Suitcase for Survival
1. Monitor Lizard Threatened- Endangered Wallet Skin Import of animals or items made from animals is only permissible for some species with appropriate species. The treat is exploitation of a very limited resource. $85
2. Green Sea Turtle Threatened Carapace, Boot (skin), Bracelet (shell) International trade in sea turtles, whole or in pieces, is strictly forbidden. If you bring any item into the U.S. as a tourist, you will be fined $20,000 and spend 1 year in prison. $150, $250, $75
3. Caiman Not a threatened species in most areas. One subspecies is threatened. Belt (skin) Legal trade is based on local population samples and harvest quotas each year, but illegal trade undermines sustainability of harvesting. $80
4. Marine Toad Locally threatened and endangered in native range (Texas- Central America), but considered a dense invasive species in non native areas (Australia) Purse (skin) Transport of live toads is illegal due to invasive threats, and transport of dead toads is illegal due to concerns about local population numbers $135
5. Elephant Endangered Bracelet (tail hair), Warthog Carving (Tusk) Illegal to hunt, kill or posses any parts of an elephant that were not grandfathered in. Also, possessing live elephants is severely restricted. $100+
6. Tegu Lizzard All species are listed as threatened Skin, Women’s shoe (skin) Import of live animals, or of items made from products of animals (skins, etc) is only permissible from some species with appropriate permits. The threat is exploitation of a very limited resource. $80+
7. Rhinoceros All subspecies listed as endangered Pills (Horn) Dealing in any parts of a rhino, or in live animals, is strictly illegal. $25/tablet
8. Crocodile Several species are listed as threatened, and several more are in danger due to habitat loss & over collection. Some species are endangered. Cardholder (skin), Boot (skin), Belly (skin) Hunting, trapping, etc are strictly regulated, depending on the species. $109, $300, $1,500
9. Walrus Near threatened Bracelet (tusk), Tusk Killing only allowed by a select group of native peoples. $695, $850
10. Baleen Whale Many species are Threatened or Endangered Bracelet In many countries, hunting and importing goods is strictly prohibited $100
11. Scorpion Over collection has led many species to be vulnerable or threatened Specimen Collection and import of specimens (dead or alive) into the U.S. can only be done by permit-holding companies $20
12. Insects, general Over collection has led to many species to be vulnerable or threatened Rhinoceros Beetle Specimen Collection & import of specimens (dead or alive) into the U.S. can only be done by permit-holding companies. $35
13. Cobra Over collection and habitat destruction has led many species to be vulnerable or threatened Skin, Purse (Skin) Collection and import of specimens (dead or alive) into the U.S. can only be done by permit-holding companies $100
14. Tiger Endangered, all species in series threat of extinction “Plaster” Medicine (Bones) Illegal to hunt, kill or possess any part of a tiger Up to $27,000/package
15. Rock Python All species are listed as either threatened or endangered Skin Import of live animals, or of items made from products of animals (skins, etc) is only permissible for some species with appropriate permits. The threat is exploitation of very limited resource $775
16. Cholla Cactus Over collection has led to concern regarding future of populations Rainstick Must have a proper permit to import items into the U.S. $35
All species are listed as either threatened or endangered Belt (skin) Import of live animals, or of items made from products of animals (skins, etc) is only permissible for some species with appropriate permits. The threat is exploitation of very limited resource $96 17. Reticulated Python
18. Coral Many reef building coral species are listed as threatened or endangered , and most coral areas are protected Specimen Illegal to harvest coral from any protected area; import of foreign coral is not illegal
19. Fur Seal Seal species are mostly listed as threatened, mainly due to overhunting by humans, though many populations are recovering “Tea Balls” Medicine (Penis) Hunting is still legal in many areas, though import of most items is banned in the U.S. $442
20. East Asian Deer Many East-Asian Deer species are facing habitat destruction and over-hunting. Several are thought to be extinct in the wild. Antler in Velvet Possessing or transporting antlers from Asian deer in velvet, used in medicines, is strictly prohibited in most areas. $50- $150
21. Bull Shark Classified as near threatened Jaws Import of any items is prohibited in the U.S. without proper permits, to limit the impacts of harvesting on populations $110
22. Burmese Python All species are listed as either threatened or endangered Wallet (skin) Import of live animals, or of items made from products of animals (skins, etc) is only permissible for some species with appropriate permits. The threat is exploitation of very limited resource, mainly from over collection for pet trade $65
23. Iguana Several species are listed as threatened and several more are in danger due to habitat loss and over colelction Boot (skin) Import of live animals, or of items made from products of animals (skins, etc) is only permissible for some species with appropriate permits. The threat is exploitation of very limited resource $225
24. Asian Leopard Cat Classified as near-threatened, largely due to habitat loss “Plate” Skin, Tanned Import of any items is prohibited in the U.S. $1000-$2000
25. Luna Moth Conservation status unknown Specimen Collection and important of specimens (dead or alive) into the U.S. can only be done by permit-holding companies $20
26. Shells, Assorted Concern is that organisms are removed from water while alive and used for shells only Lei Illegal to import shells or possess shells, due to uncertain method of collection $50
27. Seahorse Concern that overharvesting will lead to population decline Specimens Illegal to trade or carry wild seahorse internationally $50/each
American Alligator population is stable, other alligator populations are threatened Purse (skin) Hunting or possessing any animal parts is strictly prohibited $200-$1,000 28. American Alligator
29. Helmet Shell Over collection has led to concern regarding future populations Shell Must have a proper permit to import items into the U.S. $50
30. Stingray Vulnerable or Threatened Men’s shoe (Skin) Most species are illegal to export from native lands; those that are legal are governed by permits and quotas $300-$12,000
31. Blue Coral Many reef building coral species are listed as threatened or endangered, and most coral areas are protected Necklace Illegal to harvest coral from any protected area; import of foreign coral is not legal $60
32.Musk Deer Listed as Vulnerable Medicine (Spray) Hunting by some native peoples for food allowed; all other hunting is strictly regulated, and import/export of items is prohibited $40
33. Sea Star Over collection has led to concern regarding future of populations Specimen Must have a proper permit to import items into the U.S. $20