PP1 and PP2A inhibitors rescue α-SMA expression and Akt phosphorylation from the inhibitory effects of TSA. After serum starvation, NHLFs were pretreated with the PP1 and PP2A inhibitors Tautomycin (T) and Calyculin A (C) for 1 h and followed by treatment w... PP1 and PP2A inhibitors rescue α-SMA expression and Akt phosphorylation from the inhibitory effects of TSA. After serum starvation, NHLFs were pretreated with the PP1 and PP2A inhibitors Tautomycin (T) and Calyculin A (C) for 1 h and followed by treatment with TGF-β1 and TSA. Western blot was performed with α-SMA, P-Akt, total-Akt, and α-tubulin antibodies. Relative fold change was calculated by measuring densitometry using ImageJ and normalized to the loading control. All the juxtaposed lanes are from a single gel, but not contiguous, which is showed by the dashed lines. Representative immunoblots from 2 independent experiments are shown. Weichao Guo et al. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 2009;297:L864-L870 ©2009 by American Physiological Society