Year 5 Residential School Trip Barcelona Year 5 Residential School Trip Year 5, 25 - 28 April 2017 inclusive
Itinerary Tuesday Meet at Gatwick North Departure Drop off Point at 06:35am sharp. Substantial packed breakfast and lunch required NO Liquids Flight departs 09:10am from Gatwick Airport, arrives 12:15 Barcelona. Travel via metro to Hostal Pere Tarres, settle in. 15:00pm leave for Museu Picasso for visits at 16:00 & 16:30 (ice cream time as well!). 17.15pm depart for return to Hostal Pere Tarres. 19:00pm Paella supper and Play Practice! 20.30pm, relax in rooms. 21:00pm Bed! Wednesday 7.30am Breakfast at Hostal Pere Tarres. 08.00am leave for Escuela Jesús, María i Josep. 09:10am Play/song/dance/performances, games and lunch. 14:15pm leave for visit to Parc Guell. 15.30pm Afternoon visit to Parc Guell with activities. 17:00pm Return to Hostal Pere Tarres 19:30pm, Tapas Dinner at O Ferrado Restaurant. Return to Hostal Pere Tarres – Bed!
Itinerary Thursday Friday 07:30am Wake up for breakfast at 08:15am. 09.15am Leave to walk to Camp Nou for tour at 10:00am. 12:00pm Leave for Mercat Santa Caterina/practice Spanish by buying lunch! 13:30pm Walk to Parc de Ciutadella for picnic lunch. 14:30pm Walk to metro Jaume 1 for journey to Sagrada Familia 15:30pm TBC Visit to Sagrada Familia and Tower (weather permitting). 17:30pm Return to Hostal Pere Tarres to pack and relax before dinner. 19.30pm Dinner at O Ferrado Restaurant. Friday 08:00am Breakfast at Hostal Pere Tarres – finish packing (leave bags). 09:15am Depart for metro/Funicular/Cable Car journey to Monjuic. 10:00am Visit Castel de Monjuic – depart 10:45am for Poble Espanyol. 11:15/11:30am Arrive for Visita Animada and picnic lunch. 13:30pm Return to Hostal Pere Tarres to collect luggage. 14:30pm Walk to Sants Station for 15:09pm train to Airport for 18:00pm flight to Gatwick North. 19:20pm Arrive and meet parents c. 20:00pm. ¡Adios Amigos!
Health & Safety Parents should supply the Y5 class teachers with any clearly labeled medication their child requires. Hostal Pere Tarres operates a comprehensive safety policy, dormitory doors locked but easily opened from inside. All children will carry their name, address of hostel and teachers’ mobile phone numbers on wrist bands at all times. Rigorous risk assessment of each venue, travel and all planned activities has been undertaken. Very high children / adult ratio, small groups of 3 children max per adult. All Staff are First Aid trained. First aid kit carried at all times. High Viz jackets carried for appropriate times.
Members of staff & Parent helpers Year 5 (28 children 11 adults) Staff Parent Helpers Rachel Streatfeild Anna Coxon Anna Moran Ceri Davies Sarah Wetz Matt Evans Susana Crespo Alison Tait Daniel Rowland Chloe Way Claire Woodhouse
Kit List Important - named in a suitcase they can wheel and carry Kit List Important - named in a suitcase they can wheel and carry. Substantial packed breakfast and lunch required NO Liquids PASSPORTS (please check expiry date)/ EHIC cards Sensible clothes (2 or 3 trousers/shorts*; t-shirts & sweatshirts) *NO tiny, fashion shorts. No Electronic equipment. Wash kit - including soap, toothbrush and toothpaste. COMFORTABLE WALKING SHOES Chiddingstone School caps required Lightweight waterproof ¡En abril aguas mil! Personal medication Indoor footwear / slippers Pyjamas and underwear Sunscreen (packed in the suitcase!). Teddy bear / soft toy / torch Pocket money, we suggest a maximum of 30 Euros Small rucksack with zip Camera (optional) Drink bottle (empty for check in) Reading book Playing cards or similar
Any questions?