c-Abl activation: the search for a unifying disease pathway in Parkinson’s disease Preston Ge Institute for Cell Engineering Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
PD is a widespread, debilitating neurodegenerative disease Epidemiology Parkinson’s is the most common motor neurodegenerative disease in the world. Economic burden exceeds $14.4 billion in the U.S. alone ($22,800 per patient). Core Symptoms Motor: resting tremor, limb stiffness, poverty of movement, reduced amplitude and quality of movement. Non-motor: sleep disturbances, affective flattening, cognitive decline and dementia, depression. Image courtesy of Parkinson’s Disease Foundation
Dauer and Przedborski (2003) Pathophysiology of PD Cellular Pathology of PD Selective degeneration of dopamine (DA) neurons in the Substantia Nigra pars compacta (SNpc). Late stage: more widespread neurodegeneration. Molecular Pathology of PD Hyper-phoshorylated ubiquitin and α-synuclein-rich intracellular inclusion bodies (Lewy Bodies) distributed throughout the SNpc. Dauer and Przedborski (2003)
Protein aggregation and mitochondrial defects are crucial disease pathways α-synuclein aggregation Observed in vast majority of sporadic and familial cases. Has been linked as the cause of many downstream neurotoxic pathways. Mitochondrial dysfunction Mitochondrial toxins selectively kill SNpc DA neurons. Many PD-linked gene variants disrupt mitochondrial function. Irwin, Lee, and Trojanowski (2013) Zuo and Motherwell (2013)
Genetics of Parkinson’s disease suggest core pathological pathways and interactions Additional linked loci VPS35 Impairs mitochondrial fusion and function (Tang et al, 2015). Glucocerebrosidase (GBA) ?? Pathological interaction with α-syn ?? (Mazulli et al, 2011). Mitochondria α-synuclein Both Pissl and Winklhofer (2011)
Our current model for the c-Abl neurotoxic pathway in PD c-Abl is a stress-activated kinase that disrupts mitchondrial quality control Our current model for the c-Abl neurotoxic pathway in PD A non-receptor tyrosine kinase activated by oxidative stress. Autophosphorylation at Y245 or Y412 activates c-Abl. c-Abl activation is crucial for MPTP-induced neurodegeneration (Ko et al, 2010). Ko et al (2010), Shin et al (2011), Lee et al (2013), Stevens et al (2015) Hantschel and Superti-Furga (2004)
α-synuclein accumulation activates the c-Abl pathway MoPrP-hA53T α-synuclein G2 line Constitutive overexpression of human pathological mutant (hA53T) α-synuclein across the mouse brain. Cardinal motor symptoms and molecular pathology of PD. Pathology is observed in the brain, spinal cord, and cerebellum.
Clinical implications First discrete molecular pathway unifying α-synuclein pathology and mitochondrial dysfunction, two essential disease pathways in PD. c-Abl pathway activation and α-synuclein accumulation seem to form a bidirectional pathological loop that drives molecular pathology and neurodegeneration.
Future steps: what is PARIS’s role? PARIS accumulation and c-Abl activation seem equally necessary for α-synuclein pathology, suggesting that the primary pathological disruptions occur downstream of PARIS accumulation. PARIS is a zinc-finger transcriptional repressor whose transcriptional regulatory network is mostly unknown. My current project is to utilize Translating Ribosomal Affinity Purification (TRAP) to isolate mRNA species actively translated in PARIS-KO and PARIS-WT mice with α-synuclein pathology. RNAseq will then be carried out to evaluate pathology-induced changes in the nigral DA neuron translatome. The extent to which PARIS-KO protects against a-syn toxicity suggests that elements of this network are crucial for α-synuclein-induced neurodegeneration.
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c-Abl phosphorylates α-synuclein Data courtesy of S. Brahmachari and X. Mao.