A Dementia Campaign for Ireland: Our Aims Professor Brian Lawlor Chair, HSE Dementia Friendly Ireland Campaign Steering Group
Dementia Friendly Ireland Campaign One of the five workstreams under the National Dementia Strategy Implementation Programme (NDSIP) 3-year health and social education campaign Funding of €2.7m Dementia Friendly Ireland (DFI) Steering Group established July 2015 by National Director of Health and Wellbeing
Steering Group Members Professor Brian Lawlor, Chair St. James’s Hospital/TCD Mary Manning, National Dementia Office Marie Killeen, HSE Health & Wellbeing Fidelma Browne, HSE Communications Dr. Emer Shelley, Public Health Specialist, HSE Dr. Ronan Glynn, Public Health SpR, HSE Mary McGuire, Genio Ronan Smith, Irish Dementia Working Group Margot Mc Cambridge, Carer Tina Leonard, Alzheimer Society of Ireland Sheila Caulfield, Communications, HSE Health and Wellbeing
Tackling stigma & isolation The experience of dementia is often characterised by fear, lack of understanding, and avoidance of the people affected This lack of understanding and stigma comes from many sources: - the general ‘unaffected’ public - people who know someone with dementia - carers, family and close friends - health care professionals & health care workers .
What we want to achieve Build a community that understands dementia and is more inclusive and supportive of people living with dementia & their caregivers Help people with dementia to live well as included members of our communities Make the risk factors for dementia more widely known and support & promote prevention of dementia where there is evidence
Progress to date Governance and Planning Resources SG meeting monthly since July 2015 ✔ Terms of Reference & Project Scope Resources Recruitment of Communications Campaign Manager Appointment of agency from HSE Framework of Approved Suppliers to manage research Dementia being used as test brief for HSE’s Creative Agencies tender submissions Draft Communications Strategy Building the evidence base: Literature Review complete – international & local evidence - Scoping and planning of Qualitative Research - Scoping and planning of Quantitative Research Ethics Approval from RCPI
Milestones 2015 - 2016 1. Evidence and Insight Quantitative, Qualitative Literature Review Campaign Framework and Creative Brief 2. Creative Development and Media Planning Clear Brief: Audience, Aims, Outcomes Manage Development, Testing and Consultation 3. Partners and Supporters Reference Group – on-going Partners for Amplification: Retail, Finance, Public Sector 4. Go Live, Monitor, Evaluate, Develop Launch, Phase 1l, Community, News, Debate and Discussion On-going review, evaluation, improvement Oct 2015-April 2016 May 2016 – August 2016 Partner Event June 2016 Nov 2015 onward Sept 2016
A sum of many parts What we hope to do today Share our aims and initial plans Share what we have learned in our research Start a conversation about how we can achieve our goals Invite your feedback, ideas, help and experience Invite many of you to get involved and become our partners A sum of many parts