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Presentation transcript:

WG NAN Progress ECC Plenary, gHent 3 march 2016 wg nan Chairman Johannes Vallesverd

WG NaN Organisation WG NaN PT TRIS PT FNI PT NP PT ES Chairman: J. Vallesverd (NOR) Vice-Chairman: E. Greenberg (G) F. Dragomir (ROU) Numbering & Networks PT TRIS PT FNI PT NP PT ES Technical Regulatory Issues Future Numbering Issues Number Portability Emergency Services Chairman: V. Stundzia (LTU) Vice-Chair: D. Voisard (SUI) Chairman: F. Bernabei (ITA) Vice-Chair: B. O’Brien (IRL) Chairman: J.F. Silva (POR) Vice-Chair: B. Overvad (DNK) Chairman: F. Dragomir (ROU) Footer - add copy here

11th Meeting- 28-30 October in Vienna 40 participants, 27 countries Last WG NaN meeting 11th Meeting- 28-30 October in Vienna 40 participants, 27 countries External input: RIPE NCC ‘IP and Legacy Numbers’ ETSI liaison Donatella Chiara (Telecom Italia) Koji Ishiki (NTT Japan), observer ‘Questionnaire about Call Transfer and numbering’ Key discussions: PSAP Database and Terms of Reference: Extra-territorial use of E.164 numbers CLI-flexibility Migration from PSTN/ISDN to ‘IP-based’ Networks

Deliverables since last ECC Plenary The Vienna-meeting adopted one new deliverable: ECC Report 238 – "3rd Party Access to Number Portability Data" The meeting also approved 3 draft deliverables for public consultation: Draft ECC Recommendation (16)01 on 3rd party access to Number Portability Data (NP Data)   Draft ECC Recommendation (16)02 on Extra-territorial Use of E.164 Numbers – High Level Principles of Assignment and  Draft ECC Report 248 on Evolution in CLI usage – decoupling of rights of use of numbers from service provision The meeting also agreed to establish a Task Force - Numbering and Security chaired by Jan Vanniewenheuse

3rd party access to Number Portability Data (NP Data) ECC/REC/(16)01 Draft ECC Recommendation on 3rd party access to Number Portability Data (NP Data)   Follows ECC Report 238 adopted at the last WG NaN Meeting in Vienna Recommends that access to national NP Data should be provided to 3rd parties for the purposes of implementing more efficient routing and/or to increase tariff transparency; that the authorities competent for number portability policy in CEPT countries ensure that: a. 3rd party access to NP Data is provided for the purposes of implementing more efficient routing based on a contract with the entity, or one of the entities, responsible for the administration of the NP Data. If fees are imposed for access to NP Data the fee should be based on a cost recovery model; b. information on the provider serving a specific number is made available free of charge to end-users for the purposes of tariff transparency and complaints handling with appropriate mechanisms to limit access to single number search queries; that terms and conditions of access should specify that NP Data is not used by 3rd parties for sales, marketing, promotional or other commercial activities or resold to any other entity. 3 responses received to the public consultation (Germany (Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information), Swedish independent Telecommunication Consultant (Lars Byström) and ETNO

Extra-Territorial use of national E.164 numbers ECC/REC/(16)02 Draft Recommendation on “Extra-Territorial Use of E.164 Numbers - High level principles of assignment and use”. [Scope: Temporary use in a foreign country, either as roaming or nomadic services, is not regarded as extra-territorial use. Bilateral agreements are out of the scope] CEPT Administrations should, as a general principle, assign and permit the use of E.164 numbers belonging to their national numbering plans for the provision of services inside their own territory only. Any exceptions to this general principle, should meet the following specific principles: Benefit/no negative effect to the citizens and customers of the two countries; and National sovereignty shall be respected and the applicable laws and regulations of the involved countries shall be complied; and Transparency regarding which countries and for what type of services the numbers will be used. Information should be communicated to the relevant CEPT administration(s) in the country where the numbers are intended for use. The involved CEPT administrations have discretion on the final decision. In cases where problems arise the involved CEPT administrations should cooperate to ensure that these principles are respected. 6 responses received to the public consultation (ANACOM, C2 Coalition, Vodafone, Tele2, TeliaSonera, Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information of Germany. Results to be analysed at the next meeting of PT FNI (Biel/Bienne 12-13 April 2016)

DRAFT ECC Report 248 on Evolution of CLI Usage DRAFT conclusions: End users should have the right to use their number in alternative services. Operators to whom numbers are assigned should not be able to restrict the use of those numbers as CLI for other services as long as the flexible use is in conformance with the regulatory framework. CLI validation techniques should be made mandatory. The alternative service provider should provide validation measures ensuring that the end user has the right to use the number. The validation should be made periodically in order to prevent the number from being re-assigned to a new end user from the original provider. When setting down the regulatory framework, the regulatory authorities should carefully consider which number types and under which criteria they consider can safely be used for flexible CLI purposes so that the risk of harm to consumers and other end-users is reduced. One response to the public consultation received from ETNO. Analysis to take place at next meeting of PT NP (Rome, 15-16 March 2016) Native client APP A A I would like to raise to your attention, our draft report on this specific topic. The deadline is in january. We would like do discuss som of the suggestions with you. They are quite principal. LES DRAFT CONLUSIONS Anything You would add Joao Silva? For discussion: Flexible use of CLI Is this usage ok? Should it be a right for the end user or should it be restricted or possible to restrict by the original operator? If allowed: Which alternative provider has the right to use the CLI? Is NRA notification needed?

Project Team Technical Regulatory Issues (PT TRIS) Chairman: Virgiljus Stundzia (Lithuania) Vice-Chairman: Daniel Voisard (Switzerland) RESULTS: ECC Report 195 Minimum Set of Quality of Service Parameters and Measurement Methods for Retail Internet Access Services   Ongoing work: Draft ECC Report - Migration from PSTN/ISDN to NGN. For adoption for public consultation at the 13th WG NaN (November 2016) Potential work item: non-spectrum related issues related to mobile coverage gaps (external session with industry on subject at next PT TRIS meeting (Luxembourg, 19-20 April 2016)

Project Team Future of Numbering Issues (PT FNI) Chairman: Francesco Bernabei (Italy) Vice-Chairman: Brendan O’Brian (Ireland) RESULTS: ECC Report 212: Evolution in the Use of E.212 Mobile Network Codes ECC Report 194: Extra-territorial Use of E.164 Numbers ECC Report 178: Open and Closed Dialling Plans ECC Report 153: Numbering and Addressing in Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Communications ECC/REC(11)03: Numbering and Addressing for Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Communications ECC Report 154: Evolution of Geographic Numbers ECC Report 133: Increasing Trust in Calling Line Identification and Originating Identification ECC/REC(11)02: Calling Line Identification and Originating Identification ECC/REC(12)04: Numbering for Nomadic VoIP Services ECC/REC(14)03 (Supersedes ECTRA/REC(00)01): Charging Principles for National and International Freephone Numbers

Year of implementation of M2M numbering range ECC report 153 from 2010 As mentioned the growth in M2M has been expansive. CEPT identified this for many years ago. In 2010 we delivered a report on M2M. The report advised among other things on separate and expanded M2M range. Following the report came a reccomendation. After this you see that several countries implemented their own E.164 M2M range. ONE POINT This process is a typical in CEPT. Early birds, som countries step forward, with the risks attatced, Process, learn from eachother, Public hearing, Deliverable , Harmonisation The graph shows that a voluntary approach based on knowledge and experience gives result SECOND POINT: It shows the dynamics of the national numbering plans. Ranges can be redefined, expanded to accomodate future needs. This is one aspect that makes numbering so exiting.

Project Team Future of Numbering Issues (PT FNI) Ongoing work: Numbering for OTT Services E.212 Extra territorial use Numbering for eCall Services M2M assignment numbering issues Potential future items: ITU-T proposal to charge for INRs – monitoring situation in consultation with Com-ITU

Project Team Number Portability (PT NP) Chairman Joao Silva (Portugal) Vice-Chairman Benjamin Overvad (Denmark) RESULTS: ECC Report 238 – 3rd Party Access to Number Portability Data ECC Report 213 Impact of Number Portability between Fixed and Mobile Service (Service Portability) ECC Report 196 Abuse, Delay and Compensation Mechanisms in Number Portability ECC/REC(12)02 Number Portability Best Practices ECC Report 155 Number Portability efficiency: Impact and analysis of certain aspects in Article 30.4 of the Universal Service Directive and general remarks on NP efficiency

Project Team Number Portability (PT NP) Ongoing work: Draft Report – Facilitating Switching and Competition in the M2M Sector including«embedded SIM» and OTA (External session with industry organised for next PT NP meeting (Rome, 15-16 March 2016) Draft ECC Recommendation (16)01 on 3rd party access to Number Portability Data (NP Data) Some potential work items: The issue of win-back during the porting process Service portability in a broad term, e.g. synchronous triple-play switching End user rights related to addressing Review of the ECC REP 31/2005 on Implementation of Mobile Number Portability in CEPT Countries ENUM-like options for NP in NGN and IP «NP» Harmonized NP validation and rejection reasons Efficiency, validation and retention reasons Implementation of CEPT NP documents Contractual obstacles to switching

Background REC/T/SF-1 (1972) Long Term Standardisation of National Numbering Plans – Recommendation on 112 Caller location and international coordination: Very little has been done in EU-countries and in other European countries Before PT ES that is…

Project Team Emergency Services (PT ES) Chairman: Florin Dragomir (Romania) RESULTS: ECC Report 225 Establishing Criteria for the Accuracy and Reliability of the Caller Location Information in support of Emergency Services http://www.erodocdb.dk/Docs/doc98/official/pdf/ECCREP225.PDF ECC Report 193 Emergency Calls in VoIP Environment - Compilation of Recent Studies

Project Team Emergency Services (PT ES) Ongoing work: 112 caller location accuracy A-GNSS (for adoption for public consultation at next WG NaN Meeting (Jurmula, 27-28 April 2016) AML (work item proposal for consideration in Jurmula) DRAFT Feasibility Report on PSAP DB (uploaded as temp or annex to progress report, to get input) 112 in the DSM Potential future items: Statistics to quantify caller location information Caller location from corporate/private networks

PSAP DB REC/T/SF-1 (1972) Long Term Standardisation of National Numbering Plans – Recommendation on 112 Use cases (not exhaustive) When travelling and you need to call 112 in order to help an old or young family member at home incorrect routing of VoIP Effective information between PSAPs internationallly e.g. alerting (Swedish example, thunderstorm) Translation in an emergency situation Accidents at sea Incorrect routing of VoIP calls and calls from corporate networks Footer - add copy here

PSAP DB Feasibility Report structure Introduction and scope Evidence of support from PSAP community Current EENA database Scope of ECO operational activities ECC framework and strategic plan Technical Specifications and Resource commitment Legal issues Impact assessment Annex: EENA letter, VERY early draft for ECC decision, VERY early draft of DB contract Footer - add copy here

PSAP DB Pro Contra Minimal effort - high impact, lives can be saved Core business? ECO is a professional entity with relevant DB experience (EFIS, SEAMCAT, 700MHz repository, ECC Work Programme DB, Doc DB) National circumstances (e.g. difficulty to pinpoint one focal PSAP or no regulatory responsibilities in the area of PSAPs) WG NaN/PT ES has expertise on the ecom-side of 112 Preference for EU-mandatory rules Many NRAs holds responsibilities under USD art. 26 DB reduces the negative impact of one harmonised emergency number In line with a forward looking and innovative ECC Strategic Plan endeavours to foster a spirit of cooperation and collaboration with all stakeholders. study relevant aspects of emergency services communications and provide support and advice to European emergency services stakeholders where appropriate; Over 90 % support in PSAP questionnaire

Fruitful cooperation continues on ad hoc basis BEREC Two WG NaNs identified a need for improved cooperation (especially on NP, M2M, OTT) ECC SG discussion January 2015 and reported in progress report for 40th ECC Outreach to BEREC Response negative May 2015 Fruitful cooperation continues on ad hoc basis Joint BEREC-WG NaN meeting on SMB switching BEREC speaking at CEPT M2M workshop in Mainz 21-22 March 2016 Internal inputs to BEREC from WG NaN experts

Topic related deliverables table M2M NP CLI 112 ECC Report 153 Numbering and Addressing in Machine-to-Machine Communications (2010) ECC Report 155 Number Portability efficiency: Impact and analysis of certain aspects in Article 30.4 of the USD and general remarks on NP efficiency (2010) ECC/REC(05)09 Customer Protection in Case of Misuse or Unauthorised Use of International E.164 Numbering Resources REC/T/SF-1 Long Term Standardisation of National Numbering Plans – Recommendation on 112 (1972) ECC/Rec(11)03 Numbering and addressing for Machine-to-Machine Communications ECC/REC(12)02 Number Portability Best Practices ECC Report 133 Increasing Trust in Calling Line Identification and Originating Identification (2009) ECC Report 193 Emergency Calls in VoIP Environment - Compilation of Recent Studies (2012) ECC Report 212 the Evolution in the use if E.212 Mobile Network Codes (2014) ECC Report 196 Abuse, delay and compensation mechanisms in number portability (2013) ECC/REC(11)02 Calling Line Identification and Originating Identification ECC Report 225 Establishing Criteria for the Accuracy and Reliability of the Caller Location Information in support of Emergency Services (2014) ECC Report 194 Extra-territorial Use of E.164 Numbers (2013) ECC Report 213 Impact of number portability between fixed and mobile services (Service portability) (2014) ECC Report 248 Evolution in CLI usage - decoupling of rights of use of numbers from service provision ? ECC/REC/(16)02 Extra-territorial Use of E.164 Numbers - High level Principles of Assignment and Use ECC/REC/(16)01 3rd party access to Number Portability Data (NP Data) 55 deliverables the last 20 years. On this table you can se those deliverables relevant to recent tech. Our toolkit consist mostly of Reports and reccomendations. But also workshops, green papers, impact assessments, feasability studies, etc. In our pipeline we have an report on Facilitating switching and competition in the M2M sector. A work lead by Joao Silva of the Porugees regulator, the chairman of PT Number portabilty, but with close interaction by the other PTs. Especially PT FNI lead by MR Francesco Bernabei of the Italian regulator. CEPT is planning a big public workshop next year in Mainz on frequencees and nmbering. Please register if you have an opening in your agenda. WG NaN also have activities on 112 caller location. And we are following eCall. With regards to M2M, we see that the growth in M2M communications services in recent years has been dramatic and further exponential growth is foreseen. Facilitating data exchange between objects, with or without human intervention, is the foundation on which it is possible to create many new applications and services that will have profound benefits for citizens. Everything gets smart: smart cities, smart cars, E-health services, smart metering, smart grids and eCall). Our assesments are that E.212 and E.164 numbering resources will continue to be needed to address devices for these new and innovative services. There will be an entanglement with IP adresses, as Marco Høgewoning form RIPE NCC stated to WG NaN when he gave a presentation to WG NaN one month ago. The ECC shall provide guidance to all relevant stakeholders on the most appropriate numbering resources to be used for M2M services. This will involve developing deliverables to remove existing barriers to providing access to these resources, to creating more capacity where necessary and to ensure that competition and innovation can thrive in this exciting new market segment. Public consultation ended 18 January 2016)

European Commission Commission representatives participates on ad hoc basis as observers in PTs and WG NaN workshops Dialogue with ECC SG on whether participation in half-yearly ECC-EC meeting or separate meetings. 20 March 2014 joint meeting 17 April 2015 separate meeting of Chairs and Vice-Chairs and DG Connect Agenda 1) Competition issues -   Assignment criteria for E.212 MNCs -   Changing provider without changing SIM card (embedded SIM cards provisionable over-the-air) 2) Scarcity issues (E.164, E.212) 3) Extra-territorial use of E.164 numbers 4) Emergency number 112, related ongoing activities of mutual interest Also ECO and secretary of WG NaN present at the 17 April 2015 meeting with EC.

15 March 2016 participation in joint ECC-EC meeting or? European Commission Joint Workshop EC-WG NaN 7 Desember 2015: Advanced Numbering Systems in DSM Workshop to enlighten the Commission in their work. Agenda: Main challenges triggered by M2M and IoT New ETNS Resource scarcity M2M lock-in Extra-territorial use 112 Caller location Emerging technologies Competition issues Winback NP timers Maintain Trust in Numbering CLI flexibility and Spoofing Anynomous SIM-cards 15 March 2016 participation in joint ECC-EC meeting or?

Thank you!