FHC STUDY GROUP What’s Hot Right Now? MID-YEAR REVIEW Dial-In Number: 1-415-930-5321 Webinar ID: 112-512-643 What’s Hot Right Now? MID-YEAR REVIEW FHC’s Top Products and Carriers So Far in 2016 JULY 2016
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Mid-Year Review: Top Products & Carriers of 2016 so far Dial-In Number: (415) 930-5321 Meeting ID: 112-512-643
Goal Get up to date on what products and carriers other advisors have been selling this year Dial-In Number: 1-415-930-5321 Webinar ID: 112-512-643
Indexed Universal Life Carriers Pacific Life John Hancock American General Pacific Life Flexible design, accumulation focused, carrier brand, underwriting, compensation Consistent top seller of IUL. With Pacific Life’s product flexibility and many people looking for the tax favored distributions from life insurance, this accumulation focused IUL is a perfect fit for many cases. The flexibility in design, the carrier behind it, UW, service and compensation make it the top choice John Hancock Death benefit focused with life expectancy guarantee, Vitality Program American General (low cost design) Dial-In Number: 1-415-930-5321 Webinar ID: 112-512-643
Guaranteed Universal Life Carriers Prudential Protective Nationwide Prudential Protective (age 95 to 100 niche) Nationwide (unique true LTC rider with indemnity & residual death benefit) Price is what typically drives this market and the top carriers are the most competitive in terms of price. Dial-In Number: 1-415-930-5321 Webinar ID: 112-512-643
Universal Life Carriers Principal Prudential Pacific Life Principal (Low cost, if quoted to life expectancy or ROP) Prudential (Underwriting, Low cost, if quoted to life expectancy or ROP) Pacific (Flexible, general account rate, carrier brand) Principal: current assumption UL with their return of premium death benefit option gives them one of the best internal rates of return on death benefit on the market for many cases. Prudential’s: Founders Plus is a hybrid between indexed universal life and a current assumption universal life. With a more conservative rate Prudential can show extremely low premiums for death benefit driven sales. Prudential has also won many cases in underwriting. Pacific Life: For as great as Pacific Life is at indexed universal life coverage, their traditional current assumption UL is also worth considering. The flexibility that Pacific Life offers in product design paired with their general account rate and history of doing what is best for clients makes this current assumption UL in the top 3. Dial-In Number: 1-415-930-5321 Webinar ID: 112-512-643
Whole Life Carriers Minnesota Life Ameritas Life MetLife Dial-In Number: 1-415-930-5321 Webinar ID: 112-512-643
Term Carriers John Hancock Principal Lincoln John Hancock This carrier has told us that they will be focusing on their term insurance this year to come up with many new ideas, solutions and competitiveness. This is a reflection of that strategy. Principal (underwriting & conversion options) Lincoln Dial-In Number: 1-415-930-5321 Webinar ID: 112-512-643
Disability Insurance Carriers Principal Standard Ameritas Dial-In Number: 1-415-930-5321 Webinar ID: 112-512-643
Asset Based Long Term Care Carriers Pacific Life OneAmerica Lincoln Pacific Life and OneAmerica have stood out as the go to asset based long term care policy for the last year. Pacific Life’s one of a kind return of premium benefit and OneAmerica’s lifetime continuation of benefits rider and second to die option push them above the competition. Dial-In Number: 1-415-930-5321 Webinar ID: 112-512-643
Long Term Care Carriers Mutual of Omaha John Hancock OneAmerica Dial-In Number: 1-415-930-5321 Webinar ID: 112-512-643
Fixed Indexed Annuity Products Allianz 222 Allianz 360 Great American – American Custom 10 Allianz 222 (income years 10+) Allianz 360 (income soon) Great American – American Custom 10 (Income) Allianz: If you want inflation hedge in your benefit, Allianz is the place to go. They also allow for some flexibility with early WD. Allianz has cornered this market for a few years now. They have their own hedging team at their home office which has allowed them to create some unique crediting strategies. Allianz has some of the best income benefits in the market today. Allianz 222: With an immediate bonus credited to client’s income base, the Allianz 222 has some of the highest income potential on the market for life. With their unique step up story even when the account value goes to zero and no direct fee to the account value for income purposes, this annuity has been leading the pack all year. Allianz’s 360 This indexed annuity offers some extremely attractive guaranteed income as well as 2 income benefit options to help a client with a relatively short income time frame. Allianz’s 360 can have the income turned on in the second year if needed which helps put another tool in an advisor’s toolbox. Great American: offers great plain accumulation products, DB and early income products. AE is big into the income riders. American National has some decent accumulation products. Allianz and AE have income products without fees. Dial-In Number: 1-415-930-5321 Webinar ID: 112-512-643
Fixed Annuity Products American Equity – Guarantee 7 Standard – Focus Growth Annuity 10 American Equity – Guarantee 5 Mostly MYGAs, alternatives to CDs Dial-In Number: 1-415-930-5321 Webinar ID: 112-512-643
Variable Universal Life Carriers Lincoln Pacific Life Nationwide Dial-In Number: 1-415-930-5321 Webinar ID: 112-512-643
Variable Annuity Carriers Jackson National Pacific Life MetLife Jackson National (JNL) - IOVA Pacific Life (PCL) – Low Cost Met Life (MLI) - Shield Dial-In Number: 1-415-930-5321 Webinar ID: 112-512-643
Variable Annuity Products Jackson National Perspective Prudential Premier Investment VA Lincoln National Choice Plus Assurance Dial-In Number: 1-415-930-5321 Webinar ID: 112-512-643
Mutual Fund Families American Funds Principal Fidelity Dial-In Number: 1-415-930-5321 Webinar ID: 112-512-643
Most Widely Held Sub Accounts Mellon Capital Jackson National 5 Sun America Dynamic Allocation (American General/SunAmerica) 6 Year Shield 15 S&P 500 Indexed (MetLife) Dial-In Number: 1-415-930-5321 Webinar ID: 112-512-643
Most Widely Held Mutual Funds American Funds Growth Fund of America (American Funds) Washington Mutual Investors (American Funds) Investment Company of America (American Funds) Dial-In Number: 1-415-930-5321 Webinar ID: 112-512-643
Top Third Party Money Managers SEI Lockwood Assetmark Dial-In Number: 1-415-930-5321 Webinar ID: 112-512-643
Stoyan Questions for us? Scott