International Resource Availability for HIV, 2015 Jose-Antonio Izazola Deepak Mattur Tuesday, July 19th, 2016
Outline of the draft presentation Resources available for HIV/AIDS Donor disbursements Resource needs towards the “End of AIDS as a global public health threat by 2030”
Resources available for HIV/AIDS
Source: UNAIDS Estimates June 2016, UNAIDS-KFF reports on Financing the Response to AIDS in Low- and Middle-Income Countries till 2015, OECD CRS last accessed June 2016, FCAA Report on Philanthropic funding Jul 2016
Global Resources for HIV/AIDS in Low-and-Middle-Income Countries 2000-2015, by source (Excluding countries which were classified as high income level by 2013-4) Source: UNAIDS Estimates June 2016, UNAIDS-KFF reports on Financing the Response to AIDS in Low- and Middle-Income Countries till 2015, OECD CRS last accessed June 2015, FCAA Report on Philanthropic funding Dec 2015
Global Resources for HIV/AIDS in Low-and-Middle-Income Countries 2000-2015, by source (Excluding high income countries by 2014) Source: UNAIDS Estimates June 2016, UNAIDS-KFF reports on Financing the Response to AIDS in Low- and Middle-Income Countries till 2015, OECD CRS last accessed June 2015, FCAA Report on Philanthropic funding Dec 2015
Global Resources for HIV/AIDS in Low-and-Middle-Income Countries 2000-2015, by source (Excluding high income countries by 2014) Source: UNAIDS Estimates June 2016, UNAIDS-KFF reports on Financing the Response to AIDS in Low- and Middle-Income Countries till 2015, OECD CRS last accessed June 2015, FCAA Report on Philanthropic funding Dec 2015
Resources for HIV ( 2000- 2015) by source of funding Source: UNAIDS Estimates June 2016, UNAIDS-KFF reports on Financing the Response to AIDS in Low- and Middle-Income Countries untill 2015, OECD CRS last accessed June 2015
Donor government disbursements for HIV/AIDS in 2015, by funding channel Source: UNAIDS KFF report July 2016
International HIV Assistance from Donor Governments: Disbursements, 2002-2015 US$ Billions SOURCES: UNAIDS/Kaiser Family Foundation, Financing the Response to HIV in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: International Assistance from Donor Governments in 2015, July 2016; UNAIDS and Kaiser Family Foundation analysis of data from donor governments, OECD CRS online data queries, Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria online data queries, and UNITAID Annual Reports and direct communication.
Total Donor Government Disbursements by Channel
International HIV Assistance from Donor Governments: Percent Difference in Disbursements (USD), 2014-2015 SOURCES: UNAIDS/Kaiser Family Foundation, Financing the Response to HIV in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: International Assistance from Donor Governments in 2015, July 2016; UNAIDS and Kaiser Family Foundation analysis of data from donor governments, OECD CRS online data queries, Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria online data queries, and UNITAID Annual Reports and direct communication.
International assistance for HIV/AIDS Source: UNAIDS estimates, UNAIDS KFF reports, Global fund reports, reports from multilateral organizations
Share of Donor government disbursements for HIV/AIDS in 2015 Source: UNAIDS KFF report July 2016
Resources for HIV in 2015 by source of funding
Resource needs 2016-2030 to Reach the “End of AIDS” as a global public health threat Source: Stover J, Bollinger L, Izazola JA, Loures L, DeLay P, Ghys PD, et al. (2016) What Is Required to End the AIDS Epidemic as a Public Health Threat by 2030? The Cost and Impact of the Fast-Track Approach. PLoS ONE 11(5): e0154893. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0154893
2015 Resource availability and estimated resource needs 2016-2030 for Fast-Track approach to “End AIDS” as a global public health threat Source: UNAIDS Estimates June 2016, UNAIDS-KFF reports on Financing the Response to AIDS in Low- and Middle-Income Countries till 2015, OECD CRS last accessed June 2015, FCAA Report on Philanthropic funding Dec 2015, update to fast-track investments , UNAIDS April 2016.
Domestic resource mobilization “Global Solidarity” and “Shared Responsibility” Countries could substantially increase their HIV domestic public investments through a mix of policies: Increased allocations to health in line with economic growth and within it increased investment to HIV in line with disease burden Innovative financing through modest earmarked taxes and levies Increased efficiency in public financial management, resource allocation and service delivery Highly concessional borrowing Some countries will still require international financing
Conclusion Second year on a row that availability to countries from international sources decrease 2014: New Funding Model, GFATM 2015: Less donor contributions, exchange rate 2014 to 2015 reduction = 13% L&MICs increase domestic spending (57% in 2015) Alarms: New HIV infections in adults are not declining Funding is not sufficient to reach Fast Track or the End of AIDS by 2030 Cost of Inaction: Pay now or pay significantly higher in lives, health and money