carry out the applicable emergency check list. Attempt a reset procedure as directed by the QRH. If the caution light remains on select the Gen to “OFF”. The Main DC Bus Tie closes automatically when it detects, through the Generator GCU’s, the loss of a DC Generator. Turning the Gen off, a BBPU fault lasting longer then 7-10 seconds, or a GCU detecting a generator fault, will illuminate this light.
# 1 AC GEN Link to Electrical Schematic Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Link to Electrical Schematic # 1 AC GEN The # 1 Variable AC Gen has been selected “Off Line” or the GCU has detected a fault in the generator. Carry out the applicable emergency check list. Attempt a reset procedure as directed by the QRH. If the caution light remains on turn the Generator Off. The #1 AC Bus Cross Tie will automatically close with no lost of services.
#1 HYD ISO VLV Link to Hydraulic Schematics Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU #1 HYD ISO VLV Link to Hydraulic Schematics The #1 ISO valve has closed (.5 – 1.0 quantity). All hydraulics services, other then the #1 hydraulic rudder pressure line, are shut off. There should be approximately 1.0 - .5 U.S. QTS. remaining in the system. Carry out the applicable emergency check list. Carry out the check list for the lost of the applicable hydraulic functions. Numerous other warning lights will come on in conjunction with this light. The remaining hydraulic fluid quantity will be preserved unless the leak was is in the Rudder line or between the ISO valve and the reservoir.
#1 TANK FUEL LOW Update your resume or have a very good explanation! Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Link to FUEL CELL Schematics #1 TANK FUEL LOW The Fuel Quantity, in the Collector Bay, is less then 130 lbs. Carry out the applicable emergency check list. If a fuel transfer is not possible shut down the engine when the ENG FUEL PRESS caution light illuminates. Update your resume or have a very good explanation!
#2 ENG FUEL PRESS Link to Fuel Schematics Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU #2 ENG FUEL PRESS Link to Fuel Schematics The Pressure, at the inlet to the EDP (between the fuel tank and the EDP), is less then 5.5 psi. Carry out the applicable emergency checklist items. A clogged Boost Ejector Pump, in the fuel tank Collector Bay, would cause this light to illuminate or a leak in the fuel line some where in the Engine compartment. Turn on Aux Fuel Pump as directed by the QRH. If the light goes out things are fine, if not, investigate for possible leak and carry out engine shut down if a leak is suspected.
#2 ENG HYD PUMP Link to Hydraulic Schematic Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Link to Hydraulic Schematic #2 ENG HYD PUMP The Hydraulic Pressure, at outlet of the EDP, is less then 2000 psi. Carry out the applicable emergency check list. Check quantity and pressures. Turn on #2 SPU and check the system pressure. The light remains on since it’s pressure sensor is between the pump outlet and a one way check valve.
#2 DC GEN Link to Electrical Schematic Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU #2 DC GEN Link to Electrical Schematic The # 2 DC gen is Off Line or has failed. (GCU took it off line) Carry out the applicable emergency check list. Attempt a reset procedure as per the QRH. If the caution Light remains illuminated select the Gen off. The Main DC Bus Tie closes automatically with the loss of either DC Gen. Turning a generator off, a BBPU trip lasting more then 7-10 seconds, or the GCU detecting a fault will illuminate this light.
# 2 AC GEN Link to Electrical Schematic Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU # 2 AC GEN Link to Electrical Schematic The # 2 Variable AC Gen is off line or has been turned off. Carry out applicable the emergency check list. Attempt a reset procedure as directed by the QRH. If the caution light remains on turn the Gen off. The #2 AC Bus Cross Tie will automatically close with no lost of services. Turning off the Gen switch, or the GCU detecting a fault, will illuminate this light.
#2 HYD ISO VLV Link to Hydraulic Schematic Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU #2 HYD ISO VLV Link to Hydraulic Schematic The #2 ISO valve has closed. All hydraulics services other then the rudder lines in that system are shut off. The Hydraulic Quantity Gauge will read approximately 1.0 to .5 U.S. Qts Carry out applicable emergency check list. Carry out the check list for the lost of the applicable hydraulic functions. Numerous other warning lights will come on in conjunction with this light. If the leak is anywhere between the hydraulic reservoir and the ISO valve, or in the Rudder line, then all fluid will be depleted.
#1 HYD ISO VLV Link to Hydraulic Schematics Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU #1 HYD ISO VLV Link to Hydraulic Schematics The #1 ISO valve has closed. All hydraulics services ,other then the rudder line, in that system are shut off. The Hydraulic Quantity Gauge will read approximately 1.0 to .5 U.S. Qts Carry out applicable the emergency check list. Carry out the check list for the lost of the applicable hydraulic functions. Numerous other warning lights will come on in conjunction with this light. If the leak is anywhere between the hydraulic reservoir and the ISO valve, or in the Rudder line, then all fluid will be depleted.
#2 TANK FUEL LOW You might want to update that resume. Link to Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Link to FUEL CELL Schematics #2 TANK FUEL LOW The Fuel Quantity ,in the collector bay, is at or less then 130 lbs. Carry out the applicable emergency check list. If a fuel transfer is not possible shut down the engine when the ENG FUEL PRESS caution light illuminates. You might want to update that resume.
# 2 BLEED HOT Link to BLEED AIR Schematic Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU # 2 BLEED HOT Link to BLEED AIR Schematic The # 2 Bleed supply duct temperature is approaching a dangerously hot temperature. Carry out the applicable emergency check list. Both the PRSOV and engine HP Bleed Valve will automatically close on the effected engine. System automatically resumes operation once the over heat is gone.
# 2 DC GEN HOT Link to Electrical Schematic Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU # 2 DC GEN HOT Link to Electrical Schematic The # 2 generator is over heating. Refer to applicable emergency check list. Select the Generator off. Confirm that the # 2 Gen Light comes on. The Caution Light should extinguish once the Gen cools. Depending on what caused the overheat condition the light may remain illuminated for the duration of the flight. Since gen is also a starter you may be unable to start the engine at the next stop. Check for MEL implications
# 2 AC GEN HOT Link to Electrical Schematic Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Link to Electrical Schematic # 2 AC GEN HOT The # 2 Variable AC Generator is over heating. Refer to applicable emergency check list. Select the generator off. Confirm that the # 2 Gen Light comes on. The Caution Light should extinguish once the Gen cools. Depending on what caused the overheat condition the light may remain illuminated for the duration of the flight. Good idea to check the Engine Condition Box for oil filter flags or chips after landing if there are no maintence folks around. Since the Gen is also oil cooled check the engine oil temp to see if there is an association with the engine oil system. There is no MEL relief for a Variable AC Generator.
# 2 ENG MANUAL Link to ECU- HMU Schematic Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Link to ECU- HMU Schematic # 2 ENG MANUAL The # 2 ECU has taken itself off line. Unless you have “TOP” selected, with the Power Levers in the Take Off Power Range, you will experience approximately 10% power loss. With “ TOP” selected and the PL's in the Take Off Power Range, the Fail Fix feature of the ECU will hold the torque motor valve in it’s last position and there will be no power loss. In this case the annunciator light would be the only indication of an ECU problem. With the ECU in the Manual Mode the power levers will be split to achieve symmetrical torque settings. Rate of engine response will be reduced above 15,000 and also at torque settings of less then 50 % Auto Feather “UPTRIM” feature is disabled in the HMU mode. On the DH8-314 series the loss of an ECU, referred to as an EECU, will revert to a rich fuel scheduling, more fuel, resulting in an increase of approximately 10% more Torque. On the DH8-314 series the EECU Selector always remains at “TOP” and there is no enrichment test required on the first flight of each day.
# 2 FUEL FLTR BYPASS Link to Fuel Schematics Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Link to Fuel Schematics # 2 FUEL FLTR BYPASS The # 2 High Pressure Fuel Filter is about to or has gone into bypass. Carry out the applicable Emergency Check list actions. Anticipate possible Engine failure (CRM) and monitor engine instrumentation.
RUD PRESS Link to RUDDER Schematic Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU RUD PRESS Link to RUDDER Schematic The Rudder Pressures have failed to change as programmed by airspeed. Carry out the applicable emergency check list. This light normally comes on with the two other associated rudder lights. This light may illuminate by itself if the pressures, in each Rudder actuator line, are equal but not as programmed.
ROLL SPLR INBD GRND. Link to SPOILER Schematic Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU ROLL SPLR INBD GRND. Link to SPOILER Schematic Either one of two Lift Dump Solenoid Valves (positioned in series) has opened in flight or remained closed after touchdown. Carry out the applicable emergency check list. Landing distance will be increased if the light came on after touchdown. The applicable set of spoilers should operate normally if the valve failed opened in the air. On touch down the Glare shield light, for the inboard ground spoilers, would not illuminate and the PFCS gauge would also indicate that the Inboard set of spoilers did not deploy as ground spoilers. For the Roll Spoilers to convert to Ground Spoilers all three Gear must be on the ground, the Power Levers must be at Flt Idle or Below and the Flt /Taxi Switch must be in the Flt. selection.
ROLL SPLR INBD HYD Link to SPOILER Schematic Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Link to SPOILER Schematic ROLL SPLR INBD HYD A Loss of hydraulic pressure to the extend side of the inboard hydraulic spoiler actuators. Carry out the applicable emergency check list. Check the #1 Hydraulic System, the Copilots Push Off lights and the Glare Shield Push Off lights switches. Landing distance will be slightly more then normal. Factor the approach speeds for flap settings. (QRH) The conditions that would activate this light are loss of #1 hydraulic pressure, glareshield “PUSH OFF LIGHT” switches or switches in front of the copilot pushed.
#1 RUD HYD Link to RUDDER Schematic Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Link to RUDDER Schematic #1 RUD HYD There is a loss of hydraulic pressure in the Rudder line. ( less then 50 psi) Carry out the applicable QRH check list. This light will illuminate with the RUD FULL PRESS and #1 RUD PRESS lights. A loss of the #1 hydraulic system would also illuminate this light. Airspeed limited to 200 kts.
RUD FULL PRESS Link to RUDDER Schematic Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Link to RUDDER Schematic RUD FULL PRESS FULL 3000 psi has been applied to one of the two Rudder Actuators. Carry out the applicable emergency check list. This light will always be accompanied by the RUD PRESS Light and either the # 1 or 2 RUD HYD light. You are speed limited up to 200 KIAS with any rudder malfunction.
ROLL SPLR OUTBD GRND. Link to SPOILER Schematic Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Link to SPOILER Schematic ROLL SPLR OUTBD GRND. Either one of two Lift Dump Solenoid valves (arranged in series) has opened either in flight or one of the two remained closed after touchdown. Carry out the applicable emergency check list. Landing distance will be increased if the light came on after touchdown. The applicable set of spoilers should operate normally if the valve failed opened in the air however the QRH assumes the worst case and the landing distance factor is always applied. The applicable glare shield light will not illuminate on touch down, and the PFCS Gauge would also indicate that the Outboard set of ground spoilers didn’t extend on touch down.
ROLL SPLR OUTBD HYD Link to SPOILER Schematic Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Link to SPOILER Schematic ROLL SPLR OUTBD HYD Loss of hydraulic pressure to the extend side of the outboard hydraulic actuators. Carry out applicable emergency check list. Check the # 2 hydraulic system and also the copilots push off lights. Landing distance will be slightly more then normal. Factor approach speeds for flap settings. The conditions that would cause this light to illuminate are the loss of #2 hydraulic pressure or the glareshield “PUSH OFF LIGHT” switches SPLR 2, was pushed in or the PUSH OFF Light in front of the copilot was pushed.
#2 RUD HYD Link to RUDDER Schematic Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU #2 RUD HYD Link to RUDDER Schematic Loss of hydraulic pressure in the #2 hydraulic rudder line. ( less then 50 psi) Carry out applicable the emergency check list. Comes on in conjunction with RUD FULL PRESS and #2 RUD PRESS lights. Airspeed limited to 200 kts.
FLAP DRIVE Link to FLAP Schematic Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Link to FLAP Schematic FLAP DRIVE The Flaps are operating on the Secondary Flexible Drive cable. Carry out the applicable emergency check list. A Torque Sensor ,in the Secondary Drive Shaft, senses that the shaft is assuming a load (torque) and illuminates this caution light.
FLAP POWER Link to FLAPS Schematic Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU FLAP POWER Link to FLAPS Schematic The Flap motor inlet pressure is less then 1500 psi. Carry out the applicable emergency check list. Check the hydraulic pressure gauges. The Flaps may still operate but at a reduced speed depending on the pressure in the line. Check the applicable Flap Control CB.
L STALL WARNING Link to STALL WARNING Schematic Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Link to STALL WARNING Schematic L STALL WARNING The Left Stall Warning Transducer Heating Element, or the Left Stall Warning Computer Channel has failed. Refer to the applicable Emergency Check list. The Pilot’s ADI Approach Speed Indicator is biased out of view. False Stall Warnings may occur in icing conditions. The Stick Shaker will still work providing the other channel is operating normally. On the DH8- 314 Series the loss of either Stall Warning Computer will also cause the loss of the Stick Pusher system however the Stick shaker would still be available to warn of an impending stall.
R STALL WARNING Link to STALL WARNING Schematic Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU R STALL WARNING Link to STALL WARNING Schematic The Right Stall Warning Transducer Heating Element has failed or the Right Stall Warning Computer channel has failed. Refer to the applicable emergency check list. The Co-pilot’s ADI approach speed indicator is biased out of view. False stall warnings may occur in icing conditions. The Stick shaker will still work providing the other channel is operating normally. On the DH8- 314 Series the loss of either Stall Warning Computer will also cause the loss of the Stick Pusher system however the Stick shaker would still be available to warn of an impending stall.
NOSE STEERING Link to NOSE STEERING Schematic Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Link to NOSE STEERING Schematic NOSE STEERING The Nose Wheel Steering computer (ECU) has failed, or the Nose Wheel Steering has exceeded 60 degrees Left or Right with the Nose Wheel Steering selected “ON”. Refer to the applicable emergency check list. The NWS Select Switch may have to be turned off and back on to cancel the light and restore the Nose Wheel Steering once the Nose Wheel is within 60 degrees from center.
INBD ANTI SKID Link to ANTI -SKID Schematic Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU INBD ANTI SKID Link to ANTI -SKID Schematic The Inboard Anti Skid Unit has failed or is turned off. Carry out the applicable emergency check list. Also illuminates during the anti skid test. Weight on Both Main Gear, Anti Skid selected ON , a Wheel spin up to 35 kts, or an elapsed time of 2.5 seconds with both Main Gear on the ground, are the conditions for the Anti-Skid system to activate. Anti-skid is active above 10 kts, 17 kts. on the DH8-314, when taxing and de-activated below 10 kts. When testing the system on the Ground Both Anti-Skid Caution lights illuminate for 6 seconds. In the air the lights would illuminate for 3 seconds during a TEST sequence.
LDG GEAR INOP Link to GEAR SYSTEM Schematic The Landing Gear Computer (PSEU COMPUTER) lost the capability to program proper sequencing (Door sequencing valve) in the gear. Carry out the applicable emergency checklist. The Emergency Gear Lowering sequence will have to be carried out. The Gear system could be sequenced to release the uplocks before opening the doors if a normal gear lowering procedure was attempted.
ROLL SPLR OUTBD GRND. Link to SPOILER Schematic Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Link to SPOILER Schematic ROLL SPLR OUTBD GRND. Either one of two Lift Dump Solenoid valves (arranged in series) has opened either in flight or one of the two remained closed after touchdown. Carry out the applicable emergency check list. Landing distance will be increased if the light came on after touchdown. The applicable set of spoilers should operate normally if the valve failed opened in the air however the QRH assumes the worst case and the landing distance factor is always applied. The applicable glare shield light, in front of the Captain only, will not illuminate on touch down, and the PFCS Gauge would also indicate that the Outboard set of ground spoilers didn’t extend on touch down.
APU The APU electronic monitoring and operating computer has detected one of numerous faults that cause the APU to automatically shut down. Also illuminates if the APU is on, but not supplying electrical power, this light may be on. Carry out the applicable emergency check list. APU master switch has to be reset if another attempt to start the APU is required.
ROLL SPLR OUTBD GRND. Link to SPOILER Schematic Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Link to SPOILER Schematic ROLL SPLR OUTBD GRND. Either one of two Lift Dump Solenoid valves (arranged in series) has opened either in flight or one of the two remained closed after touchdown. Carry out the applicable emergency check list. Landing distance will be increased if the light came on after touchdown. The applicable set of spoilers should operate normally if the valve failed opened in the air however the QRH assumes the worst case and the landing distance factor is always applied. The applicable glare shield light, located on the captain’s side only, will not illuminate on touch down, and the PFCS Gauge would also indicate that the Outboard set of ground spoilers didn’t extend on touch down.
Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU FLT DATA RECORDER The Flight data recorder either failed or is not turned on. Carry out the applicable emergency check list. Power on the aircraft plus the Anti Collision Lights switch turned on to either selection activates the FDR. Weight off wheels would also activate the FDR.
GPWS The GPWS computer has failed or isn’t turned on. Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU GPWS The GPWS computer has failed or isn’t turned on. Carry out the applicable Emergency Check List Check CB’s
PARKING BRAKE Link to PARKING BRAKE Schematic Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Link to PARKING BRAKE Schematic PARKING BRAKE The Emergency/Parking Brake has been applied. The light goes out when the brake is released. The proper method of releasing the Parking Brake is to apply the Toe Brakes first, release the Parking Brakes, then release the Toe Brakes. Proper application and de-selection of the Emergency Brakes/ Park Brake will prevent hydraulic fluid transfer between hydraulic systems.
OUTBD ANTI SKID Link to ANTI -SKID Schematic Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Link to ANTI -SKID Schematic OUTBD ANTI SKID The Outboard Anti Skid Unit has failed or is turned off. Carry out the applicable emergency check list. Also illuminates during the anti skid test. Weight on Both Main Gear, Anti Skid selected ON , a Wheel spin up to 35 kts, or an elapsed time of 2.5 seconds with weight on both Main Gear, are the conditions for the Anti-Skid system to activate. Anti-skid is active above 10 kts when taxing and de-activated below 10 kts. On the DH8-314 Series Anti-skid comes on, or off line going through 17 kts. of Tire rotation speed.
Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU FUELING ON A normal function indicating that the refuel-defuel master selector switch in the RH Engine Nacelle Refueling Panel, is in the “Refuel” or “Defuel” selection. If you take off with this light on Fuel Transfer is inhibited. The Master Caution Light is not triggered when this light illuminates.
WT ON WHEELS Link to WEIGHT on WHEELS Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU WT ON WHEELS Link to WEIGHT on WHEELS Indicates a fault in one or more of the six Weight on Wheels Proximity Sensors. Carry out the applicable emergency check list. The landing gear may not retract since the WOW sensors (proximity switches) are dual on each gear and you could have lost 2 sensors on the same gear. Consider the consequences of having lost 2 sensors on one wheel when this light illuminates. Some WOW inputs may be lost if two sensors on one gear system had failed. Consider the implications of having lost 2 sensors on the same gear when discussing this malfunction during CRM. Important ones are, no nose wheel steering, no Ground Spoiler deployment, no braking when the Brake Pedals are applied. Turning “OFF” the Anti-skid switch would restore normal braking.
ADVISORY DISPLAY LIGHTS Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU ADVISORY DISPLAY LIGHTS Simply keep “Clicking” on each slide and a new Advisory Display Light will appear with information on this light.
EXTERNAL AC POWER LIGHT Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU EXTERNAL AC POWER LIGHT Illuminates to indicate that External AC Power has been applied to both Variable AC Buses. An External AC power protection system ensures that the proper Phase, Frequency and Voltage are correct before permitting power to come on line. The relays, which permit the application of External AC are actually powered from DC therefore the Battery Master Switch has to be selected “ON” for the aircraft to accept Variable AC External power.
EXTERNAL DC POWER LIGHT Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU EXTERNAL DC POWER LIGHT Illuminates to indicate that DC External Power has been applied to all the DC buses. Check that the DC Buses are all receiving external DC and that the External DC Power source is greater than 24 volts or the Batteries will deplete to the level of the external DC source. (28 volts is optimum}. There is no under voltage protection. On modified aircraft turning on External DC Power does not cause the AUX and MAIN batteries to be automatically disconnected therefore external DC can be used to “TOP UP” (22 volts minimum battery) the Aircraft Batteries. An over voltage Ground Power Fuse will disconnect external DC from the aircraft should the power unit output exceed 31.5 volts.
Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU PROPELLER HEAT LIGHTS Each of these 4 lights will illuminate when the associated pair of propeller blades on the applicable side are receiving heat. Failure for a light to illuminate could be caused by a burnt out bulb, malfunctioning propeller timer or both elements are burnt out. Illumination of a light does not mean that both blades, in the effected pair being heated, are receiving heat. One blade, in the pair, could not be receiving heat and the light would still illuminate. If engine vibrations are felt, with the propeller de-icing system turned on, use the Variable AC Load meter to verify if the vibrations are caused by a malfunction propeller heat element. When operating at the above -10 selection these lights will illuminate for ten seconds each then there will be a 30 second pause before the system resumes operation. In the Below -10 selection each light will illuminate for 20 seconds with no pause in the prop heat cycle.
115 .26 .08 Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU ICE PROTECTION OFF SLOW FAST AIRFRAME AUTO TAIL WING PROPS PROP TMR ABOVE BELOW -10C ELEV HORN TEST HEAT VALVE HEAT PITOT STATIC 1 2 STALL WARN BOOT AIR ISO PROP NORM Selecting the “BELOW -10” position starts a 80 second timer. A pair of blades get heated for 20 seconds A pair of blades, on the opposite engine, gets heated for 20 seconds. Another pair of blades gets heated for 20 seconds The last set of blades get heated for 20 seconds. The cycle repeats itself with the light cycling continuously. AC SYSTEM 115 .26 .08 VOLTS LOAD INVERTERS PRI AUX SEC VARIABLE FREQUENCY A B C LEFT RIGHT Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU
BOOT INFLATION LIGHTS Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU The boot Inflation Lights, depicted on the Aircraft Schematic, are illuminated by 15 psi pressure sensors in the inflation line between the Boot Inflation Valve unit and the Rubber Boot. Illumination of the light will also correspond with an initial dip in the inflation Boot Pressure Gauge (18psi). When operating in “AUTO” at the SLOW selection each pair of lights will illuminate for 6 seconds with a 204 dwell period after a full cycle. At the “FAST” selection the inflation time remains the same however the dwell period will only by 24 seconds. When operating in the manual mode (QRH) as a result of a leak in the system, DE-ICE PRESS light, start the manual operation at either 3 or 4. You want to inflate the engine nacelle inlet boot that is operable, followed by selection 5 and 6. The MANUAL mode could also be used to replace a faulty automatic timer.
1 #1 Engine #2 Engine 4 3 3 4 1 2 4 4 3 3 2 ISO VLV 1 2 4 3 4 3 2 1 OFF AIRFRAME AUTO AIRFRAME MANUAL OFF #1 Bleed 18 PSI #2 Bleed 18 PSI 4 3 SLOW (204 sec Dwell) FAST 3 4 (24 sec Dwell) 1 2 4 4 3 3 2 1 15 psi 15 psi 15 psi 15 psi 15 psi 15 psi 15 psi 15 psi ISO VLV 1 2 4 3 4 3 2 1 Valve Assembly Valve Assembly Valve Assembly Valve Assembly Water Separators Water Separators DE-ICE PRESS Fuselage Restrictor Water Separators Water Separators Main Entry Door 6 5 Valve Assembly 6 Valve Assembly 5 15 psi 15 psi 6 6 89 5 5
EMERGENCY FUEL SHUT OFF VALVES Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU EMERGENCY FUEL SHUT OFF VALVES OPEN CLOSED Located on the Engine Fire panel. These lights Illuminate to indicate the position of the Emergency Fuel Shut Off which are located in the Flap wells. The valve is in the fuel line, originating from the Collector Bay, that feeds the Engine Driven pump. Pulling the “PULL FUEL OFF” T handle closes the Emergency Fuel Shut Off Valve using Hot Battery Bus electrical power.
Fuel Flow Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Fuel Control Unit #1TANK FUEL LOW #2 FUEL FLTR BYPASS #2 FUEL FLTR BYPASS #2 ENG FUEL PRESS Aux ECU/ HMU Fuel Transfer Fuel Temp Fuel Control Unit High Press Filter Engine Oil 91
Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU EXTG AFT BTL FIRE BOTTLE LIGHTS FWD BTL When the “PULL FUEL OFF” T Handle is pulled these lights illuminate to indicate that there is pressure (Halon) in each of the 2 fire bottles, (bottle is full) and that the Fire Bottle Discharge Squibs are Armed and ready to be fired. The extinguishing, of each one of these lights, confirms that the selected Halon Bottle has been discharged in the applicable engine compartment. The discharge switch uses HOT BATTERY Bus electrical power.
FAULT A B Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU The illumination of any of these 2 annunciator lights, concurrent with the CHECK FIRE DET Master Warning Light, indicates a malfunction in the applicable Fire Detection System which warns of a fire, or an excessive heat source, in either the Engine Compartment or the wheel well. Either there has been a gas leak, in the applicable loop, or there has been a malfunction in the electronic portion of that detection loop system. The QRH will direct you to select the Operable loop (non illuminated loop) to render the functioning loop capable of detecting fires or excessive heat sources. A faulted loop will not light up during a Test sequence. Verify that Both Loop Lights illuminate when you are testing the system. These Fire Detection systems ( which operate on the expanding gas principal) are included in the MEL. Each Loop detection system, A and B, in each nacelle receives electrical power from separate Essential Buses, Left Essential for Loops A and Right Essential for Loops B.
FIRE WALL Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Stainless Steel Continuous Loop Helium Gas Inert Metallic Materiel and Nitrogen Titanium Wire FIRE WALL 5 FIRE WARNING LIGHTS RESPONDER UNIT L ESS Bus R ESS Bus Gas Expansion inside Loops A and B caused a set of Bellows to Expand at the ends of the Loops. From there an electrical Contact was made and the Responder Unit set off the 5 Warning Lights. Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU
Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Link back to Spoiler Schematic ROLL SPLR OUTBD GRND. Either one of two Lift Dump Solenoid valves (arranged in series) has opened either in flight or one of the two remained closed after touchdown. Carry out the applicable emergency check list. Landing distance will be increased if the light came on after touchdown. The applicable set of spoilers should operate normally if the valve failed opened in the air however the QRH assumes the worst case and the landing distance factor is always applied. The applicable glare shield light will not illuminate on touch down, and the PFCS gauge would also indicate that the Outboard set of ground spoilers didn’t extend on touch down.
Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Link back to Spoiler Schematic ROLL SPLR OUTBD GRND. Either one of two Lift Dump Solenoid valves (arranged in series) has opened either in flight or one of the two remained closed after touchdown. Carry out the applicable emergency check list. Landing distance will be increased if the light came on after touchdown. The applicable set of spoilers should operate normally if the valve failed opened in the air however the QRH assumes the worst case and the landing distance factor is always applied. The applicable glare shield light will not illuminate on touch down, and the PFCS gauge would also indicate that the Outboard set of ground spoilers didn’t extend on touch down.
AUTO FEATHER UPTRIM LIGHT Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU AUTO FEATHER UPTRIM LIGHT This light illuminates to indicate that the Auto Feather system has uptrimmed the good engine. Three seconds latter the Auto Feather system will feather the failed or failing engine. During the Uptrim sequence the ECU of the good engine automatically programs fuel to increase the operating engine’s power by a nominal 10%. (1800 SHP to 2000 SHP). The Uptrim Feature of the Auto Feather system is only available if the ECU of the good engine is in the ECU mode with “TOP” selected and the Power levers are in the Take Off Power Range.
Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Link back to Spoiler Schematic ROLL SPLR OUTBD GRND. Either one of two Lift Dump Solenoid valves (arranged in series) has opened either in flight or one of the two remained closed after touchdown. Carry out the applicable emergency check list. Landing distance will be increased if the light came on after touchdown. The applicable set of spoilers should operate normally if the valve failed opened in the air however the QRH assumes the worst case and the landing distance factor is always applied. The applicable glare shield light will not illuminate on touch down, and the PFCS gauge would also indicate that the Outboard set of ground spoilers didn’t extend on touch down.
FUEL TRANSFER PANEL REFUEL DEFUEL VALVE LIGHTS Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU OPEN CLOSED OPEN CLOSED FUEL TRANSFER PANEL REFUEL DEFUEL VALVE LIGHTS These 2 individual lights illuminate to display the position of each one of the 2 Refuel / Defuel valves. Failure of any one of these valves to open results in the inability to transfer fuel. Also the failure of any one of these valves to open during refueling would prevent fuel from entering the applicable fuel tank. These valves are selected open from either the refuel defuel panel in the RH nacelle when REFUEL or DEFUEL is selected, or by the Fuel Transfer Selection Switch in the cockpit. The cockpit transfer switch cannot select these valves open if the master refuel defuel switch on the refueling panel hasn’t been selected off. Both have to open for fuel transfer to occur. Fuel Transfer is inhibited with the REFUEL / DEFUEL selector on the refueling panel selected to either of these positions.
Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU TANK 2 or 1 AUX PUMP ON OFF Auxiliary Fuel Pump light illuminates any time the Aux Fuel Pump (115 VAC) is operating. The selected pump can be turned on, by using it’s own switch, or comes on automatically, in the donor fuel tank any time a Fuel Transfer is in progress.
FUEL CIRCULATION Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU FUEL CELL FUEL to OIL HEAT EXCHANGER Temp Sensor Flight Deck Fuel Temp Gauge 11-57 C #1 ENG FUEL PRESS Fuel Control Unit High Press Fuel FLTR Plugged HP Filter Bypass line #1 FUEL FLTR BYPASS AUX Pump PULL FUEL OFF Fuel Transfer FUEL CIRCULATION Low Pressure FUEL FILTER Engine Condition Box EMERGENCY FUEL SHUT OFF VALVE Plugged Filter Bypass Line
SELECT ARM AUTOFEATHER Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU AUTOFEATHER Pressing the ON / OFF switch light activates and deactivates the Auto Feather System. The SELECT light indicates that the Auto Feather Computer has been turned on and that the system is on. The ARM light indicates the system has detected that both engines are producing more then 50 % torque with the Power Levers in the Take Off Power range. The Arm light extinguishes if the system is deactivated, an engine has feathered, or a Power Lever is retarded behind the micro switch which establishes the Taker Off Power Range. Auto feather is required for take off but can be MEL’d however with performance penalties apply. When using the Auto Feather system the ARM light must be confirmed during the Take-off run or the take off must be aborted.
Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU BELOW G/S Switch light illuminates to indicate mode 5 violation. If illuminated and pressed while below 1,000 ft. AGL, mode 5 warnings are inhibited until re-armed automatically upon re-capture of the glide slope.
Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU A/P DISENG Flashes at 1 Hz rate when the Auto Pilot is disengaged. Press to reset and re-engage if required.
Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU DME HOLD Hold circuit on DME is selected. This is a pilot induced command which holds the DME on present selected Nav frequency.
Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU INN OUT MID Over head marker.
Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU TAS TAS switch light display on advisory mode. Pilot induced; supplies TAS to advisory display for five seconds and then returns to SAT.
Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU REVN Reversionary mode switch. Pilot induced in response to applicable symbol generator failure to transfer cross-side information from remaining symbol generator.
Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU DG HDG DG DG mode annunciator above the switch illuminates when DG mode is selected. Press the switch to re-slave the system when in DG mode check heading every five minutes. Remove errors using the slew knob.
Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU FAST VG ERECT The FAST annunciator above the switch illuminates when the VG ERECT switch is pressed.
Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU APU PWR RUN FLIR This switch light functions as the APU master switch for activation of the APU (ESU) computer. Also opens and closes the APU fuel valve. APU POWER segment illuminates when switch light is pressed to indicate that the computer is powered up. RUN segment illuminates to indicate that the APU is up and running, passed the self test during start and can no be used for electrical pneumatic power sources. FLR segment illuminates to indicate that the APU ahs shut down automatically after detecting one of several faults.
Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU GEN ON WRN Controls the application of the generator to produce APU electrical power to the aircraft. GEN illuminates white when the APU power is selected on and the generator is available. Pressing this switch light connects the APU gen to the main DC buses and the GREEN segment illuminates. WRN illuminate amber to warn of a generator fault.
Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU BL AIR OPEN Opens and close the APU bleed air valve. BL AIR segment illuminates when the APU PWR has been selected on. When pressed the amber OPEN segment illuminates to indicate that the APU is supplying bleed air.
Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU START STARTER Activates the APU start sequence when pressed following the arming of the start circuits by the APU PWR switch light. WHITE segment illuminates when the APU PWR has been initialized. Amber segment illuminates when the switch light is pressed and the generator is in the starter mode and engaged.
Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU DC LOAD METER Used to connect the APU generator load reading to the aircraft load display on gen 2 selection.
Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU GEN OHT RBY OHT GENOHT segment Illuminates amber to warn of an APU generator overheat .Generator automatically goes off line and the APU shuts down. RBYOHT segment illuminates to warn of an over heat condition in the rear bay area and the APU shuts down.
Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU OVER SPEED TEST When pressed a false over speed signal is sent to the APU control unit simulating an over speed condition. The APU automatically shuts down. The FLR segment of the APU switch light will also illuminate confirming the serviceability of the APU over speed protection. This is the normal method for shutting down the APU.
Supplies the Engine Requirements Scavenge System Oil flows from the Oil Tank to the: Engine Oil Pump (Engine Accessory Drive box) Press Relief Valve Oil Ram Air Cooler and Auto Temp Regulator Pressure Regulating Valve P3/Oil press Filter Fuel/Oil Heat Exchanger Accessory Gear box and Main Engine Bearings Air Oil Separator RGB and Prop Oil Pump Scavenges Pumps route it back to the Oil Tank through the AC Gen Cooling, Engine Splitter struts then on to the Tank Fills the RGB Filter Oil /Fuel Heat Exchanger Supplies the Engine Requirements #1 ENG Oil PRESS Press Reg Vlv P3 Oil Press Auto Temp Regulator Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Pressure System Scavenge System
Pow!!!! 1 2 NORMAL Within three seconds the Auto Feather System: TOP FLT IDLE MAX Rev DISC POWER ARM SELECT TORQUE 20 40 60 80 100 120 TOP NORMAL ECU Torque Sensing Computer (Auto Feather also) MANUAL ON 92.0 2 1 Pow!!!! Within three seconds the Auto Feather System: 1. Uptrimmed the good Engine by 10% Torque. 2. Sent an Electronic signal to the Fuel Control Unit of the failed Engine informing it that the Propeller is Feathering and that Fuel Scheduling should be reduced to operate that feathered propeller at 225 Np. 3. Cancels itself so that the other Engine cannot be automatically feathered. Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU
Prop Control Unit #1. Flight Range Operation only #2. BETA Range #1. With the Power Levers in the Flight Range the Fly Weights in the PCU can be adjusted to give a Prop RPM of 900-1200. All of these functions of the PCU require Engine Oil taken from the RGB and Pressurized with the Mechanical Pump which is incorporated in the PCU. #4 is the exception since it has its own Electric feather Pump and Oil source. Prop Control Unit #2. With the Power Levers in the BETA Range they are mechanically linked to the PCU and control Blade Angles directly. #1. Flight Range Operation only #3. With the Condition levers are selected to Feather a Mechanical Feather Valve is activated, the Mechanical Feather pump in the PCU supplies Engine Oil to Feather the Prop and the Oil is drawn from inside the RGB. #2. BETA Range Reserve Oil Electric Feather Pump Elect Feather Valve #3. Normal Propeller Feathering #4. When the Alternate Feather Switches are activated, an Electric Feather Pump is activated, an Electric Feather Valve is opened and the Oil source is drawn from a Reserve Reservoir of Engine Oil. Auto feather system does the same thing. #5 Hydraulic Over Speed Protection #4. Alternate Feather Selection #6 Pneumatic Over Speed Protection #5. Providing that there is Oil in the RGB and that the PCU can direct it to the increase Pitch side of the Prop Dome an Over Speeding prop can be maintained at 1250 Np. (QRH) 8. “BETA BACK UP” detects that the Blade Angle is going towards the BETA Range (Reverse) while in the flight. Blade Angles are automatically increased to keep them out of the BETA Range. Glare shield Ground Range light flashes. Pulling on the P.L. Triggers cancels BETA BACK-UP protection and also permits the PL’s to be pulled beyond the Mechanical Flt Idle stop. #6. If there is no oil available to Hydraulically control the Over Speed at 1250 the Prop will Pitch Lock. At 1308 the Pneumatic portion of the Over Speed Governor will dump the P3 Air reference to the Fuel Control unit. Using Box #4 a Pitch locked Prop can be feathered.
ELECTRONIC MODE (ECU) IN CRUISE 1. The majority of the Fuel reaching the Combustion Chamber is being Electronically Controlled through the Torque Valve by the ECU. 2. A small amount is controlled by the P3 Air reference to the HMU HMU 3. The Enrichment is Electrically held in the closed position #1 ENG MANUAL ON TOP NORM Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU
On the rear of the Propeller Reduction Gear Box you will find the: PCU NL Compressor Assembly NH Compressor Assembly RGB Turbines Combustion Chamber Combustion Chamber Engine Accessory Gear Box Engine Accessory Gear Box DC Gen Engine Fuel Pump Engine Oil Pumps On the rear of the Propeller Reduction Gear Box you will find the: Prop Control Unit Hydraulic Pump Variable AC Generator Hyd Pump Prop Reduction VAC Gen Ovr Speed These Components only work if the Prop is turning The Propeller Over speed Governor On the front of the Engine Accessory Gear Box you will find the: 28 Volt DC Generator Engine Driven Fuel Pump Oil Pumps These Components are all driven by the NH Compressor through the Angle Drive shafts. Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU
PA AMP Emergency Light Electronic Control Module Any time that the Emergency Lights are illuminated the “PA AMP” receives power from the Hot Bat Bus. Normally it is powered from the L ESS Bus. The EMER Lts will remain illuminated for 20 minutes then automatically turn themselves off. The Emerg Lights can be activated by: . The FA pushing his/her Control Switch on the DH8-100 Series regardless of the switch selection, of the Control Switch, in the Flight Deck. . By selecting the Flight Deck Switch to the “ON” position. . Any Time that a loss of electrical power is sensed on the R Sec Bus providing that the switch has been selected to the “ARM”. In all cases they will automatically shut themselves “OFF” after 20 minutes. PA AMP HOT BAT BUS Right Forward Cabin Light Bus Right Aft Cabin Light Bus Left Aft Cabin Light Bus Floor Path Lighting Strips 6.5 VOLT BATTERY NICAD PACK EMER LTS DISARM L ESS Bus Left Forward Cabin Light Bus Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU
2 NACCA VENTS Vent / Transfer Line Surge Bay Float Vent Dump Vale #1 TANK FUEL LOW 130 Lbs. Float Vent Dump Vale Magnastick Electric Boost Pump Venturi Jet Boost Pump Fuel Temp PULL FUEL OFF Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU
FUEL CIRCULATION Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU FUEL CELL FUEL to OIL HEAT EXCHANGER Temp Sensor Flight Deck Fuel Temp Gauge 11-57 C #1 ENG FUEL PRESS Fuel Control Unit High Press Fuel FLTR Plugged HP Filter Bypass line #1 FUEL FLTR BYPASS AUX Pump PULL FUEL OFF Fuel Transfer FUEL CIRCULATION Low Pressure FUEL FILTER Engine Condition Box EMERGENCY FUEL SHUT OFF VALVE Plugged Filter Bypass Line
Pressure Regulating Shut Off Valve The Engine Bleed Air Switches close both the selected High Pressure Valve and the PRSOV on the selected Engine. ENGINE BLEED AIR . Both PRSOV Valves are electronically controlled and modulate to ensure that each Engine’s Bleed system is producing the same pressure and volume to the ACM unit. Min Max selector opens or closes both PRSOV’s to adjust volume. 1 BLEED 2 MIN MAX BLEED #1 Engine Bleed Air Cycle Machine #2 BLEED HOT NH Bleed Valve 18 PSI Pressure Regulating Shut Off Valve One-way NL Valve 55 PSI Bleed Valve Sensor RGB NL (P2.5) NH (P3.0) Combustion Chamber
. Selecting “AUTO” turns the computer “ON” CABIN PRESS Cabin Alt. Pressure Switch 10,000ft. Cabin Pressure 18 psi. Boot Inflation Line PRESSURE HULL PRESSUREIZATION ELECTRONIC COMPUTER Power lever Switches Weight “ON/OFF Wheels Max Normal PSI 5.5 Press Relief 5.8 – 5.95 Cabin Alt at 25,000 ft. 8000 ft. Static Pressure . Pressurization Controller requires 28 Volt DC from the Left Main Feeder Bus. . Selecting “AUTO” turns the computer “ON” . YELLOW TEST Light “FAULT” illuminates for 1-2 seconds as a normal Self Test function. . Any malfunction of the Pressurization Controller will cause the Rear Normal Outflow Valve to fully “CLOSE”. . The “MANUAL” Forward Outflow Valve can be manipulated by the Black Rotary Manual Control Knob only if there is Airflow against the Fuselage. . The Forward MANUAL Outflow Valve can also be opened, but not manipulated, using the Lever located on the First Officer’s Side Console any time Internal Pressure exceeds External Pressure. Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU
FULLY AUTOMATIC COMPUTERIZED CLIMB/DESCENT CABIN ALT PROFILE CABIN ALTITUDE Field Elevation 5,000 ft. 10,000 ft. 15,000 ft. 20,000 ft. 25,000 ft. 8,000 CABIN ALTITUDE at 25,000 ft. Aircraft Altitude This line represents 5.5 PSI Aircraft Altitude 5000 ft. FULLY AUTOMATIC COMPUTERIZED CLIMB/DESCENT CABIN ALT PROFILE Approximate Fully Automatic Climb/Descent (Auto/Norm) Schedule -140ft.(.5 psi) CABIN PRESS Warning Light illuminates at 10,000 Cabin Alt. Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU
#2 HYDRAULIC SYSTEM #1 SPU EDP #2 SPU FLAP SELECTION #2 RUDDER ACTUATOR #2 HYD ISO VLV LANDING GEAR #2 HYD FLUID HOT OUTBD ROLL SPLRS #2 ENG HYD PUMP STEERING #2 STBY HYD PUMP HOT #2 Hyd Res Atmospheric Pressure EMERG BRAKES EDP (RGB) #2 SPU Fixed AC Gauge Mechanic Gauge PULL FUEL OFF Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Pressure lines Return lines EDP . 3000 psi SPU . 2900 psi Quantity . 5.19 US QTS. Min Dispatch 3.0 U.S. QTS.
#2 HYDRAULIC SYSTEM #1 SPU EDP #2 SPU FLAP SELECTION #2 RUDDER ACTUATOR #2 HYD ISO VLV LANDING GEAR #2 HYD FLUID HOT OUTBD ROLL SPLRS #2 ENG HYD PUMP STEERING #2 STBY HYD PUMP HOT #2 Hyd Res Atmospheric Pressure EMERG BRAKES EDP (RGB) #2 SPU Fixed AC Gauge Mechanic Gauge PULL FUEL OFF Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Pressure lines Return lines EDP . 3000 psi SPU . 2900 psi Quantity . 5.19 US QTS. Min Dispatch 3.0 U.S. QTS.
1 #1 Engine #2 Engine 4 3 3 4 1 2 4 4 3 3 2 ISO VLV 1 2 4 3 4 3 2 1 OFF AIRFRAME AUTO AIRFRAME MANUAL OFF #1 Bleed 18 PSI #2 Bleed 18 PSI 4 3 SLOW (204 sec Dwell) FAST 3 4 (24 sec Dwell) 1 2 4 4 3 3 2 1 15 psi 15 psi 15 psi 15 psi 15 psi 15 psi 15 psi 15 psi ISO VLV 1 2 4 3 4 3 2 1 Valve Assembly Valve Assembly Valve Assembly Valve Assembly Water Separators Water Separators DE-ICE PRESS Fuselage Restrictor Water Separators Water Separators Main Entry Door 6 5 Valve Assembly 6 Valve Assembly 5 15 psi 15 psi 6 6 138 5 5
Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Pitot Heat 1 Switch is selected “OFF”. Power can reach the Caution Light, through the un-powered Relay, but there is no electrical Power to the Pitot Tube or Static Plate. PITOT HEAT 1 PITOT HEAT 2 PITOT STATIC OFF 1 2 28 Volts Left Main DC 28 Volts Left Essential 28 Volts Right Main DC
P S E U 140 Gear Lever selected DOWN Inhibit Switch Nose Steering LDG GEAR INOP Inhibit Switch Nose Steering Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU 140
INBD ANTI SKID OUTBD ANTI SKID CONTROL VALVE COMPUTER .Selected on .Weight on both Main gear .Wheel speed of 35 kts. or 2.5 seconds after WOW Wheel Speed Transducer Anti Skid starts to function going through 10 kts. (wheel rotational speed) TOE BRAKES Brake Ctrl Vlv. ANTI-SKID TEST ON OFF Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU
PSEU Computer WOW USES( important ones to know) Gear UP/DWN POW WT ON WHEELS If one or more of the Six Weight on Wheels Proximity Switches fails the WT ON WHEELS Caution Light will illuminate. The QRH assumes that you only lost one sensor and treats this malfunction lightly. “No crew action required” Consider and discuss the possible implications (CRM) that would result from having lost 2 sensors on the same Gear. WOW USES( important ones to know) Gear UP/DWN Brakes inhibited with Anti Skid ON once you touch down. Grnd Splrs may not deploy Nose Steering may not operate Prop Heat will keep on Heating Elevator Horn Heat may keep on Heating Angle of Attack Heat will remain on 115 Volt Ac rather than Switch to 28 Volt DC. Pressurization Controller won’t depressurize on touch down. PSEU Computer POW Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU
NOSE STEERING PSEU Hydraulic Valve Unit #2 Hydraulic system Gear Down Pressure Line Rudder Pedals can Steer 7 Degrees either side of center Nose wheel Tiller can steer 60 Degrees either side of center When the Nose Wheel exceeds 60 Degrees of Tiller authority the computer is de-activated and the NOSE STEERING Caution Light illuminates. PSEU Weight On all Three Gear Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU
GLARE SHIELD ADVISORY LIGHTS Illuminates automatically on landing to advise the Captain that the Roll Spoilers have extended as Ground Spoilers. Flight/Taxi Switch Power Lever switches 28 Volts Right Essential DC Illuminates to warn if one of the 2 Lift Dump Valves is not in the same position as the other. In flight if one Valve were to open when the other is closed there should be no consequence on Landing If either one didn’t open on landing (illuminated Light) the Roll Spoilers would not extend as Ground spoilers. GLARE SHIELD ADVISORY LIGHTS Weight on all 3 Wheels ROLL OUTBD ROLL INBD ROLL SPLR INHBD GND ROLL SPLR OUTBD GND Lift Dump Valves (disagreement light) Unload Valve (activated by the PUSH OFF lights) ROLL SPLR INBD HYD ROLL SPLR OUTBD HYD Illuminates if there is a Hydraulic Pressure loss . Pressure loss in the Spoiler Extend lines. This could be caused by having Pushed the Glare shield Push Off Light Switch or by having pushed the First Officer's Push off Light Switch . or a #1 Hydraulic loss. . or the Roll Spoiler Cable, from the Captain’s Control Wheel, is slack or has broken. Illuminates automatically if there is Roll Control Malfunction (single Light) or a Roll control Jam (both lights) which requires the Aileron Control Wheel, )Co-pilot’s side) to be positioned more than 50 degrees to keep the aircraft Wing’s level. Once pushed the Lights extinguish. Illuminate only when the Switch Light Button has been pushed in. They perform the exact same function as the glare Shield Push Off Lights.
FLAP SPEEDS VFE: 148 KTS = 15 DEGREES 130 KTS = 35 DEGREES Flap Lever Trigger opens a Hydraulic Flap Control Valve, for 70 seconds, which will start the Flap Drive Hydraulic Motor. #1 HYD. SYSTEM PRESS If the Hydraulic Pressure to the Flap Drive Motor drops to 1500 psi. or less, during the 70 second period when the Hydraulic Flap Control Valve is open, the FLAP POWER Caution Light illuminates. FLAP POWER Flap Motor Torque Sensor FLAP DRIVE FLAP SPEEDS VFE: 148 KTS = 15 DEGREES 130 KTS = 35 DEGREES Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU
RUD 1 SPLR 1 SPLR 2 RUD 2 POWERED FLIGHT CONTROLS SHUTOFF PUSH OFF RUDDER TRIM Flaps up Mechanical Rudder Pedal Stops limit Rudder Travel to 12 Degrees each side of Center. Flaps at 15 Degrees or greater 16 Degree Left / 18 Degrees Right of center. 5 Degree Yaw Damper Input Rudder Trim Electric Servo 10 Degree Rudder authority Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Linkage Jam Sensors 900 or 1500 psi. #1 Rud Actuator #1 Hyd. Press 3000 psi. Rudder Pressure Regulator ADC 140 kts. Press Sensors #2 Hyd. Press 3000 psi. #2 Rud Actuator 900 or 1500 psi. RUD PRESS RUD FULL PRESS #1 RUD HYD #2 RUD HYD Incorrect Pressures for Speed of Aircraft Either Rudder Actuator is receiving Full Pressure of 3000 psi. No Hydraulic Pressure to the # 1 Rud Actuator No Hydraulic Pressure to the # 2 Rud Actuator
1 #1 Engine #2 Engine 4 3 4 3 1 2 4 3 4 3 2 ISO VLV 1 2 4 3 4 3 2 1 OFF AIRFRAME AUTO AIRFRAME MANUAL OFF #1 Bleed 18 PSI #2 Bleed 18 PSI 4 3 SLOW (204 sec Dwell) FAST 4 3 (24 sec Dwell) 1 2 4 3 4 3 2 1 15 psi 15 psi 15 psi 15 psi 15 psi 15 psi 15 psi 15 psi ISO VLV 1 2 4 3 4 3 2 1 Valve Assembly Valve Assembly Valve Assembly Valve Assembly Water Separators Water Separators DE-ICE PRESS Fuselage Restrictor Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Water Separators Water Separators Main Entry Door 6 5 Valve Assembly 6 Valve Assembly 5 15 psi 15 psi 6 6 147 5 5
Left Variable AC Bus In “WARM UP” both Wind Screens receive Electrical Power to their Heating Elements from the Left Variable AC Bus. L WSHLD HOT CB Over Heat Sensor HEAT OFF WARM UP Over Heat Sensor NORM Right Variable AC Bus R WSHLD HOT Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU
Parking Brake Applied Pump PARKING BRAKE #2 Hyd Press Link Back to #2 Hyd Res #2 Hyd Press Toe Brakes Parking Brake Applied Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU
Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU L ELEV HORN HEAT The Left Elevator Horn Heat has failed. Perform the emergency check list actions. Check the Elevator Horn Heat control CB (N7) on the Left DC Bus and the power source CB (ELEV HORN HT) on the Left Variable 115 Volt AC CB panel. Check the MEL for dispatching options . Limited to a minimum of 173 KTS in icing conditions For the Elevator Horns to heat the Switch, located on the icing panel must be selected on, the aircraft must be in the air (WOW) and the OAT must be 15 degrees C or less. When you test it, (can be tested on the ground) the Caution Lights will illuminate then extinguish between 2 – 20 seconds if the test was successful.
PRI INV The Primary Inverter has failed. Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Link to Electrical Schematic PRI INV The Primary Inverter has failed. Carry out the emergency procedure. Check the CB on the Left Essential Bus. The QRH will direct you to select the Aux Inverter to the Left and to select the Primary Inverter off. Check for MEL implications
SEC INV The Secondary Inverter has failed. Link to Electrical Schematic Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU SEC INV The Secondary Inverter has failed. Carry out the emergency procedure. Check the CB on the Right Essential Bus. The QRH will direct you to select the Aux Inverter to the right and to select the Secondary Inverter off. Check for MEL implications
AUX INV The Auxiliary Inverter has failed. Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Link to Electrical Schematic AUX INV The Auxiliary Inverter has failed. Carry out the emergency checklist. Check the AUX INV PWR and AUX INV CONT circuit breakers. The QRH will direct you to select the Aux Inverter to its center off selection. Check for MEL implications.
R AC BUS Link to Electrical Schematic Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Link to Electrical Schematic R AC BUS A Right Variable AC Bus Fault detected. (SHORTED BUS) has been detected. The fault on the Right Variable AC Bus (short) has resulted in the Bus being automatically isolated. All services on this Bus will be lost. Consider all those consequences. Perform the applicable emergency check list items. Refer to abnormal check list for a list of services lost. This Caution Light will always have other associated system Caution Lights illuminated with it.
PUSHER SYST FAIL Link to STICK PUSHER Schematic Link Back to CAUTION/ WARNING PANEL MENU Link to STICK PUSHER Schematic PUSHER SYST FAIL The “STICK PUSHER” system, only found on the DH8-314 Series, has failed. This could be caused by the failure of either Stall Warning system or the Nitrogen charge in the Stick Pusher Ram Accumulator is low. With an aft C of G the DH8-314 requires a Stick Pusher system to self recover from a Wing stall. If the C of G can be brought forward, by re-arranging cargo or reconfiguring the Take-off Weight, the MEL will allow the Aircraft to dispatch. The C of G limits are found in the DH8-314 MEL. With either Stall Warning system Caution Light illuminated the PUSHER SYST FAIL Caution light will always illuminated.
Link back to Course Menu #1 STALL SYST FAIL #2 STALL SYST FAIL IAS IAS Warning Computer Channel2 Stall Warning Computer Channel1 IAS IAS Flaps Flaps PUSHER SYST FAIL PUSHER SYST FAIL Nitrogen Accumulator Link back to Course Menu The 2 STICK PUSHER SHUT OFF Glare Shield mounted Push Off Lights illuminate automatically if there is an uncommanded push (70 lbs. force). This force, on the control column, can be over ridden while a crew member evacuates the Nitrogen charge at the Ram by pressing either PUSH OFF light.