ESRI Story Map Tutorial Communicating Your Science Stories ESRI Story Map Tutorial
Overview of Story Map Steps Make free ESRI account Set goals for your story – what are you communicating? Choose appropriate format Divide your message into logical segments Make an ArcGIS map online (can be blank) Fill in content of story map Make public, share, embed * For story maps, discuss with lab web manager about group esri account to reduce number of users
Set goals for your message Personal webpage Research experiment and results Communicate scientific concept Highlight important locations
Choose a format for your message
Divide your message into logical segments Lab webpage General 1st, 2nd, 3rd chapters Contact Publications Research story or blog Problem or purpose What you did What’s happening, where Implications for society More examples For lab webpage, logical sections would be the major chapters of your research For presenting a research story, you could follow the outline of the message box
Gather image & video for segments Upload media to Wordpress, Youtube, etc. ESRI will not host your media with free account. Only displays media via links.
Make an ArcGIS map online Each StoryMap based around an online map (but you don’t have to use it) Can use >1 map Map tips CSV or zipped shapefile only (no raster files) Make separate layers for display vs analysis Logical column names Withdraw sensitive info Present only relevant details for callout boxes
Build your StoryMap Create segments Set map actions Fill segments Customize header logos Publish and share Embed in your UCSC webpage!
Embed in webpage using iframes Install iframes plugin on your WordPress account Embed link to StoryMap: [iframe src=“link” width = “x_pixels” height = “y_pixels”] Set dimensions to work on phone and laptop screens Must install iframes plugin on your wordpress account one time Embed link using the following
More Information ESRI has many StoryMap tutorials Gallery of StoryMaps More advanced formats More advanced mapping Gallery of StoryMaps Browse by format Browse by topic Browse by contest winners ArcGIS online map tutorial Content and style for map Manipulate layers Callouts and popups