VA Benefit Eligibility Based on Character of Discharge CAVC Bar Association Panel on Character of Discharge Presentation by Roselyn Tyson, Policy Staff Compensation Service Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Agenda Welcome and Introductions Thresholds for VA Benefit Eligibility VA’s Character of Discharge (CoD) Process Overview New Developments Questions?
Thresholds for VA Benefit Eligibility Veteran status establishes eligibility to VA benefits (38 USC § 101 (2); 38 CFR §§ 3.1(d), 3.6, 3.7; M21-1 III.ii.6.B.3.c, III.v.1.B.1.a.) A “veteran” for VA purposes is an individual who has: qualifying military service (type and length of service), and a discharge or release under conditions other than dishonorable
VA CoD Process : Discharge Types Administrative (Department of Defense Instruction 1332.14, 1332.30) Honorable General Discharge Under Honorable Conditions Other than Honorable Punitive (Rules of Courts-Martial 1003(b)(8)) Bad Conduct – Special Court Martial Bad Conduct – General Court Martial Dishonorable/Dismissal Uncharacterized Entry Level Separation, Void Enlistment, Dropped from the Rolls
VA CoD Process: Overview The CoD process determines VA benefit eligibility for service members with discharges other than dishonorable (M21-1 III.v.1.B.1.g.) No authority to change a service member’s discharge Further review triggered with evidence of a bad conduct (BC) or other than honorable (OTH) discharge (M21-1 III.v.1.B.1.c., III.v.1.B.1.d.) Some VHA benefits available for service members with OTHs to treat service-connected disabilities (38 C.F.R. 3.360; M21-1 III.v.1.B.4.a.)
VA CoD Process: Overview (cont.) Dishonorable discharge, dismissal, or a statutory bar – generally, ineligible for all VA benefits (38 U.S.C. §5303 (a); 38 C.F.R. §3.12 (c); M21-1 III.v.1.B.2.a.) Regulatory bar – generally, ineligible for VA compensation benefits, but eligible for VHA benefits (38 C.F.R. §§3.12 (d), 3.360; M21-1 III.v.1.B.3.a., III.v.1.B.4.a.) Both bars may be overcome by an insanity exception (38 U.S.C. §5303 (b); 38 C.F.R. §§3.12 (b), 3.354) One period of “dishonorable” service may not forfeit all benefits when periods of honorable service exist (M21-1 III.v.1.B.1.d.)
Statutory Bars Conscientious objector who refused to perform military duty, wear uniform, or obey orders General court-martial Officer resigns for the good of the service Deserter Alien during a period of hostilities who requested release during a period of hostilities Absence without official leave (AWOL) for a continuous period of at least 180 days (subject to mitigating circumstances outlined in 38 C.F.R. §3.12(c)(6))
Regulatory Bars Acceptance of an undesirable discharge to escape trial by general court-martial Mutiny or spying An offense involving moral turpitude (generally includes a felony) Willful and persistent misconduct Homosexual acts involving aggravating circumstances or other factors affecting the performance of duty
New Developments Jeff Miller and Richard Blumenthal Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act of 2016, Section 305 (H.R. 6416) Bestows honorary “veteran status” for Reservists and National Guards members with 20 years of service VA Secretary Shulkin’s VHA/OTH Initiative VA rulemaking to amend regulatory bars of 38 CFR § 3.12 with the following goals in mind: More consistent, focused, and objective approach Remove unused bar(s) (e.g. § 3.12(d)(5))
Questions? Initial Claim Filed Regional Office Review Pre-decisional notice sent to service member Admin Decision Review Bars to Eligibility? Defenses? (Insanity/ AWOL) Decision Complete Considered for each applicable period of active service Dishonorable Discharge/Dismissal 38 U.S.C. 5303 (a) 38 C.F.R. 3.12 (a) M21-1 III.v.1.B.1.a. Statutory Bar 38 U.S.C. 5303 (a) 38 C.F.R. 3.12(c) M21-1 III.v.1.B.2.a. Regulatory Bar 38 C.F.R. 3.12(d) M21-1 III.v.1.B.3.a Conscientious objector General court martial Undesirable discharge to escape GCM Mutiny or Spying Officer resigns for good of service Deserter Moral Turpitude Willful and Persistent Misconduct Alien release during hostilities AWOL, at least 180 consecutive days Homosexual acts LIKELY OUTCOME: INELIGIBLE for all VA benefits unless compelling circumstances found with statutory AWOL or found insane INELIGIBLE for VA comp. unless insane; ELIGIBLE for VHA benefits unless bad conduct discharge.
Roselyn Tyson, Policy Analyst Contact Information Roselyn Tyson, Policy Analyst (202) 632-4658