Whitewater High School 100 Wildcat Way Fayetteville Ga 30215 WHS Wildcat STEM Program Cohort 2017-18 21st Century Trailblazers ~ Innovators in STEM
Preparing students for college and 21st century careers~ Presented By: Roy A. Rabold, Principal WHS Yolanda Briggs-Johnson, Assistant Principal Jacqueline Mullen, Math Tamara Robert, Science Julie Wolf, Career Tech
Mission of WHS Wildcat STEM WHS Wildcat STEM students will be prepared for college and 21st century careers through innovative instruction and learning opportunities.
Vision of WHS Wildcat STEM WHS Wildcat STEM will prepare students to be socially responsible, globally aware, and locally engaged to excel as 21st century trailblazers and innovators in STEM.
WHS Wildcat STEM: What is it? Whitewater High is a BYOT/ 21st Century technology school. WHS WSP students will learn through: Direct Instruction, Blended Learning, and Project Based Learning. Students and teachers will be supported by our local Business partners. Additionally, WHS WSP will have a Scientific Research course that will foster projects to enhance learning through STEM with collaboration between academic and elective courses ( ELA, Math, Science, and CTE). Students will also be introduced to Genius Hour ( an exploration of a student’s personal passion and interest for a specific subject matter, that taps into their creativity). Students will also be afforded the opportunity to take a Work base Learning internship and Capstone in their intended area of STEM.
WHS Wildcat STEM 2017-18 WHS Wildcat STEM program will start with a pilot year of 26 students for the Class of 2021. NOTE: WHS Wildcat STEM program will be reflective of WHS High School student population.
Benefits of STEM 21st Century communication skills Presentation and workplace skills Project management and team leadership expertise STEM research AP coursework in all disciplines International awareness and perspectives Global and social consciousness A lifelong commitment to learning WHS Wildcat STEM students will be highly sought after by select universities and industries, locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally.
Innovative Instruction: WHS Wildcat STEM Core courses Cte Pathways 9th grade STEM Literature STEM Biology ACC Math ( Alg IB/ Geo A or Geo B/ Alg II A) Healthcare Engineering Computer Science
Innovative Instruction: WHS Wildcat STEM Core Courses LITERATURE & Social Studies Courses Math & Science Courses English Literature 9th STEM ELA 10th STEM ELA 11th AP Language / American Lit 12th AP Literature/ British Lit 2. Social Studies 10th AP World His/ World His 11th AP US His/ US Hist 12th Economics/ AP Econ 12th Gov/AP Gov 1. Math 9th ACC Alg IB/ Geo A or ACC Geo B/ Alg IIA 10th ACC Geo B/ Alg IIA or AP Stats 11th ACC Pre Cal 12th AP Cal AB or BC 2. Science 9th STEM Bio 10th STEM Chemistry 11th AP Physics I 12th Human Anatomy or AP Physics C or AP Bio or AP Chem or AP Environmental
Innovative Instruction: WHS Wildcat STEM Pathways CTE: Pathways CTE: Pathways Healthcare Intro to Healthcare Essentials to Healthcare Allied Healthcare ( Centers of Innovation) WBL/Internship Computer Science Intro to Digital Technology Computer Science Principles AP Computer Science or AP Computer Science Principles WBL/ Internship Engineering Foundations of Engineering Engineering Concepts Engineering Applications WBL/ Internship
Example STEM Schedule 9th grade: 10th grade: 11th grade: 12th grade: ACC Math ELA Biology Scientific Research I CTE Class PE/Health World Language 10th grade: Chemistry World History Scientific Research II 11th grade: ACC Math ELA Physics US History Scientific Research III CTE Class Elective 12th grade: Science Econ/ Government Scientific Research IV or WBL ( Internship)
Innovative Instruction: CTE~Healthcare Intro to Healthcare Essentials to Healthcare Allied Healthcare WBL/Internship The Healthcare courses will enable students to receive initial exposure to many Healthcare Science careers, included but not limited to Allied Healthcare. Students will learn employability skills, communication, and technology skills necessary for a Healthcare professional.
WHS Healthcare
Innovative Instruction: CTE~Computer Science Intro to Digital Technology Computer Science Principles AP Computer Science or AP Computer Science Principles WBL/ Internship This course sequence emphasizes the content, practices, thinking and skills central to the discipline of computer science. The focus of this program will fall into these computational thinking practices: connecting computing, developing computational artifacts, abstracting, analyzing problems and artifacts, communicating, and collaborating.
WHS Computer Science
Innovative Instruction: CTE~Engineering Foundations of Engineering Engineering Concepts Engineering Applications WBL/ Internship The Project Lead The Ways engineering program provides a focus on content related to the physical sciences including advanced physics, advanced math and problem-based learning in engineering. The courses are taught at the college level which require PLTW nationwide implement EOC assessments for each foundation course.
WHS Engineering
Process for WHS Wildcat STEM Application: Student Essay Math/Science EOG scores ELA/ Social Studies EOG scores Teacher Recommendations Dates to remember: STEM Parent Night March 6, 2017 Applications due March 10, 2017 by the end of 1st period Notification~ Acceptance Roster posted ( by student ID number) at WMS March 17, 2017 @ 3 pm Acceptance Letters will be sent home on March 17, 2017
Its Great to be a Wildcat! WHS Wildcat STEM 2017-18 Thank-you for attending tonight’s presentation~ Its Great to be a Wildcat!
WHS Wildcat stem Writing Dates/Time: Tuesday, March 7th 315-4 pm Wednesday, March 8th 315-4 pm Thursday, March 9th 315-4 pm Location: WMS Media Center