How much waste is produced in italy evEry year? By doing some research on the Internet, we found out that Italy, in the year 2014, produced about 30 million tonnes of waste, and our region – Piedmont – produced 2 million tonnes of it. We think it is not a small quantity!
IS THERE ANY RUBBISH DUMP OR RECYCLING PLANT NEAR WHERE YOU LIVE? Sadly, we didn’t find any recycling plants in our area, but there are seven rubbish dumps, but the main ones are four.
RUBBISH DUMPS This is the list of the rubbish dumps we found: Siderurgica Gilardenghi, 95, s. s. per Voghera 15057 Tortona Ediliziambiente Bonanno s.r.l, 55, v. Costanza 15100 Alessandria Cosmo s.p.a., 45/c, v. Grandi 15033 Casale Monferrato Augusto s.r.l., 6, v. Trattato di Parigi 15067 Novi Ligurw
DO YOU THINK YOUR AREA IS CLEAN? We all agree: our area is quite clean because there are many bins in the streets, even if sometimes we find some plastic wraps or some cans on the ground because some people don’t care very much about the enviroment, so they throw away what they don’t need anymore on the ground.
WHY PEOPLE USE AND DON’T USE BINS? WE THIINK PEOPLE USE BINS BECAUSE… WE THINK PEOPLE DON’T USE BINS BECAUSE… …they think the enviroment is important, and maybe they are worried about the effects on the humans’ or animals’ health if the waste is left in the environment. …they don’t care about the enviroment and they throw waste away wherever they want.
IF PEOPLE DON’T USE BINS, WHAT COULD YOU TELL THEM TO ENCOURAGE Them TO USE bins? We could tell them about the problems of pollution in the world and show them pictures of nature, damaged by the trash, and first of all we should encourage them to use bins in their houses and to recycle.
Let’s talk about bins and waste at home! DO YOU SEPARATE YOUR WASTE? HOW IT IS SEPARATED? HOW MUCH WASTE IS PRODUCET AT HOME IN ONE WEEK? At home we have three bins; one is located in the kitchen and the others are outside. We put the waste in plastic bags and then we take them to the waste bins in the street near our houses. Glass, paper and metal are separated but paper and cardboard is collected together. We put food scraps and other organic things together. KG PAPER 1kg GLASS 500g METAL 100g PLASTICS 150g
LET’S TALK ABOUT BINS AND WASTE AT HOME! At home we throw away food waste in the bin we have in our kitchen. We also throw away other things like dirty napkins because we use it as a bin for the unsorted trash. We also have two little bags where we throw away batteries and makeup. 30% of my waste goes to the rubbish dumps, 50% goes to the recycling plant But we don’t know where the remaining 20% of our waste goes.