LIU and TE/VSC activities Status September 2016 LIU-SPS aC coating & flange impedance reduction Paul Cruikshank on behalf of TE-VSC LIU & TE-VSC, 19/9/2016 Paul Cruikshank
EYETS aC & IR activities Vacuum sector valves DS LSS ARC BA4 BA5 existing aC SSS QF works MBB works Drift tube works 9 SSS QF to transport 2 SSS QD to transport 2 QD to transport 10 drifts to transport All magnet removal ( & return) via BA3 LIU & TE-VSC, 19/9/2016 Paul Cruikshank
Opening of the machine (weeks) Extended Year-End Technical Stop 2016-2017 References: 20 weeks beam to beam stop for CMS Ions run Proton-Lead References [1], [3] and [4] Machines Opening of the machine (weeks) not including the xmas break of 2 weeks PSB 11.5 PS 13.5 SPS 12.5 (BA1,BA2) – 13.5 LHC 16 Low intensity protons 55 days
Does TE/VSC have all needed information from LIU Documentation Launch Safety Agreement - done List of hazards - done Safety File Part 1: Descriptive - done Safety File Part 2: Demonstrative – to do Functional spec for impedance reduction – to be closed Functional spec for aC coating – under approval ECR for impedance reduction – to be closed BE/RF need to measure EYETS shielding solution ECR for aC coating – under approval Risk assessment and mitigation for aC – under approval LIU & TE-VSC, 19/9/2016 Paul Cruikshank
Are TE/VSC preparatory activities within expected timeline? aC coating for EYETS Validation of 13 m MBB string in 181 Validation of QF profile coating in 181 Validation of ozone cleaning of contaminated St.St. in 181 Setting up of long test station in 867 (MBB, QF, SSS girder) – done, trails to start. Job open for manufacturing of replacement drift chambers – done, manufacturing ongoing Procurement of components for benches (tunnel & 867) – ongoing (90%) Setup of benches in 867 vacuum lab to do – draft layout done, trial with LEP trailer to do Flange Impedance Reduction for EYETS. Shielding design finalised for EYETS implementation Based on design applied during 1999 impedance reduction – ECR to be closed Cannot wait for RF measurements/simulations on flexible fingers Cannot wait for soft clamp tests (by-pass of insulated flanges) Detailed design and manufacturing will be tight – request for quotation ongoing Planning for EYETS All tunnel activities in same arc – BA4 to BA5 Takes account of learning objectives - time margin for surprises – 55 day window ok VSC activities are staff dominated Methodologies will be confirmed – eg SSS girder/individual magnet handling - ongoing Drift chambers manufactured and coated in advance of EYETS - ok Detailed planning to be elaborated with EN-ACE-OSS – draft planning for discussion LIU & TE-VSC, 19/9/2016 Paul Cruikshank
Has all the LIU required work been declared in PLAN Has all the LIU required work been declared in PLAN? (Are all dependencies on other groups defined…?) Dependencies on other groups identified during costing exercises for aC & flange impedance reduction in 2015. Weekly deployment meeting with representatives of involved group TE-MSC, EN-ACE-SU, EN-HE, TE-VSC, BE-RF, EN-ACE-OSS, HSE-RP, Data entered in PLAN (EYETS, LS2) – some overlapping identified (same data by other Groups) - to be checked and cleaned LIU & TE-VSC, 19/9/2016 Paul Cruikshank
Are the LIU EVM timeline & budget correct? Annual work units based on APT data (agreed budget) Need to establish EVM data to reflect deliverables – not yet done 99273: Committed in 2016 = 447k + 48k to come (396k budget). 65332: Committed in 2016 = 7k + 80k to come (163k budget). LIU & TE-VSC, 19/9/2016 Paul Cruikshank
Are the VSC-CONS items linked to the operation of LIU approved, in time and within specification? All TE-VSC SPS Cons requests up to 2020 have been approved Ion pumps, ion pump power supplies, spare chambers, flanges, bellows, valves, pumping group renovation, …ok, ongoing On-going clarification of SPS controls consolidation (PLC replacements) request. Postponed during 2015 CONS arbitration exercise but now understood to be within ‘CONS envelope’ attached to HL-LHC during C&S – VSC controls request doc in preparation LIU & TE-VSC, 19/9/2016 Paul Cruikshank
EYETS draft planning – to be discussed with contributing teams Paul Cruikshank LIU & TE-VSC, 19/9/2016
Thanks for your attention LIU & TE-VSC, 19/9/2016 Paul Cruikshank