Quantum State of the Union


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Presentation transcript:

Quantum State of the Union

Why a Retreat?

Why a Center?

Transforming Caltech Quantum Science Pre-historic: Feynman, Thorne, … Pre-millennial: Preskill (1983), Vahala (1986), Kimble (1989), Yeh (1989), Eisenstein (1996) Theory: Schulman (2000), Kitaev (2002), Refael (2005), Motrunich (2006), Y. Chen (2007), Alicea (2012), X. Chen (2014), Vidick (2014), Brandão (2016) Experiment: Painter (2002), Adhikari (2006), Schwab (2009), Hsieh (2012), Faraon (2012), Rosenbaum (2014), Nadj-Perge (2016), Endres (2016)

All cite IQIM as a positive factor in decision. Jason Alicea, 2012 Quantum Matter Theory (Physics) David Hsieh, 2012 Quantum Matter Experiment (Physics) Andre Faraon, 2012 Quantum Optics Experiment (Applied Physics) Xie Chen, 2014 Quantum Matter Theory (Physics) Thomas Vidick, 2014 Quantum Information Theory (Computer Science) Manuel Endres, 2016 Quantum Optics Experiment (Physics) Fernando Brandão, 2016 Quantum Information Theory (Physics) Stevan Nadj-Perge, 2016 Quantum Matter Experiment (Applied Physics) All cite IQIM as a positive factor in decision. 5 of the last 9 Physics hires. (Not counting Tom Rosenbaum (2014)).

How the IQIM Happened 2000-2013: Institute for Quantum Information (IQI) 2010: Center for Exotic Quantum Systems (CEQS) 2011: NSF Physics Frontiers Center 53 pre-proposals, 17 full proposals, 11 reverse site visits. 4 centers renewed, 1 new center funded (us). 5 years, $12.6M + $5M from Moore Foundation

23 Professorial Faculty, Two Divisions PMA Division Physics: 15 (+ 1 UCSB) 9 theorists, 7 experimentalists (Total Physics Professorial Faculty: 40) EAS Division Applied Physics: 5 experimentalists Computer Science: 2 theorists

entanglement frontier! Challenging the entanglement frontier! Quantum Information Quantum Matter Surface-spin Quantum Optics Mechanical Quantum Systems 1 atom

Four “Major Activities” MA1: Quantum Information Brandão, X. Chen, Kitaev, Preskill, Refael, Schulman, Vidick, MA2: Quantum Matter Theory: Alicea, X. Chen, Kitaev, Fisher, Motrunich, Refael. Experiment: Eisenstein, Endres, Hsieh, Nadj-Perge, Rosenbaum, Yeh MA3: Quantum Optics Endres, Faraon, Kimble, Painter, Vahala MA4: Mechanical Quantum Systems Adhikari, Y. Chen, Painter, Schwab, Vahala

Annenberg Watson Steele Bridge Sloan Downs Cahill

What’s Coming? Renewal pre-proposal due 1 August 2016 Full proposal due 30 January 2017 Reverse Site Visit May 2017 Next funding cycle would begin fall 2017 Other PFCs competing for renewal: Center for Ultracold Atoms (CUA) JILA PFC Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics (KICP) Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics (KITP) Institute for Quantum Information and Matter (IQIM)

NSF Structure PHY (Physics Division): oversees Physics Frontiers Centers vs. DMR (Division of Materials Research): oversees most condensed matter research

Things that seem to be going well Faculty recruitment. Retention of senior faculty. New directions due to young faculty. Successful interactions across research groups. Enthusiasm for IQIM from students, postdocs. Post-IQIM success of students and postdocs. Broad involvement in Outreach. Annual retreat. Caltech commitment to IQIM fundraising.

Quantum Summit, Caltech, 27 January 2016 IQIM YouTube Channel Jennifer Ouellette Gizmodo Jim Clarke Intel Parsa Bonderson Microsoft Ray Laflamme IQC Harmut Neven Google Charles Bennett IBM Ray Beausoleil HP Quantum Summit, Caltech, 27 January 2016 IQIM YouTube Channel

NSF 2016 Site Visit Panel Report The panel is unanimous in its view that the IQIM is functioning as one of the very top places in the world for research in quantum information and matter, in both theory and experiment. The Institute is effectively governed by its director and the internal steering committee. The students, postdocs, and junior faculty are all positive about their experiences at IQIM. The outreach efforts are unusually strong. The panel is impressed with the high level of institutional support and Caltech’s commitment to raise private funds for quantum science. Having looked carefully, we see no areas of concern that would have bearing on a one-year extension. The panel strongly recommends funding the one-year supplement. NSF 2016 Site Visit Panel Report

NSF 2016 Site Visit Panel Report [MA-1] is characterized by cutting-edge research over a wide range of areas…The work is highly visible to the quantum-computing community beyond Caltech. [MA-2] has done outstanding research at the forefront of correlated and topological states of matter…if funded for an additional year, the IQIM will undertake some exciting directions of research. [MA-3/4] investigators are clearly leaders in the areas of quantum optics and quantum mechanical systems, and have made outstanding research progress during the IQIM funding period…it is apparent that IQIM will continue this success in the future. In the education and outreach area, the IQIM is “off the charts” in a good way. NSF 2016 Site Visit Panel Report

NSF 2016 Site Visit Panel Report Beyond the outstanding research accomplishments of the IQIM investigators, the center clearly fosters a cohesiveness among its members…The panel noted evidence of a number of synergistic effects enabled by the center…IQIM funds provide the investigators with the flexibility to pursue high-impact but riskier research directions. NSF 2016 Site Visit Panel Report

Discuss Scientific ambitions, common research interests Grand challenges, reachable goals Enhancing interactions What are our transformative achievements? What’s our brand? Interaction with industry? Diversity, Mentoring, Outreach … Retreat format and participation

Some quantum science grand challenges (Last year’s discussion) -- SPT phases and real materials. -- Gapless phases. -- Experimental signatures of topological phases. -- Ephemeral phases / stroboscopic imaging. -- Classical applications of quantum materials. -- Experimental systems with strong long-range interactions. -- Testing quantum mechanics. -- Experimental explorations of quantum measurement. -- Better methods for (classically) simulating 2D and 3D strongly correlated systems. -- Quantum memories with very long storage times. -- Thermalization, MBL, foundations of quantum stat. mech. -- Nanoscale thermodynamics. -- Entanglement area law. -- Emergent geometry and quantum entanglement.

New Directions (Experiment) -- Probing hidden order in cuprates and iridates (Hsieh). -- Building atomic structures on surfaces of superconductors (Nadj-Perge). -- Atom-by-atom assembly of many-body systems in optical tweezers (Endres). -- Quantum simulation and error correction with superconducting circuits (Painter). -- Waveguide QED (Kimble / Painter). -- Superfluid helium as an optomechanical system (Schwab).

New Directions (Theory) -- Simulating thermal states of quantum systems on a quantum computer (Brandão). -- Classical algorithms for many-body quantum systems (Vidick). -- Loop braiding statistics in three dimensions (X. Chen). -- Quantum information and holography (Kitaev / Preskill). -- Quantum cognition (Fisher). -- Topolaritons, floquet systems (Refael). -- Majorana roadmap (Alicea).

Themes Scaling up quantum systems Topological matter Quantum dynamics Precision quantum measurement(?) ???

Frontiers of Physics short distance long distance complexity Higgs boson Neutrino masses Supersymmetry Quantum gravity String theory Large scale structure Cosmic microwave background Dark matter Dark energy Gravitational waves “More is different” Many-body entanglement Phases of quantum matter Quantum computing Quantum spacetime

??? Quantum Supremacy!

APS Topical Group on Quantum Information http://www.aps.org/membership/units/statistics.cfm (Founded 2005. Membership is 57% students.)

Additional Slides

Quantum Error Correction -- Codes for small superconducting circuits. -- Continuous-variable codes for microwave resonators. -- Physically robust encodings in superconducting circuits. -- Majorana fermions and beyond. -- Holographic quantum error-correcting codes.