Today: Preparing to Discuss this Subject 3/16/09 BR-From what you know so far,write down one argument for capital punishment and one argument against capital punishment. Today: Preparing to Discuss this Subject
Tomorrow we will hold a Socratic seminar discussion A Socratic seminar is a discussion that is run by YOU. I am only the director of the discussion. I get the ball rolling and then you take it from there.
Points to remember: Talk to each other and not to me. Your points should be rooted in text.This means when you are discussing back your point up with something from the argument list or from the text (or the movie)
Points to remember: The difference between a discussion and a shouting match is the use of fact and evidence. This is where the argument list comes into play.
Socratic Seminar Guide 1. Listen actively (make notes or questions.) 2. Build on what others say. I agree/concur with____, I disagree with ____ when they said.. 3. No need to raise your hand, wait till there’s a gap in conversation. Don’t Interrupt. 4. Direct conversation to peers not to facilitator 5. Refer to text (“Where it says..” 6. Ask questions to clarify and probe ideas 7. Watch your "air" time - “try 2B4me” 8. Everyone’s thoughts and opinions count. 9. We know how to disagree without being rude or mean - don’t make it personal. 10. We speak in a conversational tone.
Today: What arguments do we use? Find a partner and pick up an arguments sheet. Take some time to read over the arguments Be ready to discuss with the class.
Exit Slip- 20 Points Write out one argument in favor of capital punishment that you learned about today and may use in tomorrow’s discussion Write out one argument against capital punishment that you learned about today and may use in tomorrow’s discussion.
This Week: Mon- Hand in “The Execution” questions Tues – Socratic Seminar Wed – Review for exam Thurs – Exam (odd periods), Review/Work (evens) Fri – Exam recap and work day (odds) Exam (evens)