Action Items List at PM#7 OFFRE XXXX Design, Manufacture, Transport and Integration on-site in Chile of ALMA Antennas Action Items List at PM#7
ACTIONS DATE Origin N° Status Description Responsible Due/done OFFRE XXXX ACTIONS DATE Origin N° Status Description Responsible Due/done Kick-Off Meeting A-009 Open Investigate electric loose brake instead of hydraulic. AEM EIE Design phase PM4 (from OSF Meeting) A-043 Insurance Details MT-A 2006-06-30 PM5 A-044 An updated spreadsheet (from the one in the Contract) on the geographical distribution shall be transmitted by AEM not later than the beginning of September AEM 2006-07-18 PM6 A-049 Thermal analysis of subreflector : presentation to do at PM7 PM7 A-052 Report of metrology design to be provided to ESO well before PPDR. A-001 Closed To provide the CV of the persons named in all the charts AEM AAS-F Project Plan A-002 Confirm the version of AUTOCAD that shall be used for drawings delivery. AEM mentioned that version 10 is an old one ESO End of week 51
Configuration Control Plan ACTIONS DATE Origin N° Status Description Responsible Due/done Kick-Off Meeting A-003 Closed Precise PDM systems and dedicated tools. AEM AAS-F Configuration Control Plan A-004 List of long lead items. AEM PM#1 A-005 Closed covered by N#29 List of information needed for the sand blasting and weather for panel qualification. AEM AAS-I A-006 Description of test to be done on the panel (damaged panel of the prototype). Test concerning the “aging”. PM#2 A-007 Preliminary specifications to ESO for the site working area. AEM MT-A 2006-01-13 A-008 Presentation of the status of the air flow of change (top bottom) possibility. AEM EIE Cancelled A-010 AEM to propose a campaign of test the Consortium wants to do for the metrology testing (and/or other issues)on the site of Socorro and their durations. AEM EIE + AAS-I 2006-01-20 A-011 List of items or subassembly to be qualified 2006-03-31
ACTIONS DATE Origin N° Status Description Responsible Due/done Kick-Off Meeting A-012 Closed Answer to AEM proposal for the date of the next progress meeting ESO 2005-12-23 A-013 Clarify inconsistencies of acronyms according to the statement of work. AEM AAS-F A-014 Provide a list for which the manufacturing has to start before PPDR AEM 2006-03-12 A-015 Comments to the preliminary schedule provided today (specifically design phase) 2006-01-13 A-016 ESO to clarify the status of FEM sent at T0 KO + 04 A-017 AEM to prepare the list of the documents which have to be ready at the end of the First phase of the Project (ending mid March) 2006-02-17 A-018 ESO to transmit the expected bearing capacity of the soil at the Work Area 2006-02-09 A-019 AEM to clarify their real needs on the bearing capacity at the work Area
ACTIONS DATE Origin N° Status Description Responsible Due/done OFFRE XXXX ACTIONS DATE Origin N° Status Description Responsible Due/done KO + 04 A-020 Closed AEM to transmit the update of the Work Area Specification AEM 2006-02-24 A-021 ESO to transmit to AEM the relevant information in order to follow on the issue on the discrepancy noted by the JATG campaign. ESO 2006-02-21 A-022 AEM will issue a TM on technical clarification desired on RAM specification 2006-02-09 A-023 ESO to communicate to AEM the decision about the presence on ATF site for the week 6 2006-02-03 PM2 A-024 ESO to trace the DWG of the ICD front end and to transmit in electronic format 2006-03-06 A-025 ESO to comment on the proposed labelling system used for documents 2006-03-10 A-026 ESO to comment on the numbering of the parts
ACTIONS DATE Origin N° Status Description Responsible Due/done PM2 Closed AEM to verify the status for qualification of click bonds wrt 30 years lifetime AEM 2006-03-17 A-028 AEM to transmit to ESO the minimum working distance between two rows of antenna stations at the proposed work area and the type and characteristics of the assembly crane planned to be used at the work area 2006-03-10 A-029 AEM to prepare a TM summarizing their proposal for the delta qualification of the panels PM3 A-030 AEM to transmit a TM with specific question about cabling A-031 ESO to check measurement of scattering can be done on panel issue, in ESO facilities ESO PM4 (from OSF Meeting) A-032 Bearing capacity 2006-05-31 A-033 Fork lift operation MT-A 2006-06-09 A-034 Cross section
ACTIONS DATE Origin N° Status Description Responsible Due/done PM4 (from OSF Meeting) A-035 Closed Foundation design ESO 2006-05-31 A-036 Delivery point location MT-A 2006-06-09 A-037 Vaults definition A-038 Water usage A-039 Communication rates ASAP A-040 Telephone extensions A-041 Personnel numbers, grades and profiles A-042 Date of work area update 09/05/2006 at OSF Meeting
ACTIONS DATE Origin N° Status Description Responsible Due/done PM5 Closed A meeting will be performed for the cabin internal layout ESO / AEM 2006-07-18 A-046 Cancelled at PM6 Brakes : the Consortium will explain in a dedicated Technical Note that they may not meet the 0,5 sec requirement AEM A-047 Power distribution system / power budget with utilization and contemporeaneity factors : TM to be sent by AEM on ICC value A-048 ESO has to define what is "overtemperature" ESO PM6 A-050 answer to AEM -ESO TM12 A-051 Power distribution : TM on caracteristics for circuit breakers to be provided