PART 1 being professional CHAPTER 8 BSBWOR301 Organise personal work priorities and development Introduction: This unit of competency (UOC) describes the skills and knowledge required to organise own work schedules, monitor and obtain feedback on work performance, and maintain required levels of competence. This unit applies to individuals who exercise discretion and judgment, and apply a broad range of competencies in various work contexts.
Required performance Know how to: Prepare a work plan according to organisational requirements and work objectives Use business technology to schedule, prioritise and monitor completion of tasks in a work plan Assess and prioritise own work load and deal with contingencies Monitor and assess personal performance against job role requirements by seeking feedback from colleagues and clients Identify personal development needs and access, complete and record skill development and learning The Performance Evidence summarised in this slide links to the assessment for this UOC.
Required knowledge Know about: Outlining key provisions of legislation that relate to own work role Describing goals, objectives or key performance indicators of own work role Explaining ways to elicit, analyse and interpret feedback when communicating with other people in the workplace Explaining the principles and techniques of goal setting, measuring performance, time management and personal assessment of learning and development needs Explaining signs and sources of stress and strategies to deal with stress in the workplace Identifying methods to identify and prioritise personal learning needs The Knowledge Evidence summarised in this slide links to the assessment for this UOC. The essential outcomes for this UOC are presented in three elements: Contribute to workplace procedures for identifying hazards and controlling risks Implement policies and procedures into work team processes Support consultation, cooperation and communication
Organise work schedule Focus of Element 1 Organise work schedule Align with organisational requirements Incorporate contingencies Prioritise work tasks Use business technology Element 1: Organise and complete own work schedule The focus of Element 1 is summarised in this image which incorporates aspects of the following performance criteria (explored in the next four slides): 1.1 Ensure that work goals, objectives or Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are understood, negotiated and agreed in accordance with organisational requirements 1.2 Assess and prioritise workload to ensure tasks are completed within identified timeframes 1.3 Identify factors affecting the achievement of work objectives and incorporate contingencies into work plans 1.4 Use business technology efficiently and effectively to manage and monitor scheduling and completion of tasks Information about organising work schedules on next slide
Align with work requirements Work within job description requirements Ensure practices meet organisational requirements as established in the service’s vision and mission statements, strategic plan and policies and procedures 1.1 Ensure that work goals, objectives or Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are understood, negotiated and agreed in accordance with organisational requirements See chapter for: Description of a work schedule and how to contribute to organisational work practices Definitions of vision statement, mission statement, philosophy and strategic plan Example ECEC service organisational structure (Figure 1.2) Activity 1.1—comparing Figure 1.2 and an alternative organisational structure Information about working as a team member Definitions of goal and QIP At work scenario about a newly appointed educator being introduced to organisational requirements Information about understanding, negotiating and agreeing workplace goals Activity 1.2—reviewing job descriptions and researching Award conditions Educator’s tip—reasons for seeking assistance from a supervisor when necessary and for following service policies and procedures Information about performance reviews Definitions of objectives and KPIs Information about prioritising workloads on next slide
Tasks in order of priority Prioritise workload TO DO – week beginning: Tasks in order of priority Resources Due date Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1.2 Assess and prioritise workload to ensure tasks are completed within identified timeframes See chapter for: Information about how work tasks link with job descriptions At work scenario about a Certificate III educator developing a priority ordered pan Educator’s tip about the value of developing a to-do list Activity 1.3—developing a weekly to-do format (add additional detail to example shown on slide) Information about incorporating contingencies on next slide
Incorporate contingencies Contingency plans CIRCUMSTANCE PLAN Accidents/incidents (e.g. WHS issues, a sick child or dealing with an irate or anxious parent) Changes in budget allocations which may impact the availability of physical or human resources Recycling or sourcing other physical resources Rescheduling if not enough staff to assist Problems with technology or other equipment Competing work demands (e.g. two or more senior staff request tasks to be completed at the same time) Environmental factors (e.g. changes in the weather such as rain, heat, extreme cold; bushfire smoke; faulty air conditioning; loud construction noise; etc.) 1.3 Identify factors affecting the achievement of work objectives and incorporate contingencies into work plans See chapter for: Information about factors which can affect the achievement of work objectives Definition of contingency Activity 1.4–Discussing contingency plans for set scenario as on slide (model answers can be found in the online Solutions Manual) Information about the need to meet legal and ethical requirements Activity 1.5—Accessing more information about legal and ethical requirements in relation to a Certificate III-trained educator Information about using business technology effectively on next slide
Use business technology 1.4 Use business technology efficiently and effectively to manage and monitor scheduling and completion of tasks See chapter for: Information about when an educator would need to use technology at work Sustainability tip re conservation and uses of resources when using technology Information about effective use of business technology Activity 1.6—considering which technology skills are applicable for educators Educator’s tips linking PD computer skills to performance reviews Information about preventing injuries associated with using technology (see slide image) Recommendations for workstation set up to reduce injuries
Report quality concerns Focus of Element 2 Monitor own work performance Monitor and adjust work performance to ensure compliance Check work practices Evaluate and act on colleague and client feedback Seek feedback Identify and report on service products and services which do not meet required standards Report quality concerns Identify signs and sources of stress, and access support and resolution strategies Resolve stress issues Element 2: Monitor own work performance The key aspects of Element 2 are summarised in this image which incorporates aspects of the following performance criteria and are explored in the next four slides: 2.1 Accurately monitor and adjust personal work performance through self-assessment to ensure achievement of tasks and compliance with legislation and work processes or KPIs 2.2 Ensure that feedback on performance is actively sought and evaluated from colleagues and clients in the context of individual and group requirements 2.3 Routinely identify and report on variations in products and services according to organisational requirements 2.4 Identify signs of stress and effects on personal wellbeing 2.5 Identify sources of stress and access appropriate supports and resolution strategies Information about checking work practices through the development of SMART goals on next slide
Define SMART goals 2.1 Accurately monitor and adjust personal work performance through self-assessment to ensure achievement of tasks and compliance with legislation and work processes or KPIs See chapter for: Information about assessing own work performance and links to NQS 7.2.2 Information about using SMART goals At work scenario about an educator establishing SMART goals Activity 1.7—developing a self-assessment checklist (ideas for self-assessment checklist in Solutions Manual) Information about seeking and acting on feedback on next slide
Seek and act on feedback 2.2 Ensure that feedback on performance is actively sought and evaluated from colleagues and clients in the context of individual and group requirements See chapter for: Information about responding appropriately to feedback At work scenario about ways to respond to feedback Information about identifying and reporting in quality concerns on next slide Responding appropriately to feedback in the workplace is an important aspect of improving workplace practices
Report quality concerns Need to identify and report products and services which do not meet organisational requirements Need to follow service policies and procedures for reporting which may include completing complaint forms 2.3 Routinely identify and report on variations in the quality of products and services according to organisational requirements See chapter for: Information about products and services, and how organisational standards need to be met Information about how to report quality concerns Activity 1.8—accessing workplace complaint forms Information about developing strategies to cope with stress which could impact work performance on next slide
Resolve stress issues Identify causes of stress Access support (e.g. employee assistance program and online resources) Aim to create a work-life balance to support emotional wellbeing and reduce stress 2.4 Identify signs of stress and effects on personal wellbeing 2.5 Identify sources of stress and access appropriate supports and resolution strategies See chapter for: Information about developing strategies to cope with stress in the workplace Activity 1.9—accessing Kidsmatter resources which aim to help educators cope with stress in the workplace Educators tip about creating work-life balance
Focus of Element 3 Co-ordinate personal skill development Identify PD needs Plan for PD Complete PD Seek formal and informal feedback Element 3: Co-ordinate personal skill development and learning The key aspects of Element 3 are summarised in the slide image which encapsulates the core aspects of the following performance criteria and are explored in the next four slides: 3.1 Identify personal learning and professional development needs and skill gaps using self-assessment and advice from colleagues and clients in relation to role and organisational requirements 3.2 Identify, prioritise and plan opportunities for undertaking personal skill development activities in liaison with work groups and relevant personnel 3.3 Access, complete and record professional development opportunities to facilitate continuous learning and career development 3.4 Incorporate formal and informal feedback into review of further learning needs Information about identifying PD needs on next slide
Identify PD needs Act on advice from colleagues and clients Consider organisational requirements Identify own skills gaps (e.g. use CSfW core skills criteria) 3.1 Identify personal learning and professional development needs and skill gaps using self-assessment and advice from colleagues and clients in relation to role and organisational requirements See chapter for: Need to identify professional development needs Explanation of the need for a regular review cycle and links to NQS 7.2.2 Definition of employability skills Definition and information about training needs analysis At work scenario about undertaking a training needs analysis Information about the Core Skills for Work Developmental Framework (CSfW) plus Table 1.1 Educators tip about the CSfW five stages of performance Activity 1.10—determining own strengths and areas for improvement using the list of employability skills Information about planning PD on next slide
Plan for own PD 3.2 Identify, prioritise and plan opportunities for undertaking personal skill development activities in liaison with work groups and relevant personnel See chapter for: Information about prioritising and planning for PD opportunities Definition of in-house training Information about ensuring own plans align with service requirements Example PD plan as in-slide image Activity 1.11—researching online for possible external training opportunities At work scenario—establishing long-term goals (example) Information about submitting PD plans to a supervisor Information about completing PD on next slide Example excerpt from a personal professional development plan
Complete PD Record learning and share with others Actively participate Record learning and share with others Review and determine future learning needs 3.3 Access, complete and record professional development opportunities to facilitate continuous learning and career development 3.4 Incorporate formal and informal feedback into review of further learning needs See chapter for: Information about appropriate ways to participate in and record PD Activity 1.1—listing items to be included in a personal development portfolio of evidence Information about reviewing PD and incorporating feedback into this review to help determine future learning needs
Key aspects of BSBWOR301 Taking responsibility and ensuring that work practices are appropriately planned and completed according to own job description and organisational requirements Identifying personal skills gaps and actively participating in professional development opportunities Using initiative but ensuring that a supervisor’s input is sought and acted on Use online case study and accompanying questions as a holistic representation of this UOC.