Unit 1 Week 5 The Strongest One
Day 1 The Strongest One
Phonics Digraphs
Digraphs thin math chime catch while throne shamrock dash kitchen Phonics Digraphs Read the word. Circle the digraph. thin math chime catch while throne shamrock dash kitchen
Rally Table: With your group, create a list of words using a digraph. Phonics Digraphs Rally Table: With your group, create a list of words using a digraph. wh sh th ch tch
Phonics Digraphs Workbook Page 49 wh tch th ch sh sh tch th
High Frequency Words often gone learn pieces though together very
High Frequency Words Workbook Page 50 together pieces learn
Discuss: What are facts and details? Comprehension Facts and Details Discuss: What are facts and details?
Comprehension Listen to the details. Listen to your teacher read a story. Listen to the details. Draw and label an ant’s nest based on what you hear.
Comprehension Facts and Details Workbook Page 51
Day 2 The Strongest One
Blend the sounds to read the words. Phonics Read the words. Blend the sounds to read the words. them fifth smash sketching whining chatting thanked thrill crunched
Read the words. Phonics wish shape whale bunch chase math them when Workbook Page 53 wish shape whale bunch chase math them when what itch patch that
Read these words: pieces often very together though gone learn water High Frequency Words Read these words: pieces often very together though gone learn water eyes warm early animals
narrator Vocabulary a person who tells a story Definition: a person who tells a story Sentence: Jan is the narrator of our class play.
relatives Vocabulary people in the same family Definition: people in the same family Sentence: The play is about a family with lots of relatives.
dangerous Vocabulary not safe Definition: not safe Sentence: Riding your bike without a helmet is very dangerous.
gnaws Vocabulary bites at and wears away The pet gnaws on the bone. Definition: bites at and wears away Sentence: The pet gnaws on the bone.
Comprehension Page 156 The Strongest One
Day 3 The Strongest One
Phonics Listen to your teacher.
Read these words: finish trash itch children shopped establish Fluent Word Read Read these words: finish trash itch children shopped establish
pieces often Though gone High Frequency Words Vocabulary Words Every night, the mouse gnaws string into little __________. My relatives __________ visit us. __________ I am small, I am strong. The narrator told us that Little Red Ant had __________ home. It is very __________ to play with fire. You and I can learn this lesson __________. pieces dangerous gone often though pieces together often Though gone dangerous together
Comprehension Act it out! Page 156 The Strongest One
Day 4 The Strongest One
Synonyms word synonym synonym Phonics cold ______________ ______________ fast ______________ ______________ friend ______________ ______________ nice ______________ ______________
Vocabulary Strategy Synonyms Workbook Page 54
Vocabulary Strategy Synonyms Workbook Page 54
Watch a video to learn more! Science in Reading Watch a video to learn more!
Science in Reading Page 178-179
Science in Reading Page 180-181
Day 5 The Strongest One
Spelling and Phonics Test Assessment Spelling and Phonics Test Write your first and last name on your test. Relax and do your best!
Spelling and Phonics Test Assessment Spelling and Phonics Test Write your first and last name on your test. Relax and do your best!
Spelling and Phonics Test Assessment Spelling and Phonics Test Write your first and last name on your test. Relax and do your best!
Spelling and Phonics Test Assessment Spelling and Phonics Test Write your first and last name on your test. Relax and do your best!