Sword of Honour Globe of Honour Awarding criteria, format and timeline for 2017 schemes
What are the awards? Sword of Honour Recognises exemplary performance (the ‘best of the best’) in occupational health and safety management from around the globe. Globe of Honour Recognises exemplary performance (the ‘best of the best’) in environmental management from around the globe.
Why apply? Highly regarded by those at the forefront of health, safety and environmental management, the awards: recognise commitment to the highest standards recognise achievement of exemplary performance brings together hundreds of likeminded leaders in the sector publicise winners’ achievements to an international audience offer opportunity to attend the prestigious award ceremony earn winners the logo and sword or globe trophy.
What 2016 winners have to say “An excellent opportunity to showcase our safety efforts and celebrate our success. It also provides us with the assurance that we are doing things right, although there is always more we can do. The event provides excellent networking opportunities to talk and discuss issues with other safety professionals, priceless!“ Craig Barker, Head of Safety and Environment, National Express
What 2016 winners have to say "The achievement of winning the two awards coupled with the 5 star audit result is a very significant milestone in the development of our business. This process has provided good third party recognition for the achievements of the whole workforce in sustaining a culture of excellence in both compliance disciplines.“ Mark Anderson, Maintenance Manager, Ricoh UK Products Ltd
Supporting your success You have already made a significant start to achieving the award as 40% of your application will be determined by reference to your audit score.
Supporting your success Explicit link with audit process Recognition of prior achievement in the audit Flexibility/scope for innovative responses A four-part response worth up to 15 marks for each part Less writing Reduced writing burden (max 3,000 words)
Written application scoring criteria A maximum of 60 marks are available for the written application. Applicants must score a minimum of 45 marks to remain eligible. A minimum of two individual responses must be scored within the top mark band (11-15 marks). Submissions will become ineligible should any individual responses be scored within the lower mark band (0-5 marks). Responses to each sub-question must not exceed 750 words per sub-question
Marking schemes To ensure you are fully prepared prior to submitting your application please read the marking scheme available via the links below Sword of Honour Marking Scheme Globe of Honour Marking Scheme
2016 Chief Adjudicator’s Reports Learn from previous applicants approaches 2016 Sword of Honour Chief Adjudicator’s Report 2016 Globe of Honour Chief Adjudicator’s Report
Key Takeaways Higher scoring applicants: Answered all aspects of each question and adhered closely to the marking scheme Followed guidance from the marking schemes and Chief Adjudicator’s Reports Provided clear, succinct and well structured answers Developed responses incorporating a clear link to the Audit findings Addressed both the health and safety factors when asked about health and safety Incorporated relevant examples effectively.
When completing your application Download and study the 2016 Chief Adjudicator's Report Read and analyse each question carefully Always refer closely to the marking scheme when preparing your answers All applications must be submitted in English Keep each question response to 750 words Respond with plain text only - images, tables, graphs or similar are not permitted and will not be considered No supporting documents required or permitted.
Assessing the written component The written application is assessed by the British Safety Council’s appointed panel of adjudicators The adjudicators are all independent and suitably experienced All adjudicators currently act as senior-level practitioners of occupational health and safety or environmental management The adjudicators are subject to BSC standardisation processes and marking of the award applications is carefully quality-assured throughout.
Key dates for 2017 5 June: Application form and marking scheme issued to eligible organisations 1 September: Deadline for the receipt of completed applications 6 October: Results emailed to applicants 20 October: Deadline for result enquiries 24 November: Celebratory luncheon for winners in the City of London
Further information For more information please visit www.britsafe.org/awards-and-events/awards/sword-and-globe- of-honour/ Good luck and we look forward to receiving your application.
When you achieve success, we recognise your efforts. Document title