‘Up for Work’ Programme & ‘Jobmatch’ Programme Presentations to Development Committee Mid Ulster District Council 15th September 2016 These projects are part funded through the Northern Ireland European Social Fund 2014-2020, the Department for the Economy, Mid Ulster District Council and Workspace
‘Up for Work’ Programme Presentation Ann McBride This project is part funded through the Northern Ireland European Social Fund 2014-2020, the Department for the Economy, Mid Ulster District Council and Workspace
‘Access to Employment’ 1 April 2015 – 31 March 2018 (3 Years) ‘Access to Employment’ Target Group: 18-24 year olds not in employment, education or training (NEETs) Encouraging participants to re-engage with the labour market to enhance skills and opportunities Delivery Area: Magherafelt, Cookstown & Dungannon This project is part funded through the Northern Ireland European Social Fund 2014-2020, the Department for the Economy, Mid Ulster District Council and Network Personnel.
Programme Funding 2015 – 2018 Funder 2015/16 Amount £ 2016/17 Amount £ Total £ ESF 80,139 136,552 353,243 DfE 30,206 73,528 51,470 155,204 Workspace 6,473 11,029 17,502 MUDC Total 123,291 210,080 543,451 Redeployed Up for Work funding Year 2 2016/17 2016/17 Amount £ MUDC 11,029 Workspace 13,202 Total MUDC Funding 6,473 28,531
Overview of Programme Aims & Objectives 2015 – 2018 Description of Project Objectives & Targets Overall Programme Targets Year 1 Targets 2015/16 Year 2 Targets 2016/17 Year 3 Targets 2017/18 Participant Recruitment 260 50 105 80% Participants to achieve Level 1 qualification/industry related qualification 208 15 94 99 14.23% Participants to enter employment 37 7 21.15% Participants from the programme to enter into education/training or other DfE programme 55 1 27 100% Participants have the opportunity for job sampling, work based learning and outdoor pursuits Redeployed Up for Work Funding Targets (Year 2) 2016/17 Overall Programme Targets Year 1 Targets 2015/16 Year 2 Targets 2016/17 Year 3 Targets 2017/18 20.95% Participants to achieve Level 2 qualification 22 8.57% Participants to enter employment 9 3.80% Participants to enter into education, training or other DfE programme on leaving the programme 4
Outcomes/Achievement 2015/16 (Year 1) Description of Project Objective & Targets Targets 2015/16 Actual Outcome 2015/16 % Achievement Participant recruitment 50 100% Qualifications to be achieved by participants recruited 15 19 126.60% Participants to enter employment 7 5 71.40% Participants to enter into education/training or other DfE Programme 1 2 200%
Progress towards Outcomes in 2016/17 (Year 2) Description of Project Objectives & Targets Targets 2016/17 (Year 2) Actual Progress to Date 2016/17 % Achievement to date Participant Recruitment 105 47 44.76% Participants to achieve Level 1 qualification 94 41 43.61% Participants to enter employment 14 9 64.28% Participants to enter into education/training or other DfE Programme 27 5 18.5% Redeployed Funding - Up for Work Targets Year 2 2016/17 Targets 2016/17 (Year 2) 20.95% Participants in Year 2 to achieve Level 2 qualification 22 8.57% Participants in Year 2 to enter into employment 9 3.80% Participants in Year 2 to enter into education/training or other DfE programme on leaving the programme 4
What We Offer Outdoor Pursuits/Soft Skills Development
Work Based Learning Creative Industries 1 ‘Have a Go’ Day 2 Workshops: D’jing Photography Music Production Podcasting 3 Celebratory Day
Work Based Learning Beauty Therapy ‘Have a Go’ Days Professional qualification in Makeup Artistry & Nail Art
Work Based Learning Retail/Customer care Personal Development Work placement Level 1 Retail
‘Jobmatch’ Programme Presentation Necole Donaghy This project is part funded through the Northern Ireland European Social Fund 2014-2020, the Department for the Economy, Mid Ulster District Council and Workspace
‘Access to Employment’ 1 April 2015 – 31 March 2018 (3 Years) ‘Access to Employment’ Initiative for supporting unemployed/long term unemployed people from marginalised backgrounds into work or to gain further qualifications Target Group: 18-65 year olds Unemployed/economically inactive Ex-offenders Mental/physical ill health Addictions Delivery Areas: Magherafelt, Cookstown & Dungannon This project is part funded through the Northern Ireland European Social Fund 2014-2020, the Department for the Economy, Mid Ulster District Council and Network Personnel.
Jobmatch Funding 2015 - 2018 ESF 85,164 149,297 383,758 DfE 32,100 Funder 2015/16 Amount £ 2016/17 Amount 2017/18 Amount Total ESF 85,164 149,297 383,758 DfE 32,100 80,391 56,273 168,764 Mid Ulster District Council 6,879 12,059 18,938 Workspace 131,022 229,688 590,398 Redeployed Jobmatch Funding (Year 2) 2016/17 2015/16 Amount £ 2016/17 2017/18 Mid Ulster District Council 12,000 Workspace 13,156 Total MUDC Jobmatch Funding 6,879 12,059 30,938
Overview of Programme Aims & Objectives 2015 – 2018 Description of Project Objectives & Targets Overall Programme Targets Year 1 Targets 2015/16 Year 2 Targets 2016/17 Year 3 Targets 2017/18 100% Participant Recruitment 337 75 131 80% of participants to achieve Level 1 qualification 270 60 105 17.80% Participants to enter employment 12 24 20.47% Participants from the programme to enter into Further/Higher Education 69 15 27 29.67% Participants to enter Other Training 100 22 39 24.33% Participants to enter DfE programme 82 18 32 10.08% Participants to enter Other Programmes 34 8 13 Redeployed Jobmatch Funding (Year 2) Targets 2016/17 Redeployed Targets in Year 2 2016/17 Year 2 Targets 2016/17 38.16% Participants to achieve Level 2 qualification 50 12.97% Participants to enter employment 17 3.05% Participants to enter into Further/Higher Education 4
Outcomes/Achievement 2015/16 (Year 1) Description of Project Objective & Target Targets 2015/16 Actual Outcomes 2015/16 % Achievement Participant Recruitment 75 97 129.33% Qualifications to be achieved by participants 60 51 85% Participants to enter employment 12 13 108.33% Participants to enter Further/Higher Education 15 0% Participants to enter other training 22 Participants to enter DfE Programmes 18 2 11.11% Participants to enter other Programmes 8 4 50%
Progress To Date Towards Targets in Actual Progress to date (Year 2) 2016/17 Description of Project Objectives & Target Targets 2016/17 Actual Progress to date % Achievement to date Participant Recruitment 131 87 66.41% Participants to achieve Level 1 qualifications 105 65 61.9% Participants to enter employment 24 16 66.66% Participants to enter Further/Higher Education 27 Participants to enter Other Training 39 Participants to enter DfE programme 32 Participants to enter Other Programmes 13 Redeployed Jobmatch Funding (Year 2) 2016/17 Targets 2016/17 (Year 2) Participants to achieve Level 2 qualifications 50 Participants to enter into employment 17 Participants to enter Further/Higher Education 4
What We Offer 1 -1 Support/Mentoring Employability Skills Confidence Building & Personal Development Help to find a job Self-employment guidance Accredited training Forklift truck driving CSR Food Hygiene certificate Manual Handling Personal Development Retail (Level 1) ICT First Aid Computerised Accounts (Level 1)
Referral Sources Northern Ireland Association for the Care & Resettlement of Offenders Jobs and Benefits Office Steps 2 Success Other Programmes Start 360 Women’s Aid Network Personnel Advisory Group Careers Service Self referrals
Signposting & Interventions Benefit/Debt Advice Addiction Services Mental Health organisations Volunteering Food banks
Future Plans Create participant focus groups Continually market the programme Comprehensive monitoring to ensure delivery across all areas Carry out training in the local community Develop our range of courses
Questions & Answers Thank you These projects are part funded through the Northern Ireland European Social Fund 2014-2020, the Department for the Economy, Mid Ulster District Council and Workspace