Open Access: Kan der være noget interessant at videndele om her? KUB Open Access: Kan der være noget interessant at videndele om her? First of all thanks to DEFF and especially Dyveke for inviting OA representatives from the university libraries in to this workshop on: Sustainablity in APC agreements, that is an ongoing activity and transformation taking place in the current publishing market, that we as reserach libraries also monitor and take a very close look at. So I appriciate this initiative and for opening doors between licensing and OA. I’m sure that collaboration could be very friutful and prosporing. It is a historic developement and transition taking place from a still dominating subscription market to publishers’ opening to Open Access, that gives the OA movement a momentum these years. The challenge of course is to find serious and economically sustainable business models that both universities, researchers and negotiating parties can live with and still look publishers straight in the eyes as the development and maybe prices in the market evolves with rapid speed the coming years. ”Transitioning together”: aim is to foster structured dialogue and collaboration among all stakeholders – especially scientists, universities, research funding and performing organisations, libraries, politicians and publishers for finding a viable and sustianable road to an OA transitioning. Hopefully this transition together is more cost-efficient and or should I as the cartoon shows energy efficient up the hill towards a complex field of publishing traditions, acquistion cultures, OA models and negotiation landscapes. Michael Svendsen, Open Access Koordinator, Det Kongelige Bibliotek | Københavns Universitetsbibliotek Informationsdag på Nationalmuseet, 8. november 2016
Open Access publicering: forskerens synsvinkel Europas Open Access Champions
Fremtidsperspektivet for forskning… KUB Fremtidsperspektivet for forskning… Forskningspolitiske drivere: Open Access-politik for offentlige forskningsråd og fonde (juni 2012) Danmarks nationale strategi for Open Access (juni, 2014) Den danske kodeks for integritet i forskningen (nov, 2014) EU’s rammeprogram Horizon 2020: OA mandat + ORD pilot (aug, 2016) CODE OF CONDUCT: ærlighed, transparens, ansvarlighed
1. At publicere forskningsresultater Traditionelt via Toll-access
2. At parallelpublicere forskningsresultater Selv-arkivering via Open Access repository (Grøn Open Access)
2. At parallelpublicere forskningsresultater Selv-arkivering via Open Access repository (Grøn Open Access)
2. At parallelpublicere forskningsresultater Selv-arkivering via Open Access repository (Grøn Open Access)
3. At publicere forskningsresultater Open Access tidsskrifter (Gylden Open Access) Mange traditionelle tidsskrifter tilbyder en ‘Open access option’ hvor forfatteren el. forskningsinstitutionen kan frikøbe artiklen Open Access via en afgift (APC). Disse kaldes for hybride tidsskrifter.
Check liste: Grøn & Gylden OA ressourcer 2. Sherpa/Romeo – Publisher copyright & selv-arkiverings politik (grøn Open Access) 3. DOAJ – White list over kvalitetssikrede Open Access tidsskrifter (gylden Open Access)
Rettigheder til grøn OA publicering
Publiceringsafgift: Sage Choice for hybrid OA
Open Access Service: KUBs synsvinkel Forskersupport: grøn & gylden OA video: Forlagsaftaler & forskningsbevillinger Oplæg, Ph.d.-kurser og moduler: video: Save time and improve your research Open Access monitorering & analytics KUB Libguide om Open Access Kontakt: Personlig:, T: 91324589