San Pedro HS Olguin Campus Back-to–School Night WELCOME TO ROOM E108
MR HOLYFIELD Intervention provided: “SLC Information: Marine Science/Police Academy Magnet, Lead teacher: Ms. Alvarenga, Counselor: Ms. Fistikoglu Intervention provided: An 8 Period Schedule Beyond -the-Bell tutoring
Subjects/Grade levels ODD EVEN 1. CC GEO 2. IntroComp 3. CC GEO 4. IntroComp 5. CC GEO 6. CC GEO 7. Conference 8. Conference At San Pedro High students, teachers, and parents work together to make learning better!
Syllabus / Parent Letter WELCOME to San Pedro High School Math Department’s Geometry, Periods 1, 3, 5, 6 Rm E108, I am MR. HOLYFIELD Fall 2016 The major emphasis of this course is to assist students in achieving mastery of the skills of Algebra I. These skills may then be used to study higher mathematics. This course meets the requirements of four-year colleges and universities and is designed in accordance with the Common Core State Standards. According to the Mathematics Framework for California Schools, topics covered throughout the semester include: Applying Fractions, Introduction to Functions, Systems of Linear Equations, Inequalities, Rational and Irrational Numbers, and Quadratic Functions from the Holliday Algebra text. The Common Core State Standards for this semester are: Unit 2: Linear and Exponential Relationships, Unit 4: Expressions and Equations, and Unit 5: Quadratic Functions and Modeling. Instructional activities will consist of lectures and demonstrations in class, review of previous assignments and homework, and teacher-assisted practice in the form of classwork. Homework will be assigned daily and is of the utmost importance in developing, mastering, and maintaining the concepts being taught in this course. A JOURNAL, which should include grade reports, notes, homework, quizzes, and assessments, is required in this class and will be graded regularly. Your Grade is based on an organized Journal, Homework (warm-up/notes/examples/participation/HW), Quizzes, Tests, and Misc. A complete, conscientious effort in doing your work will raise your grade just as lack of work will lower it. A=90, B=80, C=70, D=60, F=0-59. No late work unless after an excused absence. You may track your grade at In addition, we will, to the best of our combined abilities, create a unique culture in each class that seeks to achieve San Pedro’s Expected Schoolwide Learning Results in an effort to prepare each of you to be Academic Achievers, Effective Communicators, and Quality Producers who are Responsible, Healthy, Self-Directed Adults. It is vitally important that students, parents and teachers work together. A concentrated effort will assure each of us a successful educational experience in this class. Class Conventions begin with RESPECT: yourself, others, property, and keeping the room clean. Also: -Be in your seat BEFORE the tardy bell BEGINS to ring. Start working without delay or prompting. -Bring all necessary supplies every day. (Exception: days that begin with S) -Bring only what you need to work (keep electronics, food, drink (H2O Ok), and grooming outside). -Observe all other school rules. -CHEATING Consequences: As a Naval Academy graduate, I take cheating very seriously. Don’t Cheat! If you do, we do this: Tell Office/Parents/Coach, Math Standards, 2 hours detention, 5 Paragraph essay typed, 0 on assignment, maintain butter attitude, etc., depending on the incident. I look forward to a successful educational experience this semester. Please contact me if I can be of assistance. Sincerely, J. Holyfield Mr. J. Holyfield, SPHS, (310)519-6501 I have read and understand the above. (Please do not cut here) _____________________ _______________________ _________________________ FIRST LAST Student’s Signature Parent’s Signature
Grading Criteria Grading Scale 89.5=A, 79.5=B, 69.5=C, 59.5=D, <59.5=F (late work after 15wks) (best way to keep in touch)
Classroom Expectations Class Conventions begin with RESPECT: yourself, others, property, and keeping the room clean. Also: -Be in your seat BEFORE the tardy bell BEGINS to ring. Start working without delay or prompting. -Bring all necessary supplies every day. (Exception: days that begin with S) -Bring only what you need to work (keep electronics, food, drink (H2O Ok), and grooming outside). -Observe all other school rules.
Intro to Computers A typing/keyboard skills class Uses Typing Quest Last ½ hr = study hall 10pt Lessons 20pt Tests Laptop carts in class Advisory/tutoring option
Classroom Instruction UCPs used during class. i.e. graphic organizers, exit strategies Teaching strategies to increase understanding (Cooperative groups, Talk time, discussion, Think-Pair-Share, Checks for understanding, all leading to higher levels of thinking) Common Core