Academic Resource Center Slavery Narratives Academic Resource Center
Slavery Narratives: The Basics Genre that begins in 18th Century Tell the story of a slave Writers include: Frederick Douglass Harriet Beecher Stowe Harriett Jacobs
Characteristics Include…
Anti-Slavery Political texts that aim to cause and contribute to the abolition of slavery Demonstrate the cruelty and inhumanity of the institution
Movement from Slavery to Freedom Physical Freedom Spiritual Freedom Intellectual Freedom Metaphysical Freedom When the protagonist becomes free they are fundamentally changed
Christianity as a Tool Appeal to Christian Audiences Emphasize spiritual emancipation Show that religious education can be politically beneficial to the abolitionist movement.
Slave becomes Educated Many slaves are taught to read in churches or church meetings Knowing how to read and write threatened the institution of slavery Slaves could learn about abolition and slave revolts Humanized the slave in the slave holders eyes Shifted their perspectives of themselves, their ability, and their identity