How do POPULATION PYRAMIDS help us learn about population?
Population pyramids are used to show information about the age and gender of people in a specific region (country, state, city, neighbourhood, etc). The % of the population in each age group affects the demand for goods and services in the region’s economy.
Countries with high % of young have a high demand for educational facilities and health care. Countries with high % of middle ages have a high demand for jobs and housing. Countries with high % of elderly have a high demand for health care and financial support.
Developing Countries Developed Countries
Population in millions Male Female There is also a high death rate. In this country there is a high birth rate Population in millions This population pyramid is typical of developing countries.
In some developing countries the government is encouraging couples to have smaller families. This means the birth rate has fallen.
Population in millions Male Female Population in millions The largest category of people were born about 40 years ago. In this country the number of people in each age group is about the same. In this country there is a low birth rate and a low death rate. This population pyramid is typical of developed countries.
Population in millions Male Female Population in millions In this country the birth rate is decreasing. In the future the elderly people will make up the largest section of the population in this country. This is happening more and more in many of the world’s developed countries.
Population in thousands Male Female Population in thousands This country has a large number of temporary workers. These are people who migrate here especially to find a job.
Mozambique Iceland
Sweden 2005 Kenya 2005
What happens next?
What is going to happen to Japan’s population in the future? Why does this matter?
The countries that have aged in a manner somewhat similar to that of the U.S. include the developed countries of Europe as well as Australia, Japan and Canada. Countries that are just beginning to age somewhat like the US include the developing countries of Taiwan, China, Thailand, Malaysia, and India. These countries are trying to change from an agricultural to an industrial economy. (Some of these are called “emerging countries.”)
What does this tell us about the USA in 1950?
Oklahoma, 2000
Special Situations that can change Population Pyramids Wars Famine Epidemics Natural disasters Population migrations Availability of jobs Cost of living Quality of life
The pyramid shows that there were fewer young men then young women in Germany in 1946. This was the result of the loss of life during World War II. There were also fewer births after the war due to the shortage of men.
Many young adults move to Alaska because jobs are available Many young adults move to Alaska because jobs are available. This changes the population pyramids.
Older Americans are retiring and moving to Florida or to the Southwest because of good climates and lower costs of living. This changes the pyramids.
Sun City, Arizona, has many areas which have been especially designed for older adults. This changes the pyramids.
East Los Angeles, California, is an area with a relatively low level of education and income and a large number of immigrants from Central and South America. Immigrants tend to be in their 20s. People who are in their 20s are most likely to have children and immigrants tend to have a slightly larger number of children than those who are native born. East Los Angeles has a very young population. This neighborhood would have a high need for child daycare services.
Beverly Hills, California is an area where wealthy people live Beverly Hills, California is an area where wealthy people live. Beverly Hills is an established suburb of Los Angeles, which developed many decades ago for the “rich and famous” in the film and television business. The population now may have relatively fewer children, smaller families, and they are much older than people in East Los Angeles. This area requires many senior services, like specialized health clubs or home health care groups. There will most likely be fewer fast food restaurants and nicer, more expensive restaurants.
The “20-somethings” live in Marina Del Rey, California, or "The Marina" as it is called in L.A. This is an area of apartments and condos, restaurants, and a single life-style. There are very few people who are either very young or very old in the Marina. A lot of the residents are wealthier singles who like an active social life. If you wanted to start an expensive coffee shop, Marina Del Rey would provide a population likely to use this service.
“La Canada” is a growing suburb on the fringe of Los Angeles, California. It has expensive homes and good public schools. It attracts families who can afford such homes; thus, its population is concentrated in the older middle ages. These families have children who are high-school age or younger. La Canada might be a good place to locate if you were an orthodontist or if you wanted to open a upscale movie theater.
Points to Remember… Population pyramids are used to show information about the age and gender of people in a specific region. The % of the population in each age group affects the demand for goods and services in the region’s economy. Population pyramids can be constructed for any area for which population data can be gathered. This is a useful tool for people involved in planning, developing, or delivery of goods and services.
Developing countries’ population pyramids usually have slanted sides Developing countries’ population pyramids usually have slanted sides. People don’t have as long a life expectancy, so the lines at the top of the pyramid are very short. Developed countries’ pyramids are usually straight-sided or barrel-shaped. People in developed countries live longer so there are longer lines at the top of the pyramid. By looking at a population pyramid of a country, you can usually tell whether the country is DEVELOPING or DEVELOPED. Many factors like war, natural disasters, and epidemics can affect a population pyramid.
Compare these two Population Pyramids to the one in the text on page 430. What can you find out?
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