Distracted Driving Amanda wende
Distractions Radio Cell Phone Watching construction Texting/talking Watching construction Looking at an accident Looking at other cars Checking speedometer Checking remaining gas And More!!!
Distracted Driving Distracted Driving~ When a driver takes their eyes off the road. Includes: Hands off the wheel and mind off driving. Inattention~ When the drivers attention drifts away from driving.
Effects of Driving Distracted Slowed Perception~ Delayed reaction time. You may not be able to slow down fast enough to avoid an accident. Delayed Decision Making~ Making the correct decision to stop or move over can be delayed. Improper Action~ Delayed reaction can cause drivers to make the wrong decision to avoid an accident.
Types of Distractions Physical Distraction~ Taking hands off the wheel or eyes off the road. Reaching for an object. Mental Distraction~ Activities that take the drivers mind off the road. Thinking about something that happened earlier in the day. Both~ Greater chance of causing a crash. Talking on the phone.
Cell Phones – Dangers Risk of collision increases by up to 400% when talking on a cell phone while driving. (Insurance Institute for Highway Safety) Dangers include: Effect on proper lane position Ability to make quick and correct decisions are inhibited Ability to execute emergency maneuvers will be inhibited
Cell Phones – Benefits Potential Benefits of having your cell phone in the car Ability to call for roadside assistance Ability to call police in case of emergency Ability to contact a friend or family when in danger
Texting What is the difference between texting and talking on the phone? The driver needs to occasionally look down at their phone before sending the text. This is now causing the driver to look away from the road. Effects of Texting Search~ When focused on texting you could miss important changes Person Changing lanes, pulling out in front of you, construction signs, etc. Evaluate~ When your attention is divided, your decision making is lower. The more tasks you are trying to complete, the less effective you will be. Execute~ You could fail to execute a turn correctly. When texting, you usually drive with one hand. Hitting the curb, reduced steering control
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_krbxXawoAU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QS6ohqmxmUI
Passengers Distractions from passengers: Talking or yelling Throwing objects outside the window Yelling to a person outside the window Unexpectedly adjusting audio system controls
Outside Distractions Outside traffic~ Vehicle swerving, changing lanes, slowing and stopping. Rubbernecking Animals Police Other vehicles Reading billboards
Addressing Distractions Cells Phones should be put away and out of sight. Can be kept nearby incase of emergency. Adjust navigation before leaving Adjust radio before leaving Decide weather passengers are too distracting Avoid arguments Pull off the road safely if you need to talk to a child.