TO DO: Bore students with notes Buy more hats Dance exquisitely Civil War Causes TO DO: Bore students with notes Buy more hats Dance exquisitely
Missouri Compromise (1820) Missouri wanted to be admitted to the union as a slave state Admitted Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state Maintained balance Prohibited slavery north of latitude 36ᵒ 30’ in the Louisiana Territory except Missouri
Tariff of 1828 Tariff of Abominations Made foreign products expensive for people to buy Effected the South, they had to buy many of their products from foreign traders Less money went to foreign traders which meant that less foreign countries bought cotton
Nat Turner’s Rebellion (1831) Nat Turner led a rebellion of 60 slaves in Virginia More than 50 deaths Nat Turner and other slaves were executed Scared slave owners Resulted in harsher restrictions for slaves and a national debate on slavery
Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854) Repealed Missouri Compromise Allowed Kansas and Nebraska to decide to be slave or free Split the Democratic Party Opened the north to slavery Northern Whigs joined antislavery Democrats in the north and formed the Republican Party
Bleeding Kansas (1856) In response to the Kansas-Nebraska Act Thousands from the north and south gathered in Kansas to fight for the state Kansas applied for statehood as a free state after much debate and bloodshed The final application was approved in 1861
Dred Scott Decision (1857) Dred Scott was a slave He moved with his master to a free state Sued to be a free man Supreme Court ruled that no slave or descendant of a slave could be a US citizen and slaves were viewed as property Also decided that the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional
Lincoln-Douglas Debates (1858) Several debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas (incumbent and sponsor of the Kansas-Nebraska Act) Over the issue of slavery Running for Illinois US Senate Series of seven debates Lincoln lost the election
The Tariff of 1832 Compromise Tariff Meant to protect local producers. Really protected textile factories. Did not protect cotton farmers. Attempt to appease the South after the Tariff of 1828 John C. Calhoun resigned from the office of Vice President Issues the Ordinance of Nullification Declares both tariffs unconstitutional President Andrew Jackson Issues Proclamation Regarding Nullification Promotes the use of military force
Compromise of 1850 Would land from Mexico gained from the Mexican-American War be deemed free or slave? Admitted California as a free state Territories of New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona and Utah would be allowed to decide their own fate on slavery Included the Fugitive Slave Act Denied captured blacks legal power to prove their freedom Forced US marshals to help slave owners Ended the slave trade in D.C.
Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852) Written by Harriet Beecher Stowe Published in response to the Fugitive Slave Act Sold 2 million copies in 2 years Abraham Lincoln stated after meeting Harriet Beecher Stowe, “So this is the little woman who started this great war”
John Brown’s Raid (1859) John Brown and 22 other men raided the town of Harper’s Ferry John Brown knew that the slaves would revolt and overthrow the whites Brown captured many of the town’s famous residents including a descendant of George Washington No slaves revolted John Brown lost both sons Within 24 hours, John Brown was captured He was tried and convicted and sentenced to death He sparked the increasing urgency to end slavery