Pre-Detachment Briefing Mo Smith August 2012 SAMBBA South American Biomass Burning Analysis Pre-Detachment Briefing Mo Smith August 2012
What’s Covered Schedule Overview Where are we going? Climate Accommodation Porto Velho Airport Transport Money Daily Timetable/Flying Hours Health & Safety Communications
Schedule Overview Date Travellers FAAM146 Sat 01/09/12 Early party Sun 02/09/12 Early party arrives P.V. Mon 03/09/12 Main party Transit Cranfield to Azores Tue 04/09/12 Main party arrives P.V. Transit Azores - Bermuda Wed 05/09/12 Main party Rest Day Transit Bermuda - Manaus Thu 06/09/12 Safety Briefing / Set-Up Aircraft Inspection; Transit Manaus – Porto Velho Fri 07/09/12 Unpack / Set-Up / Safety Briefing / Planning Sat 08/09/12 First Potential Flying Day (20 PFDs) … PFDs Fri 28/06/12 Last potential flying day Sat 29/09/12 Pack-Up Sun 30/09/12 Depart for home Transit return Mon 01/10/12 Home Tue 02/10/12 Arrive Cranfield
Climate: Porto Velho in September Temperature 32ºC, average max 22ºC, average min Humidity 75%, average relative humidity Sun UV Index very high Sunrise / Set (approx) 06:10 / 18:10L
Accommodation FAAM pays for all B&B Aquarius Selva Hotel Rua México, 2141, Bairro Nova Porto Velho, Rondônia (RO) 76820-152 Tel: (69) 3217-5200 | 3225-2525 Fax: (69) 3222-3198 FAAM pays for all B&B Individuals pay for incidentals (dinner, bar etc.)
Accommodation: Facilities Rooms – air-con, fridge, safe Bar Restaurant Pool Gym WiFi (moderate bandwidth) Conference Room Rio Madeira -180 persons
Porto Velho
Shopping Centre & Restaurants Porto Velho Airport Shopping Centre & Restaurants Rio Madeira City centre Aquarius Hotel
Porto Velho (Belmonte) Airport Access to aircraft Security pass requirements to be confirmed Always carry passport and DFL pass! Hi-visibility vest Military or Civil side? To be confirmed Ground Handling / Cargo RCS Pack-up Storage Refreshments In the Terminal
Military Airbase Terminal
Airport: Restaurant Cash-points
Transport at Porto Velho Hire Cars Drivers from Brazilian team only No self-driving by UK participants Minibus & Driver Taxi 35 Reals Hotel to Airport
Money 1 GBP = 3.16 Brazilian Reals (BRL, or R$) Cashpoints in town & airport Typical dinner, cost varies from cheap (10 Reals) to more expensive (25 Reals)
Daily Timetable Flying Planning Pre-flight brief at airport Hotel Conference Room Flight(s) Morning meeting to make decisions for next day’s activities Flight watch De-brief at airport Evening meeting – communicate plan for next day/housekeeping Plan (crew-list, times, transport) on notice-board
Flying Summary Weekend working: yes Potential double flights: yes Potential suitcase flights: yes Early/Late flying: yes Rest Days: yes Crew duty limitations: 55 hours max in 7 days 1 rest day in 7 2 consecutive rest days in 14
Flying Hours Total hours: 70+70 = 140 (Met Office + NERC) Test flight: 4 - 8hrs ( 1 - 2 flights) Transits: 24 hrs each way Science based at Brazil: ~80hrs up to 20 science flights at avg 4 hrs/flight ~6 flights per week for 3 weeks
Brazilian Public Holidays / Time Friday, September 7th 2012 - Independência do Brasil (Brazilian Independence Day) Porto Velho: GMT – 4 Hrs (=BST – 5 Hrs) Sao Paulo: GMT – 3 Hrs
Health & Safety Inoculations for Brazil Out and about Ensure you are up to date with the following inoculations: Diphtheria, Tetanus, Polio, Hepatitis A, Yellow Fever Ensure you have an adequate supply of Malaria tablets Read the MASTA Health Brief on the FAAM website at: Read the Recce Report (also on FAAM website) Carry your Medical Insurance Card / details Out and about Drink plenty water and apply sunscreen regularly Wear a hat Keep valuables out of sight Don’t go out alone Ensure someone else knows where you are
Health & Safety If you become ill Flying Roster Duty Hours Doctor available via Hotel Hospital facilities available Make sure someone knows you are ill Flying Roster At the start of the detachment, the Detachment Manager will produce a roster for the (science) crewing of the aircraft – this will take a few days to settle down once we know the operational issues Duty Hours FAAM record duty hours – we can extend this to Met Office and anyone else as required
Communications Phones / Internet Emergency Phone FAAM will provide handsets and local SIM cards Internet and Skype phones will be available in the Hotel conference Room Emergency Phone FAAM have an Iridium satellite phone that will normally travel with the aircraft
Communications Who’s who FAAM Detachment Manager – Mo Smith Pack-up Co-ordinator – Doug Anderson (arrival) / Jamie Trembath (departure) DFL Project Pilot – Ian Ramsay-Rae DFL Project Operations – Peter Chappell PIs – Ben Johnson, Hugh Coe
Any questions?