DIRECTED ADMINISTRATIVE PORTFOLIO CAPSTONE ALTERNATIVE Credits: 3 16 weeks The course is centered on the development of four comprehensive research-based papers covering MSA 601, 602, 603, and 604 and a 5th critical analysis paper. Central to each paper is the integration of the student’s area of concentration as students analyze the same issue from each core perspective. The fifth paper summarizes the learning that has taken place throughout the degree program, draws conclusions, and makes recommendations.
4 rubric-graded research papers will focus on the same administrative topic. Each paper will look at the topic through the lens of MSA 601, 602, 603, and 604. e.g.: An investigation of the impact of a new policy on an organization How does the policy affect the organizational dynamics and human behavioral aspects of the organization? 601 Analyze the financial considerations and implications. 602 What role does/did/should strategic planning play in the implementation or success of the policy? 603 How did the organization consider all constituent groups in the development and implementation of the policy? 604 The 5th rubric-graded paper (critical analysis/umbrella paper) will discuss findings, implications, and recommendations for future study. This is a unique paper (not a compilation of the other four).
Bulletin description Intensive writing course integrating MSA core and concentration courses by developing a series of research projects or significant papers germane to current administrative issues.
RATIONALE *Current trends in administration call for applied problem solving skills *More contact hours dedicated to directed writing *More representative of administrative/professional writing in the workplace * Presentation component builds workplace skill **ASSESSMENT – helps program meet university requirements ***May serve as a retake for MSA 699
COMPARISON MSA 698 MSA 699 16 weeks 5 eight to ten page related papers (40 pp minimum) APA required IRB/RRA approval not necessary Secondary research accepted Rubric scoring 2nd review not required Incompletes discouraged Must be related to concentration 16 weeks 1 Thirty + page paper (30 page minimum) APA required IRB/RRA approval required Primary research expected Rubric scoring 2nd review required Incompletes possible Must be related to concentration
Course Objectives MSA 698 MSA 699 Conduct applied research in the field of Administration. Analyze administrative issues and problems critically and creatively. Identify, collate, synthesize, and use scholarly research sources to generate research questions to examine a professional work- related problem. Apply quantitative and / or qualitative research methods to examine a professional work-related problem. Develop research findings and make recommendations based on literature and data analysis. Effectively present findings and recommendations to solve or improve upon professional work related problems. Integrate concepts from MSA core and concentration courses into meaningful research. Conduct applied research in the field of Administration. Analyze administrative issues and problems critically and creatively. Identify, collate, synthesize, and use primary scholarly research sources to generate research questions to examine a professional work-related problem. Apply quantitative and/or qualitative research methods to examine a professional work-related problem. Develop research findings and make recommendations based on literature and data analysis. Effectively present findings and recommendations to solve or improve upon a professional work-related problem. Present and defend their research when it comes under scholarly and/or professional scrutiny.
Role of MSA 600 in the Capstone process The content learned in MSA 600 will serve as a foundation for this course (APA, writing skills, analysis of research). The products created in MSA 600 are not designed to be part of the five MSA 698 papers although the subject matter might be appropriate for further study. The content learned in MSA 600 will serve as a foundation for this course. (APA, writing skills, analysis of research, practice proposal). The products created in MSA 600 are NOT intended to be the beginning of the MSA 699 Capstone paper.
A word about MSA 600 MSA 600 is not intended to be the first 3 chapters of the capstone Students will learn the elements of the first 3 chapters and a proposal but as practice. They might not necessarily write them in this class. A variety of practical research applications will be taught that will be applicable to both MSA 698 and 699. The focus of MSA 600 will be the consumption of research. There will be less emphasis on mathematical problem solving and more emphasis on understanding what the statistics mean--interpretation of research. . Focus will be on the type of research applications typically performed by administrators. MSA 600 will emphasize graduate level writing, (APA and administrative). MSA 600 instructors will be expected to talk about the processes for both MSA 698 and MSA 699.
What does this mean going forward? Enrollments for MSA 698 are expected to exceed those of MSA 699 Anticipated: More sections of MSA 698 both online and f2f Anticipated: Less sections of MSA 699 MSA is looking for qualified instructors to teach MSA 698 This course meets for the same number of contact hours as any other MSA course The pay for this course is the same as for any other MSA course (with exception of MSA 699)
Faculty requirements MSA 698 Minimum Requirement: Terminal degree, PH.D, DBA, Ed.D. or equivalent Demonstrated excellence in teaching at the graduate level (multi –year) Evidence of ability to apply quantitative and qualitative knowledge and skills to research and writing and research projects Ability to direct student administrative writing with expertise in APA standards, procedures Documented evidence of professional research and reports completed Evidence of successful teaching of 2 or more MSA Core Courses (or similar, related courses) Terminal degree, PH.D, DBA, Ed.D. or equivalent Documented experience in graduate level teaching (multi-year) Evidence of ability to apply quantitative knowledge and skills to research Evidence of experience in directing student research projects Documented evidence of professional research and reposts completed Documented experience of successful teaching in the MSA program
Instructors for both MSA 698 and MSA 699 are now required to be proficient with Blackboard tools, especially Collaborate and Discussion Board features
Faculty continued Instructors teaching MSA 699 may not teach MSA 600 Instructors teaching MSA 698 may teach MSA 600 Instructors may teach both MSA 698 and MSA 699
MSA 698 Scheduling MSA 698 is a 16 week course Face to face classes will use a hybrid format with a minimum of 6 face to face classes. Weeks 1&2 : F2F Weeks 3&4: Individual meetings Weeks 5&6: Course meets online Week 7: F2F Weeks 8-10: Individual meetings Weeks 11-13: Course meets online Weeks 14-16: F2F * schedule for individual meetings and online sessions will vary depending on class size IRB/RRA approval not necessary- students should be reminded of time constraints.
FYI… MSA 698 is NOT easier than MSA 699 The amount of writing in MSA 698 is equal to or more than in MSA 699 27 credits must be completed before registering for MSA 698 (no dual reg) Students should learn about 698/699 options early-on in the program Students who want to take 698 will need to keep their core text books* This course meets for 16 weeks / Hybrid or online format Students are expected to complete the course in 16 weeks- no extensions Each paper is weighted equally (20%) final 20% may be divided between paper and presentation All students must complete the final “critical analysis/conclusions/recommendations” paper to pass the course Students with e-texts may make PDFs of texts. Publishers have agreed to provide table of contents and glossaries. These will be in the MSA 698 Bb shell.