The WorkPlace Melting Pot Young Pups vs. Old Dogs
Multi-Generational workplace could provide opportunities Mixing Millennials and Baby Boomers in the Workplace – the old dogs and young pups can be a winning combination. Officeninjas post regarding collaboration with FirstJob, job site matches college grads with jobs.
Fortune 500 healthcare company address organization culture issues Details of drinking binge, blasted music from cubicle, mid- meeting naps prompt HR to ask for books, training programs, videos – anything to orient Millennial employees to norms and culture of the organization. Interview questions: Do I show up everyday? Can my Mom call about my benefits package? How often do you drug test? Forbes 2013
No Collar Workers study Looks at Gen Y hiring Work when they want to work Make their own hours, remote work preferred Want casual Fridays everyday Comfort and casual – don’t separate personal & professional dress Require immediate feedback Constant communication like Twitter influences expectations Want transparency Like to understand agency vision and strategies See the work environment as flat Titles and hierarchy are not understood or appreciated
Generational differences from Workforce management center ltd Traditionalists Baby Boomers Generation X Millenials/Gen Y Elizabeth Taylor Bob Dole Vets, Moral Authority, Post Depression hard times, hard work, savers, “giving back”, Delayed Reward Dedication, pay your dues, age=seniority, OTJ career & pension, Family/Community Meryl Streep Bill Clinton Equal rights, make a difference, personal gratification, high divorce rate. Live to work. Workaholics, long hours=self worth, skills=success Success Jennifer Lopez Barak Obama Balance, diversity, results driven, life/work balance, pragmatic, work to live. Work smart with more output, task=results, project oriented Time Ashton Kutcher Serena Williams Digital media, tech is answer, confident, ambition/not focused, Sense of entitlement, focus isn’t work. Multitasking, what’s next? Work=time between weekends Individuality
Workplace differences Traditional Baby Boomers Generation X Millenials/Gen Y Work is.... An Obligation Conservative Hierarchal, clear chain of command, top-down mgmt. Recognition, respect Job security, stability Defined rules, ethics Company has good reputation A Career then Retire Democratic, equal opportunity, flat organizational hierarchy, friendly Ability to shine, make contribution, clear job expectations, fit in Company represents good cause A Challenge, Contract Efficient, functional, fast paced, access to info & leadership, positive, informal Dynamic, cutting edge, value not seniority, engaged Company is forward thinking A Means to an End Positive, collaborative Highly creative, fun Flexible, diverse, achievement oriented Challenged, ongoing learning, positive, social, mentors vs chain of command Company helps fulfill their dreams.
Best Places to work… Directors weigh in Career Development Compensation and Benefits Work Environment and Schedules Employee Recognition and Team Building
Lessons learned Keep an open mind – sometimes things need to change but it’s also okay to explain why they can’t. Lack of understanding often contributes to misperceptions. Focus on the value of an employee to his/her program, department, and agency and not on how well they fit into the organization’s culture. Information sharing is the foundation for a good workplace; the way this is done has to be re-evaluated as the age and culture of the your workforce changes. Create opportunities for employees and particularly managers to have input and be respectful and objective when receiving that input! As your workforce gets younger, make sure your technology is getting newer. Relatively minor adaptation can usually bring compromise and consensus