Connectivity to bank and sample account structure
CCM organisation Chart
Notice CashFac®, CashFac Virtual Bank Technology®, Straight Through Cash Processing®, Predictive Reconciliation®, CashFac Technology You Can Bank On®, A2Pay®, Tapx®, CashFac Digi Signer®, CashFac Virtual Account Cloud® and all Cashfac related marks, branding, images, symbols are the exclusive properties of Cashfac or its subsidiaries. Terms of use/licence grant: The use and/or installation of this release of CashFac Virtual Bank Technology, under the Client Cash Manager brand (“CCM”) and/or the information contained in this document is governed by the terms of the Marketing Licence and Services Agreement between CashFac Initiative Limited (“CashFac”) and Lloyds Bank plc (“Lloyds Bank”) dated 28th November 2002 (the “Agreement”) and/or the respective end user licence between Lloyds Bank and its customer (the “CCM Licence”) or the non-disclosure agreement between Lloyds Bank and its prospective customer (“the Customer NDA”). Please refer to the Agreement or the respective CCM Licence or the Customer NDA for the general license conditions. Lloyds Bank are licensed by CashFac to provide CashFac Virtual Bank Technology as CCM. The information contained in this document is confidential and for Lloyds Bank’s use (or its customers (the “Customer”) to whom Lloyds Bank has granted a CCM Licence or its prospective customer (“Prospective Customer”) to whom Lloyds Bank has entered into a Customer NDA, solely for the intended purpose and is subject to the terms of the Agreement or respective CCM Licence and/or Customer NDA, as the case may be. Except where expressly stated otherwise, this version of CCM or document and any part of CashFac Virtual Bank Technology or CCM, whether in part or in whole or any of its components is protected by copyright and other laws respecting proprietary rights. Unauthorised reproduction, transfer, and or use can be a criminal, as well as a civil, offence under the applicable law. Lloyds Bank, the Customer and its Prospective Customer shall ensure that no part of CCM or this document may be copied, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means or stored in any retrieval system, computer, network, server, intranet or extranet or on any public domain except where explicitly agreed otherwise under the terms of the Agreement or the respective CCM Licence or Customer NDA. Where permission for such copies or reproductions has been explicitly granted in writing, the copyright notices in CCM and this document, including the above statement on terms of use/licence grant, must be included in its entirety of any such copies of reproductions. In particular, Lloyds Bank, its Customers and Prospective Customer shall observe the obligations of confidentiality under the Agreement or the respective CCM Licence or Customer NDA and the terms of use.
Documentation Disclaimer: Whilst CashFac uses all reasonable efforts to ensure that the information in CashFac Virtual Bank Technology, CCM or this document was complete and accurate at the time of printing/release, to the maximum extent permitted by law, CashFac assumes no liability for any errors or omissions unless where explicitly stated otherwise under the Agreement. Changes and/or corrections to the information in CashFac Virtual Bank Technology, CCM or this document might be incorporated in any future releases or revisions. CashFac accepts no liability for any alterations, modifications or deletions to the original published version of CashFac Virtual Bank Technology, CCM or this document unless such changes or amendments were performed by CashFac. Third Party Products: This version of CCM and the information in this document might contain references to third-party sources of information, or third party embedded software, products or services or third-party internet links or domain names (collectively the “Third Party Components”) distributed by CashFac under licence from the respective third parties (“Third Party Owners”). All Third Party Components, including, but not limited to, software, branding, product or company names, trademarks and service marks are the properties of the respective Third Party Owners. The Third Party Components are provided "as is". CashFac does not control and makes no representation, warranty or guarantees for any Third Party Components or on behalf of the Third Party Owners and, to the maximum extent permitted by law, CashFac therefore accepts no responsibility for or any liability of any kind, whether express or implied, including, without limitation the content, accuracy, copyright, compatibility, performance, legality or any other aspect of Third Party Components or the Third Party Owners. The incorporation of such Third Party Components in this document or CCM does not imply endorsement by CashFac of such Third Party Components or the Third Party Owners in any way. In addition to the terms under the Agreement for CashFac Virtual Bank Technology, the use of the Third Party Components is subject to the terms and conditions of the Third Party Owners, which may expand or limit the rights to use the Third Party Components, such details are available from CashFac upon written request. All property rights, including, but not limited to, copyright and intellectual property rights in any Third Party Components remain the properties of the respective Third Party Owners and no title or rights of ownership, copyright or any other intellectual property rights are to be transferred to Lloyds Bank, its Customer or Prospective Customer in any way. Lloyds Bank, its Customers and Prospective Customer shall not make copies of any of the Third Party Components, except as provided for under the Third Party Owners terms and conditions, and shall ensure that any copies of the Third Party Components shall incorporate a similar notice of ownership and disclaimer. Lloyds Bank plc: The logos, trademarks, service marks of Client Cash Manager, Lloyds Bank plc and the Lloyds Banking Group (LBG) are the properties of the Lloyds Banking Group, as the case may be.